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What Drives Motivations MOL 495

Only God can read motives as to why a person rejects the light of truth, whether it be reflected in the face and words of Jesus Himself, or as presented through His prophets. Each individual has his or her own personal experience composed of circumstances that collectively are unique. No other person knows the configuration of those circumstances and thus is not capable of judging another’s decision fairly. Yet a pattern has developed through the years that is shared by most critics. MOL 495.9

In 1868 Uriah Smith wrote a brochure entitled “The Visions of Mrs. E. G. White—A Manifestation of Spiritual Gifts According to the Scriptures.” Very few people worked more closely with James and Ellen White, or for a longer period of time. He reviewed the Biblical basis for spiritual gifts and listed the fruit of Mrs. White’s ministry: (1) “They tend to the purest morality“: (2) “They lead us to Christ“: (3) “They lead us to the Bible“: (4) “They have brought comfort and consolation to many hearts“: (5) “They have never been known to counsel evil or devise wickedness.” MOL 496.1