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What Was It Like In The Beginning Days Of Your Work? LASW 20

My husband with his ax went into the woods to chop. He worked from early morning till dark, to earn about fifty cents a day. He was prevented from sleeping nights, by pain. In the morning I felt grateful to God that He had preserved me through another night, and at night I was thankful that He had kept me through another day. Our provisions were gone, and my husband went to his employer to get money for provisions. It was a stormy day. He walked three miles and back, passed through the village where he had often lectured, with a bag of provisions on his back. As he entered the house very weary, my heart sunk within me. My first feelings were that God had forsaken us. I said to my husband, Have we come to this? Has the Lord left us? I wept. At this time I was shown that the Lord had been trying us for our good, and to prepare us to labor for others; that He had been stirring up our nest, lest we should settle down in ease; that our work was to labor for souls. LASW 20.3

We were resolved to suffer rather than get into debt. I allowed myself and child one pint of milk each day. In the morning before my husband went to his work, he left me nine cents to buy milk for three mornings. It was quite a study with me whether to deny myself and child of milk, or get an apron for him. I gave up the milk, and purchased the cloth for an apron to cover the bare arms of my child. 8Spiritual Gifts 2:88, 89. LASW 22.1