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The Ministerial Institute 3BIO 127

Paralleling the General Conference and its auxiliary meetings was the ministerial institute, attended by 112 ministers and ministers-in-training. It was to have opened on October 22, but except for lectures given each evening, the work of the institute proper did not commence until mid-November. James White gave the opening lecture “on the great subject of prophecy, the place it occupies in the divine Word, and its use to the church” (Ibid.). The plans announced for the institute suggested that “one hour each day be devoted to penmanship, one hour to English grammar, and one hour to rhetoric” (Ibid., October 23, 1879). One lecture each day would be given by Dr. Kellogg on various phases of health reform, physiology, and hygiene. A class in elocution was also planned, to be taught by a Professor Hamill, of Chicago. 3BIO 127.4

The institute continued until Wednesday, December 3. The Review and Herald reported that: 3BIO 127.5

As a whole, it has been a pleasant and encouraging season. Light on many points has been brought out.... A large amount of instruction, especially to ministers, of the most vital importance, has been given. The Lord has greatly helped Brother and Sister White to speak, and has given them His word fruitfully.—Ibid., December 4, 1879 3BIO 128.1