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Chapter 4—A Time of Light and Darkness CEESDAH 31

Another reference is made to the experience at Battle Creek, one which in some respects sounds much like what was written at the time of the Healdsburg experience. This statement opens the chapter in Selected Messages, book 1, beginning on page 129, entitled “Safeguarding the New Experience.” CEESDAH 31.17

It reads: CEESDAH 31.18

“After the outpouring of the Spirit of God in Battle Creek it was proved in the college that a time of great spiritual light is also a time of corresponding spiritual darkness. Satan and his legions of satanic agencies are on the ground, pressing their powers upon every soul to make of none effect the showers of grace that have come from heaven to revive and quicken the dormant energies into decided action to impart that which God has imparted. Had all the many souls, then enlightened, gone to work at once to impart to others that which God had given to them for that very purpose, more light would have been given, more power bestowed. God does not give light merely for one person but that he may diffuse light, and God be glorified.

“In every age seasons of spiritual revival and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit have been followed by spiritual darkness and prevailing corruptions. Taking into account that which God has done in opportunities and privileges and blessings in Battle Creek, the church has not made honorable progress in doing her work, and God’s blessing will not rest upon the church in advancing still more light until they use the light as God has directed in His Word. The light that would shine in clear and distinct rays will grow dim amid the moral darkness. The aggressive power of the truth of God is dependent upon the cooperation of the human agent with God in piety, in zeal, in unselfish efforts to get the light of truth before others.”—Manuscript 45, 1893. (Italics supplied.)

In a letter written in 1893 Ellen White went into detail in opening up just what had taken place and why. Here is what she wrote: CEESDAH 32.1

“There have been things written to me in regard to the movings of the Spirit of God at the last conference [1893], and at the college, which clearly indicate that because these blessings were not lived up to, minds have been confused, and that which was light from heaven has been called excitement. I have been made sad to have this matter viewed in this light. We must be very careful not to grieve the Holy Spirit of God, in pronouncing the ministration of His Holy Spirit a species of fanaticism. How shall we understand the working of the Spirit of God if it was not revealed in clear and unmistakable lines, not only in Battle Creek but in many places?

“I am not surprised that anyone should be confused at the after result. But in my experience of the past forty-nine years I have seen much of these things, and I have known that God has wrought in a marked manner; and let no one venture to say this is not the Spirit of God. It is just that which we are authorized to believe and pray for, for God is more willing to give the Holy Spirit to them that ask Him than parents are to give good gifts unto their children.

“But the Holy Spirit is not for the human agent to work; it is to work and use the human agent. That God did abundantly bless the students in the school and the church, I have not one doubt; but a period of great light and the outpouring of the Spirit is quite generally followed by a time of great darkness. Why? Because the enemy works with all his deceiving energies to make of none effect the deep movings of the Spirit of God on the human subject.

“When the students at the school went into their match games and football playing, when they became absorbed in the amusement question, Satan saw it a good time to step in and make of none effect the Holy Spirit of God in molding and using the human subject. Had the teachers to a man done their duty, had they realized their accountability, had they stood in moral independence before God, had they used the ability which God had given them according to the sanctification of the Spirit through the love of the truth, they would have had spiritual strength and divine enlightenment to press on and on and upward on the ladder of progress reaching heavenward. The fact is evident that they did not appreciate or walk in the light or follow the Light of the world.

“It is an easy matter to idle away, talk and play away, the Holy Spirit’s influence. To walk in the light is to keep moving onward in the direction of light. If the one blessed becomes negligent and inattentive and does not watch unto prayer, if he does not lift the cross and bear the yoke of Christ, if his love of amusements and strivings for the mastery absorb his power or ability, then God is not made the first and best and last in everything, and Satan comes in to act his part in playing the game of life for his soul. He can play much more earnestly than they can play, and make deep-laid plots for the ruin of the soul....

“The results after the working of the Spirit of God in Battle Creek are not because of fanaticism, but because those who were blessed did not show forth the praises of Him who called them out of darkness into His marvelous light; and when the earth is lightened with the glory of God, some will not know what it is, and from whence it came, because they misapplied and misinterpreted the Spirit shed upon them.

“God is a jealous God of His own glory. He will not honor those who dishonor Him. Some persons living in the light ought to have instructed these souls young in experience to walk in the light after they had received the light. I wish I had time to write more fully, but I fear I have not.”—Selected Messages 1:130-132. (Italics supplied.)

In the days that followed, Ellen White made a number of references to the experience at Battle Creek. She did so in two articles she prepared for the Review and Herald, one appearing in the issue of January 30, 1894, and the other on February 6. Limited space in this article precludes our quoting further. Those interested may read the Review articles as published in Selected Messages 1:133-143. She makes clear the provisions that God has made for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and she points out those factors that hinder the work as God would have it done. She depicts the appreciative child of God who wishes to retain the experience of special blessing as one who not only walks in the light, but works diligently for those about him. CEESDAH 32.2

Then she wrote: CEESDAH 32.3

“If there is any one thing in the world in which we may manifest enthusiasm, it may be manifested in seeking the salvation of souls for whom Christ died.”—Selected Messages 1:139.

It should be noted that in the revival experiences both at Healdsburg and Battle Creek, as reported in these articles and supported so abundantly with records of the times, there was no ecstatic experiences heralding the reception of the Holy Spirit—no speaking in unknown tongues. In each case, both in the witness of those who were present and in Ellen White’s dealing with the matter, it is indicated that there was a calm, solemn work, unmarked by special excitement. In both cases fanaticism intruded itself, and Ellen White indicates that in every genuine experience we may expect that there will be some with a fanatical nature who will join in and carry things to extremes. But even so in these two experiences it did not manifest itself in speaking in tongues. There may be lessons here for us to ponder. CEESDAH 32.4