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Ingredients of the Otsego Health Vision MOL 283

What was so electrifying, so sweeping, so full of promise in the Otsego health vision? 44Spiritual Gifts 4a:120-151. See Counsels on Diet and Foods, 481-494. The 33 core principles were: MOL 283.5

1. Those who do not control their appetite in eating are guilty of intemperance. MOL 283.6

2. Swine’s flesh is not to be eaten under any circumstance. MOL 283.7

3. Tobacco in any form is a slow poison. MOL 283.8

4. Strict cleanliness of the body and home premises is important. MOL 283.9

5. Tea and coffee, similar to tobacco, are slow poisons. MOL 283.10

6. Rich cake, pies, and puddings are injurious. MOL 283.11

7. Eating between meals injures the stomach and digestive process. MOL 283.12

8. Adequate time must be allowed between meals, giving the stomach time to rest. MOL 283.13

9. If a third meal is taken, it should be light and several hours before bedtime. MOL 283.14

10. People used to meat, gravies, and pastries do not immediately relish a plain, wholesome diet. MOL 284.1

11. Gluttonous appetite contributes to indulgence of corrupt passions. MOL 284.2

12. Turning to a plain, nutritious diet may overcome the physical damage caused by a wrong diet. MOL 284.3

13. Reforms in eating will save expense and labor. MOL 284.4

14. Children eating flesh meat and spicy foods have strong tendencies toward sexual indulgences. MOL 284.5

15. Poisonous drugs used as medical prescriptions kill more people than all other causes of death combined. MOL 284.6

16. Pure water should be used freely in maintaining health and curing illnesses. MOL 284.7

17. Nature alone has curative powers. MOL 284.8

18. Common medicines, such as strychnine, opium, calomel, mercury, and quinine, are poisons. MOL 284.9

19. Parents transmit their weaknesses to their children; prenatal influences are enormous. MOL 284.10

20. Obeying the laws of health will prevent many illnesses. MOL 284.11

21. God is too often blamed for deaths caused by violation of nature’s laws. MOL 284.12

22. Light and pure air are required, especially in the sleeping quarters. MOL 284.13

23. Bathing, even a sponge bath, will be beneficial on rising in the morning. MOL 284.14

24. God will not work healing miracles for those who continually violate the laws of health. MOL 284.15

25. Many invalids have no physical cause for their illness; they have a diseased imagination. MOL 284.16

26. Cheerful, physical labor will help to create a healthy, cheerful disposition. MOL 284.17

27. Willpower has much to do with resisting disease and soothing nerves. MOL 284.18

28. Outdoor exercise is very important to health of mind and body. MOL 284.19

29. Overwork breaks down both mind and body; routine daily rest is necessary. MOL 284.20

30. Many die of disease caused wholly by eating flesh food. MOL 284.21

31. Caring for health is a spiritual matter, reflecting a person’s commitment to God. MOL 284.22

32. A healthy mind and body directly affects one’s morals and one’s ability to discern truth. MOL 284.23

33. All God’s promises are given on condition of obedience. MOL 284.24