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Instruction in Homes and in Schools MM 265

In San Bernardino Dr. ----- has found many openings for educational work. About three months ago she began to conduct studies in cooking, healthful dress, and general hygiene, with some of the families of our own church. She was assisted in her work by some of the helpers from the sanitarium who were able to give practical demonstrations in healthful cooking and in simple nursing. MM 265.3

Neighbors were invited to attend these demonstrations, and some who were present by invitation requested that similar studies be given in their homes, to which they might invite some of their friends. Thus the work grew rapidly, until Dr. ----- was unable to respond to all the requests she received. Her work was brought to the attention of the superintendent of public schools, and at his invitation she gave health talks before as many as fifteen hundred children in the schools of the city. Her cooperation with the Women's Christian Temperance Union has enabled her to become acquainted with many excellent ladies. Such efforts as these are powerful factors in removing from the minds of many the prejudice that exists against our people.—The Review and Herald, August 1, 1907. MM 265.4