Without further ado Ellen White requested Willie to send a telegram to Elder Burden, saying, “Secure the property at once.” She followed it with a letter, dated Sunday, May 14: WV 467.1
Your letter has just been read. I had no sooner finished reading it than I said, “I will consult no one; for I have no question at all about the matter.” I advised Willie to send you a telegram without spending time to ask the advice of the brethren. Secure the property by all means, so that it can be held, and then obtain all the money you can and make sufficient payments to hold the place. This is the very property that we ought to have. Do not delay; for it is just what is needed.... WV 467.2
Here is the word of the Lord. Open up every place possible. We are to labor in faith, taking hold of a power that is pledged to do large things for us. We are to reach out in faith in Los Angeles and in Redlands and Riverside (Letter 139, 1905). WV 467.3
In defense of her unprecedented action, she declared: “I considered that the advantages of this location authorized me to speak positively regarding this matter” (Letter 247, 1905). WV 467.4
Here was the situation facing John Burden: WV 467.5
He had been directed to “secure the property”! With what? WV 467.6
The officers of the Southern California Conference had wired from Washington that they could take no responsibility whatever in the matter. WV 467.7
One telegram signed by conference officers and Ellen White urged Burden to delay action till they returned to the West. But circumstances did not warrant this. Burden could delay action on the deal only till Friday, May 26. On that date, if the property was to be held he must make a payment of $1,000 to bind the contract until Thursday, June 15. By then conference officers and Ellen White and her son would be back. WV 467.8