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Blessed Are the Dead Who Die in the Lord 2SM 261

Comfort on the Death of a Mother 2SM 261

Dear Sister,

I have read the letter ... in regard to your mother's death, and I could but say, “Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord” (Revelation 14:13). For a long time your mother had been very feeble. You have cared constantly for her. To see her face no more will be a great grief to you. Were we living nearer you, we would say, Come apart, and rest awhile. But your duties claim your time. I would say to you, Trust in the Lord. 2SM 261.2

You will feel the death of your mother very keenly; but let me tell you that I sorrow not for the righteous dead, but for the living. I know that you have laid your mother in the tomb in the full hope that she will come forth when the trump of God shall sound.... I know what it means to bury loved ones. My father, mother, brothers and sisters, my husband and two of my sons, are sleeping in their graves. My sister Mary and I and my two sons are all that are left.—Letter 98, 1903. 2SM 261.3