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Ellen White's Last Weekend with the Christiania Church 3BIO 327

Ellen White had now come to her closing labors with the Christiania church. It was a crucial time, for her pointed messages through the week had called for soul searching and reform. 3BIO 327.1

Sabbath morning she took her place before the congregation and spoke very earnestly upon Joshua and the angel. Mr. Hansen, the building contractor who had been lax in his views of Sabbath observance, was with his wife in the audience. Ellen White reported: 3BIO 327.2

I think the minds of many were impressed. I spoke plainly in regard to the Sabbath and its importance as a part of the message. The house was full. Brother Hansen left as soon as I had done speaking.—Letter 35, 1885. 3BIO 327.3

During the week she had written a sixteen-page testimony to the Christiania church. A. B. Oyen had already translated much of it. Sabbath afternoon he read to the church the portion translated. Ellen White's interest and concern is easily detected in her report to her son: 3BIO 327.4

There was not time for many testimonies to be borne afterward. Brother Hansen made no response, but he sent word that he would be pleased to take me over the city on Sunday forenoon, and I responded that I would be pleased to go. 3BIO 327.5

He showed me every attention and I managed to bring in again the vexed question of the Sabbath. He said he meant to get around to change his position just as soon as he could, and we had a very pleasant social time. He sat in the carriage where Sara generally sits. Annie sat beside him to interpret. He said if I would promise to come next spring he would make extra efforts to learn to talk and to understand English. I told him I thought without doubt I would come.—Ibid. 3BIO 327.6

Her last meeting in Christiania was held that Sunday afternoon at three o'clock in the Good Templars’ hall, where she had met with the church Sabbaths and evenings. 3BIO 328.1

As she closed the service she bade the people farewell and thought to slip away, while the congregation was singing, to the carriage she saw waiting for her: 3BIO 328.2

But I was not to escape so easily. There was a rush for me and one and another took my hand, kissed it, and with tears running down their faces, told me how much good my message had done them. They held my hand so firmly and lovingly I could not withdraw it readily, while others were waiting to shake hands with me. The carriage was surrounded. We just had to wait, and then I was so sorry I had not waited in the house and shaken hands with every one of them.... 3BIO 328.3

This last meeting left a good feeling with nearly all, and I am inclined to think that all has been done that could be done on this visit.—Ibid. 3BIO 328.4

At half past six the next morning—long before daylight—she left by train. A large number of the believers, including Brother and Sister Hansen, were there to see her off. 3BIO 328.5