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April 15, 1915 PUR April 15, 1915

Condition of Mrs. E. G. White PUR April 15, 1915


Tomorrow will complete eight weeks since Mother's accident. During this time she has been uniformly cheerful and patient, and wholly resigned to the will of God in her behalf. PUR April 15, 1915, par. 1

March 17, at the time of the annual meeting of the St. Helena Sanitarium Board, several of our brethren attending the meeting called to see Mother. Among them were J.N. Loughborough, I. H. Evans, J. O. Corliss, H. W. Cottrell, E. E. Andross, H. S. Shaw and E. W. Farnsworth. Mother was pleased to meet these old friends, and spoke words of cheer and courage regarding the goodness and mercy of God to her, and the abundant blessings and grace bestowed upon his people. PUR April 15, 1915, par. 2

For a few days after this, she seemed much weaker. Then during the week of the Loma Linda meeting, March 24 to 30, she rallied and seemed some better. PUR April 15, 1915, par. 3

March 31, when I reached home after the Loma Linda meeting, and asked Mother how she was feeling, she said, “I am getting along pretty well,—in rather a hard way.” In the afternoon, she seemed to be in deep thought, and slowly said, “I do not know just what we should do for our young people; but we must keep close to them, that we may know what is right and wrong.” PUR April 15, 1915, par. 4

Sabbath afternoon, April 3, while talking with my children, she said: PUR April 15, 1915, par. 5

“The Lord is very good to us, and if we follow on to know the Lord, we shall know that His going forth is prepared as the morning. If there is any question in your minds in regard to what is right, look to the Lord Jesus and He will guide you. We should bring every plan to the Lord to see if He approves it. PUR April 15, 1915, par. 6

“Remember that the Lord will carry us through. I am guarding every moment so that nothing may come between me and the Lord. I hope there will not. God grant that we may all prove faithful. There will be a glorious meeting soon. PUR April 15, 1915, par. 7

“I am glad that you have come to see me. May the Lord bless you. Amen.” PUR April 15, 1915, par. 8

During the week just closing there has been a marked decline in strength. She is able to eat but little,-not enough to sustain strength and give promise of recovery. In a very cheerful way, she says repeatedly that her work is done, and she will soon be at rest. PUR April 15, 1915, par. 9

We are thankful that in response to many prayers, God has given her a large degree of assurance and peace. PUR April 15, 1915, par. 10

April 9.

W. C. White