Mind, Minds (Part 1 of 4)
Mind, Minds
1. Body andTopIndex .Mind, Minds.3
2. Children’sTopIndex .Mind, Minds.4
3. Classes ofTopIndex .Mind, Minds.5
4. Dealing withTopIndex .Mind, Minds.6
5. Faculties ofTopIndex .Mind, Minds.7
6. HumanTopIndex .Mind, Minds.8
7. Law(s) ofTopIndex .Mind, Minds.9
8. One man’sTopIndex .Mind, Minds.10
9. Ought (or need) to beTopIndex .Mind, Minds.11
10. Ought not to beTopIndex .Mind, Minds.12
11. Qualities ofTopIndex .Mind, Minds.13
12. Should be educated (trained) toTopIndex .Mind, Minds.14
13. State (condition) ofTopIndex .Mind, Minds.15
14. YoungTopIndex .Mind, Minds.16
15. Youth’sTopIndex .Mind, Minds.17
16. MiscellaneousTopIndex .Mind, Minds.18
SupplementTopIndex .Mind, Minds.19
1. Body and
are closely related CD 161TopIndex .Mind, Minds.21
close relationship between, explain to people CH 543TopIndex .Mind, Minds.22
great sympathy exists between 4T 60TopIndex .Mind, Minds.23
intimate relation exists between CH 28; MH 128, 241; PP 601TopIndex .Mind, Minds.24
mother knows little of mutual influence of FE 59TopIndex .Mind, Minds.25
mutual influence of FE 59TopIndex .Mind, Minds.26
mysterious and wonderful relation exists between 3T 485TopIndex .Mind, Minds.27
react on each other 3T 485TopIndex .Mind, Minds.28
relationship between, Peter understood CD 166-7TopIndex .Mind, Minds.29
study 2SM 434TopIndex .Mind, Minds.30
sympathy existing between 3T 69-70TopIndex .Mind, Minds.31
is very great 4T 60TopIndex .Mind, Minds.32
ability to tax powers of, valuable HP 217:4TopIndex .Mind, Minds.34
abuse of, refused when price of redemption considered CC 35:4TopIndex .Mind, Minds.35
appetite must not harm; relationship important 3SM 283:2TopIndex .Mind, Minds.36
duty to preserve powers of HP 192:2TopIndex .Mind, Minds.37
faculties of, required for climbing spiritual ladder OHC 68:5TopIndex .Mind, Minds.38
harmonious action of 2MCP 407:1TopIndex .Mind, Minds.39
impaired by violating laws of nature RC 142:4TopIndex .Mind, Minds.40
mother’s temperance important for her child’s CC 130:2TopIndex .Mind, Minds.41
power of, used for God by those growing in grace TMK 106:5TopIndex .Mind, Minds.42
progression is law of HP 183:4TopIndex .Mind, Minds.43
respected and improved by one taking name Christian HP 286:3TopIndex .Mind, Minds.44
taxed by excess, not by labor itself TDG 33:3TopIndex .Mind, Minds.45
use, for Christ considering His sacrifice 1MCP 319:1TopIndex .Mind, Minds.46
wearied by worry HP 113:2TopIndex .Mind, Minds.47
work given to benefit TDG 133:2TopIndex .Mind, Minds.48
2. Children’s
active: cannot be kept unoccupied CT 121TopIndex .Mind, Minds.50
how sensational fiction affects MH 444-5TopIndex .Mind, Minds.51
should be kept constantly employed CSW 116TopIndex .Mind, Minds.52
are: active AH 282, 284TopIndex .Mind, Minds.53
impressible FE 266TopIndex .Mind, Minds.54
impressionable CT 192TopIndex .Mind, Minds.55
plastic AH 436TopIndex .Mind, Minds.56
baby’s: education of CG 300-1TopIndex .Mind, Minds.57
effects of smile upon AH 436TopIndex .Mind, Minds.58
is most impressible CG 26TopIndex .Mind, Minds.59
likened to polished plate of artist AH 436TopIndex .Mind, Minds.60
molding of, mother should be careful in trusting to others the CG 302TopIndex .Mind, Minds.61
only teacher of, mother should be CG 300TopIndex .Mind, Minds.62
parents should be only teachers of 2SM 437TopIndex .Mind, Minds.63
should not be educated from books CG 300; 2SM 437TopIndex .Mind, Minds.64
balancing, in right direction at right time is most important work 3T 146TopIndex .Mind, Minds.65
bent of, Bible teachers can gain much by observing CT 181; Ed 188TopIndex .Mind, Minds.66
parents who allow children to follow their 3T 26TopIndex .Mind, Minds.67
boy’s, debased by self-abuse 2T 404, 481TopIndex .Mind, Minds.68
depraved, objectionable literature that suits 2T 481TopIndex .Mind, Minds.69
developing, parents’ duty to give right direction to 3T 146TopIndex .Mind, Minds.70
why parents have no time to patiently develop 3T 147-8TopIndex .Mind, Minds.71
devils make most powerful efforts to sway 1T 387TopIndex .Mind, Minds.72
different qualities of CG 207TopIndex .Mind, Minds.73
divert, from trifling pain or hurt CT 123TopIndex .Mind, Minds.74
do not tax very young, with study of books FE 416TopIndex .Mind, Minds.75
