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July 2, 1908 PUR July 2, 1908

Morning Reflections PUR July 2, 1908


The question is asked, “When the Son of man cometh, shall He find faith in the earth?” Can you say this morning, I believe in the Lord Jesus; I live by the faith of the Son of God, by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God? PUR July 2, 1908, par. 1

The Saviour is calling souls to come to Him. The bells of heaven are ringing out the blessed invitation, “Come.” The Spirit of God is pleading, “If any man thirst, let him come unto Me and drink.” These are precious words of encouragement and hope. PUR July 2, 1908, par. 2

It is the privilege and duty of every church-member to consecrate heart and soul to God. At your baptism you pledged yourselves to believe in God, to obey His word, to receive His grace. You pledged yourselves to live the principles of the gospel, and to labor together with Christ with all the ability God has given you. None are excused for living idle lives. None can refuse to represent Him in word and deed, and be guiltless. PUR July 2, 1908, par. 3

The presence of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the three highest powers in the universe and those in whose name the believer is baptized, is pledged to be with every striving soul. It will impart grace and strength to all who will watch unto prayer, to all who will purify the soul by obedience to the truth. And it will make the believer instrumental in leading other souls to accept Christ by faith. PUR July 2, 1908, par. 4

The duty to reflect light rests upon every church-member. “Ye are the light of the world,” Christ declared to His followers. “A city that is set on an hill can not be hid. Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” If the believer fails of drawing light from the Sun of righteousness, he can not reflect light. PUR July 2, 1908, par. 5

“He that is not with Me,” Christ said. “is against Me; and he that gathereth not with Me scattereth abroad.” Those who do not cast their influence on the side of Christ, Satan imbues with his spirit to act in unison with the enemy of good. We can not afford to do this, and thus violate the pledge we made at our baptism. When we give to the cause of evil the influence and ability which belong to the cause of truth, angels are disappointed, and Christ is dishonored. Those who are true to their baptismal pledge can not be indifferent to the work of saving souls. To those who by their influence gather with Christ, angels will give ability to labor successfully for Him. PUR July 2, 1908, par. 6

How precious to every soul should be the thought that his name upon the church books is the pledge that he is engaged in the service of Christ! The servant of God is to be learning constantly how he may reflect light to the world. By his earnest devotion to the cause of the coming King, he is to be a spectacle to the world, to angels, and to men. He has become dead to worldly inducements, and lives unto God; and the words of his mouth, the modest dress, the humble spirit, unfailingly testify that he is a laborer together with God. PUR July 2, 1908, par. 7

Spiritual indolence brings discouragement to the church. The example of one indolent soul may do much harm, for it will be copied by others just according to the possibilities of its influence. The Lord calls upon all who profess His name to exalt His character before men, by words and works revealing their faith in Him. In response to our desire to labor for Christ, heavenly angels will place opportunities before us by which we may make known the salvation of God. PUR July 2, 1908, par. 8

Ellen G. White