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What Are the Historical Facts? EGWC 347

Now what are the facts? Before us lie copies of a sheaf of letters written by Mrs. White to various ones of this Battle Creek group in which she seeks to clarify their misunderstandings of her testimonies and of her work. Some of these letters were written before June 3, 1906—the time of her alleged reversal of attitude—but a number of them bear dates after that. In her letter to one doctor, dated June 15, 1906, are found these words: EGWC 347.3

“If I can present to the people the facts in the case as they exist it may save some from making shipwreck of faith. I have been sent some of the most frivolous questions in regard to the testimonies given me by the Lord.”—Letter 180, 1906. EGWC 348.1

Now look again at the June 3, 1906, vision. Does she say that “she was instructed by ‘a messenger from heaven’ not to” answer any questions? In fact, what warrant is there for presuming that the June 3 vision is intended as a reversal of her letter of March 30? What she wrote on March 30 was in the form of a letter to certain men. What she wrote on June 3 was a statement addressed to no particular person, and entitled “Hold Fast the Beginning of Your Confidence.” While it is true that this statement deals with certain of the views that were troubling the minds of many at Battle Creek, she is not discussing her letter of March 30. Nothing in her June 3 statement requires the conclusion that she was reversing her request to certain named men to present the questions that troubled their minds regarding her testimonies. We quote in full the two opening paragraphs of the June 3 statement: EGWC 348.2

“For many months I have been troubled as I have seen that some of our brethren whom God has used in his cause are now perplexed over the scientific theology which has come in to lead men away from a true faith in God. *She is here referring to certain pantheistic and philosophical teachings that were being promoted by leaders at the Battle Creek Sanitarium. Sabbath night, a week ago, after I had been prayerfully studying over these things, I had a vision, in which I was speaking before a large company, where many questions were asked concerning my work and writings. EGWC 348.3

“I was directed by a messenger from heaven not to take the burden of picking up and answering all the sayings and doubts that are being put into many minds. ‘Stand as the messenger of God anywhere, in any place,’ I was bidden, ‘and bear the testimony I shall give you. Be free. Bear the testimonies that the Lord has for you to bear in reproof, in rebuke, in the work of encouraging and lifting up the soul; “teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.”’”—MS. 61, 1906. EGWC 348.4