with study of music FE 416TopIndex .Mind, Minds.76
fortify, with firm and pure principles CT 131TopIndex .Mind, Minds.77
girls’, debased by self-pollution 2T 481TopIndex .Mind, Minds.78
health of, out-of-door life promotes 4T 136TopIndex .Mind, Minds.79
idle, Satan makes workshop of CG 120TopIndex .Mind, Minds.80
improvement that mother must make in order to improve 3T 147TopIndex .Mind, Minds.81
influences that greatly affect CG 196TopIndex .Mind, Minds.82
is impressible in early life 4T 499TopIndex .Mind, Minds.83
keep, clean and pure ML 91TopIndex .Mind, Minds.84
labor and responsibility as safeguards for 2T 481TopIndex .Mind, Minds.85
long speeches burden 2T 420TopIndex .Mind, Minds.86
mold, by discipline 3T 25TopIndex .Mind, Minds.87
most susceptible: during first years of life CT 132TopIndex .Mind, Minds.88
when reason is awakening CT 143TopIndex .Mind, Minds.89
mother has much to do with molding 1T 307TopIndex .Mind, Minds.90
mothers should be cheerful and happy who have to train 3T 146TopIndex .Mind, Minds.91
much study and earnest prayer is needed to know how to deal with 3T 146TopIndex .Mind, Minds.92
not properly developed and strengthened, parental responsibility for 3T 132-3TopIndex .Mind, Minds.93
parents and teachers should fasten, on grand truths of God’s word ML 107TopIndex .Mind, Minds.94
parents should provide proper food for CT 121TopIndex .Mind, Minds.95
parents should train, to think and act for themselves 3T 132-4TopIndex .Mind, Minds.96
parental responsibility for filling, with ennobling thoughts or vicious sentiments CT 121TopIndex .Mind, Minds.97
poisoned by injurious influences 1T 387TopIndex .Mind, Minds.98
proper food for, parents should keep well informed in order to provide CT 121TopIndex .Mind, Minds.99
restless, as result of self-pollution 2T 481TopIndex .Mind, Minds.100
right principles must be established in AH 323TopIndex .Mind, Minds.101
Satan seeks to control CG 93; 2T 360TopIndex .Mind, Minds.102
Satan works to fill, with unreal and trivial thoughts CT 121TopIndex .Mind, Minds.103
seek to occupy CG 188TopIndex .Mind, Minds.104
self-abuse weakens 2T 361TopIndex .Mind, Minds.105
sensitive, mother should not let her depression cloud 1T 387TopIndex .Mind, Minds.106
set guard about 5T 520TopIndex .Mind, Minds.107
should be trained to think and act for themselves 3T 132-4TopIndex .Mind, Minds.108
should study God’s word diligently CT 121TopIndex .Mind, Minds.109
storybooks enchant, bewilder, and poison 1T 135TopIndex .Mind, Minds.110
susceptible and expanding, longs for knowledge CT 121TopIndex .Mind, Minds.111
train, to think CT 149; FE 369TopIndex .Mind, Minds.112
training of, by parents CG 188TopIndex .Mind, Minds.113
unbalanced by witnessing frequent fits of hysteria 5T 310TopIndex .Mind, Minds.114
weakened, parental indulgence that gives Satan free access to 2T 481TopIndex .Mind, Minds.115
well-balanced, teachers should seek to develop FE 53-4TopIndex .Mind, Minds.116
wrecked while parents sleep on 2T 481-2TopIndex .Mind, Minds.117
See also ChildTopIndex .Mind, Minds.118
3. Classes of
accustomed to trashy reading craves stimulation as drunkard craves drink FE 163TopIndex .Mind, Minds.120
active: do not find time to heed every temptation 1T 395TopIndex .Mind, Minds.121
unoccupied with better things will heed Satan’s suggestions CG 33TopIndex .Mind, Minds.122
youth’s, need employment CG 341; SD 140TopIndex .Mind, Minds.123
actuated by infidelity and unbelief: strives to make place for itself TM 290TopIndex .Mind, Minds.124
strives to obtain adherents TM 290TopIndex .Mind, Minds.125
acute, sharpened by long practice in evading truth 1SM 195TopIndex .Mind, Minds.126
adhering to principle in transactions of ordinary life holds claims of duty above those of pleasure and inclination PP 223TopIndex .Mind, Minds.127
affected, body sympathizes with MH 241TopIndex .Mind, Minds.128
aimless, falls easy prey to evil Ed 190TopIndex .Mind, Minds.129
all, gospel workers are brought into contact with MH 495TopIndex .Mind, Minds.130
must be met in miss. work 4T 554TopIndex .Mind, Minds.131
allowed to run on trifling and common things becomes weak, frivolous, and deficient in spiritual power 5T 272TopIndex .Mind, Minds.132
