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The Chart APAY 328

(See the chart on the end leaves.) APAY 328.5

Explanatory note: The chart “Development of Some of the Ellen G. White Books” presents in simple form a picture of the relationship of issuance and content of the various Ellen White books prepared before the death of Mrs. White. The early visions are easily traced from their first printed form in articles and broadsides to the current Early Writings. “An Explanation” of some misunderstood statements in the early published visions is seen to be carried through to Early Writings in amplified form, finding its place in the central section of the book. The views of the great conflict are shown to be first published in 1858 and then traced through to the last section of Early Writings. They are also shown to be set forth in amplified form, first in the four volumes of Spirit of Prophecy (1870-84), and finally in the Conflict of the Ages Series (1888-1916). The current books represent an amplified rewritten account based upon the basic great-controversy vision of 1858 and many succeeding views which opened the subject much more fully to the author. APAY 328.6

The Testimonies for the Church began with a single sixteen-page pamphlet in 1855, which, with twenty-nine other similar but larger pamphlets, was, in 1885, reprinted in our present Testimonies, volumes 1 to 4. Then the series is seen to be enlarged to nine by the addition of five other volumes in succeeding years. The earlier articles were reprinted, and the series grew as additional volumes of counsel were added. APAY 329.1

It will be noted that a number of the books have their roots in earlier volumes, particularly in the Testimonies. In some cases chapters or portions of chapters have formed parts of later productions, as with Christian Education (1894) or Gospel Workers (1892). At other times the subject matter presented first in the earlier books was rewritten and greatly amplified by Mrs. White in later productions. See Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene (1890), and The Ministry of Healing (1905). Such rewriting and expansion are attributed, first, to ever-widening views as presented to the author; second, to a rapidly expanding denominational work; and third, to a broadening field of distribution, in a number of cases reaching beyond the church to serve the world. APAY 329.2

The books issued after Ellen White’s death are compilations drawn largely from her earlier out-of-print books, periodical articles, and manuscript files. A complete list of Ellen White books will be found in Appendix B, on pages 482-485. APAY 329.3