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August 7, 1913 RH August 7, 1913, par. 8

Home Missionary Work RH August 7, 1913


God expects personal service from every one to whom he has entrusted a knowledge of the truth for this time. Not all can go as missionaries to foreign lands, but all can be home missionaries in their families and neighborhoods. RH August 7, 1913, par. 1

There are many ways in which church-members may give the message to those around them. One of the most successful is by living helpful, unselfish, Christian lives. Those who are fighting the battle at great odds may be refreshed and strengthened by little attentions which cost nothing. RH August 7, 1913, par. 2

My brother, my sister, what are you doing for Christ? Are you seeking to be a blessing to others? Are your lips uttering words of kindness, sympathy, and love? Are you putting forth earnest efforts to win others to the Saviour? RH August 7, 1913, par. 3

It is a mystery that there are not hundreds at work where now there is but one. The heavenly universe is astonished at the apathy, the coldness, the listlessness, of those who profess to be sons and daughters of God. For years the work has been kept before us, but many have been asleep. RH August 7, 1913, par. 4

Our Lesson Book RH August 7, 1913

Christ's work is to be our example. Constantly he went about doing good. In the temple and in the synagogues, in the streets of the cities, in the marketplace and the workshop, by the seaside and among the hills, he preached the gospel and healed the sick. His life was one of unselfish service, and it is to be our lesson book. RH August 7, 1913, par. 5

Human beings have no right to think that there is a limit to the efforts that they are to make in the work of soul-saving. Did Christ ever become weary in his work? Did he ever draw back from sacrifice and hardship? Church-members are to put forth the continuous, persevering efforts that he put forth. RH August 7, 1913, par. 6

Comparatively little missionary work is done; and what is the result? The truths that Christ gave are not taught. Many of God's people are not growing in grace. Many are in an unpleasant, complaining frame of mind. Those who are not helping others to see the importance of the truth for this time, must feel dissatisfied with themselves. Satan takes advantage of this feature in their experience and leads them to criticize and find fault. RH August 7, 1913, par. 7

A Place for Every One RH August 7, 1913

The Lord has a place for every one in his great plan. Talents that are not needed are not bestowed. Suppose that the talent is small. God has a place for it, and that one talent, if faithfully used, will do the very work God designs that it should do. The talents of the humble cottager are needed in the house-to-house labor, and can accomplish more in this work than brilliant gifts. RH August 7, 1913, par. 8

The Lord is calling upon his people to take up different lines of work. Those in the highways and byways of life are to hear the gospel message. Church-members are to do evangelistic work in the homes of their neighbors who have not yet received full evidence of the truth for this time. RH August 7, 1913, par. 9

The presentation of the truth, in love and simplicity from house to house, is in harmony with the instruction that Christ gave his disciples when he sent them out on their first missionary tour. By songs of praise, by humble, heartfelt prayers, many will be reached. The divine Worker will be present to send conviction to hearts. RH August 7, 1913, par. 10

Different Lines of Service RH August 7, 1913

By lending or selling books, by distributing papers, and by holding Bible readings, our lay members could do much in their own neighborhoods. Filled with love for souls, they could proclaim the message with such power that many would be converted. RH August 7, 1913, par. 11

Allow no opportunity to pass unimproved. Visit the sick and suffering, and show a kindly interest in them. If possible do something to make them more comfortable. Through this means you can reach their hearts and speak a word for Christ. RH August 7, 1913, par. 12

There is a wide field for service for women as well as for men. The efficient cook, the seamstress, the nurse,—the help of all is needed. Let the members of poor households be taught how to cook, how to make and mend their own clothing, how to nurse the sick, how to care properly for the home. Even the children should be taught to do some little errand of love and mercy for those less fortunate than themselves. RH August 7, 1913, par. 13

Other lines of usefulness will open before those who are willing to do the duty nearest them. It is not learned, eloquent speakers that are needed now, but humble, Christlike men and women. RH August 7, 1913, par. 14

Work disinterestedly, lovingly, patiently, for all with whom you are brought in contact. Show no impatience. Utter not one unkind word. Let the love of Christ be in your hearts, the law of kindness on your lips. RH August 7, 1913, par. 15

In the work of scattering our publications, we can speak of a Saviour's love from a warm and throbbing heart. RH August 7, 1913, par. 16

Mrs. E. G. White