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October 1, 1899 GH October 1, 1899, par. 6

Medical Missionary Work GH October 1, 1899


“Ever since we came into this missionary field we have been engaged in the work truly called Medical Missionary work. In this work we have seen the marked working of the Holy Spirit of God in the restoration of the sick. We have seen the wonderful works of God upon the hearts of men who were using tobacco and drinking liquor. GH October 1, 1899, par. 1

“We have seen the power of God accomplishing the transformation of character, and individuals have been tested and proved and brought out of bondage into the liberty of the Gospel, and they are converted men and women. They find in Christ Jesus all that is satisfying. We see such great things accomplished that our hearts are humbled before God. The redemption and restoration of the soul is not our work but the Lord's work. It is the work of Jesus Christ, the Life-giver. GH October 1, 1899, par. 2

“The cause we knew not we have searched out. There are whole families that this work has been instrumental in saving. This is Medical Missionary work. We had no hospital, but we used our own home as a place to which could be taken the sick and suffering, that they might be restored and saved. We have used our means to aid these people to get homes—a piece of land, and a house to live in. GH October 1, 1899, par. 3

“In one case there was a family at Parramatta*The original publication had the spelling “Parametta.”, consisting of father and mother and ten children. The father was a mechanic and came to work upon the meeting house and school building and brought his three eldest boys. The wife and mother remained at home taking care of seven children until a place could be made for her. We let them occupy a small house of mine, which we furnished, so that they could keep house for themselves. GH October 1, 1899, par. 4

“One of the boys who came with the father was a cripple, using crutches, and he cooked while the others worked. This boy is thirteen years old, and had been troubled with a knee-swelling for five years. For eleven months he was confined to his bed under the care of a physician. Sister McEnterfer had treated him with water compresses and pulverized charcoal, until the inflammation had been relieved. He was so much better that he laid aside his crutches, and attended to the cooking, as has been mentioned. But this was too much, and the knee troubled him again. It was necessary to give him a thorough course of treatment, so we took him into my own house and gave him constant care. There was a large swelling under the knee, which he called his ‘egg.’ This swelling was opened and discharged freely, and from it were taken pieces of bone. GH October 1, 1899, par. 5

“What power there is in water! He improved rapidly, and he was given light work,—copying letters in the letter-book, learning to write on the type-writer and other things. We now send him to school. We board and clothe him and his father pays his tuition. We keep him for the benefit we may do the boy and he is good material to work upon. The father and mother cannot express their gratitude; for physicians, who had previously examined and treated the boy, had told them that he would be a cripple for life. The parents now look upon the boy—active and healthy, and you can judge how they feel. This is our field for missionary work. GH October 1, 1899, par. 6

“We have helped them to get a piece of land, and the family is now united, rejoicing in a home of their own. They have a temporary house composed of a tent, the bark of trees, and corrugated iron roofing. They will soon be able to build a humble cottage of their own. The father is a carpenter, and the two eldest sons work with him. GH October 1, 1899, par. 7

“The mother, discouraged and overworked, had given up trying to be a Christian, but her heart has broken before God, because we have brought hope and courage to the whole family. GH October 1, 1899, par. 8

“This boy is the third case of terribly injured limbs which have been cured by simple remedies. In each case they have been pronounced incurable by physicians. These cases have been maltreated, and it was thought that blood-poisoning had set in, in two cases. Sister McEnterfer took these cases and treated them with great pains-taking effort for weeks. GH October 1, 1899, par. 9

“In one case we made a hospital of our home, taking care of the boy and his aunt who came with him, while the case was being treated. Sister McEnterfer accepts nothing for her labor, for I want all to know that we do this for the love of God. Case after case has received relief where physicians have failed, after charging enormous sums for their services, sometimes twenty-five and fifty dollars for a visit. In their extremity these poor souls have sent for Sister McEnterfer, and days and nights she has been five and six miles on horse-back, in the bush, where no carriage could go. GH October 1, 1899, par. 10

“I might tell of reformations in families. The history of breaking off from tobacco and tea and coffee. I could tell of many instances where such have been truly converted, and are now standing firm for health reform. One, a fisherman and boat-maker, smoked his pipe and drank his tea even after he went to bed. He was a tea-inebriate. It took time; but he was converted. He listened to Bible readings given in certain houses and learned the truth from the Bible. The health-reform was taught and he was lead along step by step. The man carries the unmistakable marks that the Lord has wrought in his behalf. Many families have cast away tobacco and tea and coffee and liquor, and the ministry of the Word has been brought home to their hearts and convicted them of sin and righteousness and judgment. GH October 1, 1899, par. 11

“One man, who, in prosperous times, was a well-to-do livery-man, became sick and poor, and the whole family, numbering eight, were all sick with influenza. A young man who had learned lessons in the Health Home, nursed the father, and Sister McEnterfer cared for the mother and the children, and all recovered. The father and mother came to our meetings, were convicted, and both were converted; and the father threw his pipe into the fire. When his wife saw this she cried most heartily. ‘Are you feeling bad because I broke my pipe?’ She said, ‘Oh, no; but I thought when my family was supported by the washings I was taking from place to place, I had to give of my little to buy tobacco. Why did you not do this before’ Said he, ‘Wife, I was not before understanding the sinfulness of tobacco using, and liquor and tea drinking; but I will not grieve you any more. If Brother and Sister White will give me work to do I will earn money now to support my wife and children.’ He has worked steadily for one year, and he says, ‘I look at my self and say: Is this Hungerford? I really scarcely know myself,—eating proper food and enjoying physical strength,—I am coming up from being sick and discouraged, and work like a strong man.’” GH October 1, 1899, par. 12