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A Call to Medical Evangelism and Health Education

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    Chapter 9—Equipment for Service

    Study Health Principles

    Let our people show that they have a living interest in medical missionary work. Let them prepare themselves for usefulness by studying the books that have been written for our instruction in these lines. These books deserve much more attention and appreciation than they have received. Much that is for the benefit of all to understand has been written for the special purpose of instruction in the principles of health.—Testimonies for the Church 7:63.CME 45.2

    Our Sabbathkeeping families should keep their minds filled with helpful principles of health reform and other lines of truth, that they may be a help to their neighbors. Be practical missionaries. Gather up all the knowledge possible that will help to combat disease. This may be done by those who are diligent students.CME 45.3

    But few can take a course of training in our medical institutions. But all can study our health literature and become intelligent on this important subject.—Medical Ministry, 320.CME 45.4

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