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Favorable Impressions 4BIO 169

The many visitors who came onto the grounds were very favorably impressed, and expressed their appreciation of the reception tent and the dining tent, with the oilcloth-covered tables set attractively. The cleanliness and order, and the taste in arrangements, added relish to the good meals served. The book tent also attracted many who visited the camp meeting. 4BIO 169.8

Those on the grounds felt that there was more than one way to witness. Observed Ellen White: 4BIO 170.1

Some of the campers brought their cookstoves and had their tents so arranged that in passing by, one could see the neatly and bountifully set tables, the white beds, and attractive sitting rooms. Those who tented upon the ground were certainly comfortable in their tents.—Manuscript 1, 1895. 4BIO 170.2

In the same manuscript she wrote of the camp meeting near its close: 4BIO 170.3

The man who has brought the lumber which we have used on the ground has favored us in every possible way. He has attended the meetings and is now convinced of the truth. He is a local minister, and he says that he has tried to get the Ashfield people to attend church, but he could not persuade them to do so. The very people for whom he has been anxious are now attending our meetings, and you could not get them to remain away. Several are under deep conviction, and the interest grows. In conversation with him, Brother Corliss told him that we designed moving the tent to another locality. He remarked that he himself and many others would be sorry to see the tent moved. He also said, “I am with you, for you have the truth.”

A good press was given to the meetings, as reported in the Bible Echo: 4BIO 170.4

Many papers in Sydney, in other parts of New South Wales, and even in other colonies, freely opened their columns to reports of the camp meeting at Ashfield, New South Wales. 4BIO 170.5

Two influential and leading papers in Sydney, the Town and Country Journal and the Sydney Mail, used cuts of the campground in connection with the reports.—November 19, 1894. 4BIO 170.6

Ellen White reported on another interesting development: 4BIO 170.7

Last Friday the Baptists, of their own accord, offered our ministers the use of the baptistry of their church, and they wished to have a discourse preached upon baptism to their church members. The favor was accepted, and sixteen believers went forward in baptism. The Baptists say it was the most perfectly conducted service they ever witnessed.—Letter 43, 1894.

During the camp meeting Ellen White spoke eight times to the congregations in the large tent (Ibid.). She also attended and participated in almost all the early-morning devotional meetings, in which she on two occasions read from manuscript prepared there on the grounds on the subject of education. 4BIO 171.1