allowed to wander must be brought back SL 93TopIndex .Mind, Minds.133
amused and abused by reading fiction, nature study benefits 4T 581TopIndex .Mind, Minds.134
another person’s, physician should not dare to try to control MM 114TopIndex .Mind, Minds.135
association with different, value of 5T 583-4TopIndex .Mind, Minds.136
at peace with God, bodily conditions more favorable as result of 3T 170TopIndex .Mind, Minds.137
balanced in wrong direction by a few pleasing inducements 3T 73-4TopIndex .Mind, Minds.138
balanced properly, how to develop 3T 26TopIndex .Mind, Minds.139
barred by prejudice against reception of truth TM 105-6TopIndex .Mind, Minds.140
beclouded: by eating too much on Sabbath 3SG 254TopIndex .Mind, Minds.141
indulgence of passions causes 3T 491TopIndex .Mind, Minds.142
intoxicating drink causes Te 288TopIndex .Mind, Minds.143
overindulgence in eating produces CD 55TopIndex .Mind, Minds.144
stimulants cause 4T 28TopIndex .Mind, Minds.145
tobacco and intoxicating liquor cause Te 35, 59TopIndex .Mind, Minds.146
with doubt in Bible study 5T 705TopIndex .Mind, Minds.147
with evil cannot appreciate truth FE 188TopIndex .Mind, Minds.148
beclouded and partially paralyzed by narcotics, are easily overcome by temptation Te 64TopIndex .Mind, Minds.149
befogged and confused on Sabbath as result of eating too much 6T 357TopIndex .Mind, Minds.150
befogged by sensual malaria 7BC 909TopIndex .Mind, Minds.151
believer’s, should be elevated, refined, ennobled, and spiritualized 4T 358TopIndex .Mind, Minds.152
benumbed, narcotics cause CH 432TopIndex .Mind, Minds.153
stimulants cause CH 432TopIndex .Mind, Minds.154
besotted: intoxicating liquor produces CT 367; 8T 66; Te 71TopIndex .Mind, Minds.155
pleasure parties that produce CT 367; 8T 66TopIndex .Mind, Minds.156
tobacco produces Te 71TopIndex .Mind, Minds.157
bewildered: by smooth words 1T 615TopIndex .Mind, Minds.158
God’s power appears as foolishness to 4T 585TopIndex .Mind, Minds.159
blinded by: error become separated from heaven AA 232TopIndex .Mind, Minds.160
Satan into carnal security 2T 478TopIndex .Mind, Minds.161
Satan to corruption teeming all around them 2T 478TopIndex .Mind, Minds.162
broadened and elevated, pure and strengthening thoughts produce CT 121TopIndex .Mind, Minds.163
brought into communion with God’s mind is affected beyond estimate AA 126TopIndex .Mind, Minds.164
burdened, Christ’s promise to relieve DA 454TopIndex .Mind, Minds.165
calculating and acquisitive, wisdom far above that of CS 177TopIndex .Mind, Minds.166
calm and hallowed, Christian’s conversation and deportment should reveal 5T 113TopIndex .Mind, Minds.167
calm and healthful, love for exciting amusements intoxicates SD 131TopIndex .Mind, Minds.168
carnal: cannot comprehend mysteries of spiritual things 4T 585TopIndex .Mind, Minds.169
constant war must be maintained against 2T 479TopIndex .Mind, Minds.170
craves conformity to world FE 311; LS 351TopIndex .Mind, Minds.171
craves similarity to world FE 311TopIndex .Mind, Minds.172
dwarfed and crippled by earthly allurements 4T 581TopIndex .Mind, Minds.173
finds no pleasure in contemplating God’s word FE 182TopIndex .Mind, Minds.174
God’s law kills 1SM 213TopIndex .Mind, Minds.175
how, slips unconsciously into crime 4T 13TopIndex .Mind, Minds.176
is enmity against God 4T 13TopIndex .Mind, Minds.177
likened to desolate wilderness FE 182TopIndex .Mind, Minds.178
must be subdued 1T 162TopIndex .Mind, Minds.179
must die 3T 475TopIndex .Mind, Minds.180
rebels against God’s will 4T 13TopIndex .Mind, Minds.181
rejects truth MYP 274TopIndex .Mind, Minds.182
Satan invents earthly allurements for 4T 581TopIndex .Mind, Minds.183
set on fire by Satan 4T 86TopIndex .Mind, Minds.184
cast in inferior mold, influence of 3T 155TopIndex .Mind, Minds.185
cheapened by wrong home influences CG 200TopIndex .Mind, Minds.186
cheerful: cultivate 2T 434-5TopIndex .Mind, Minds.187
how body is affected by 4T 60TopIndex .Mind, Minds.188
is health to body 1T 702TopIndex .Mind, Minds.189
is strength to soul 1T 702TopIndex .Mind, Minds.190
Christ’s: confidence in fellow men is essential to possessing TM 189TopIndex .Mind, Minds.191
God gives us 5T 515TopIndex .Mind, Minds.192
how man’s mind becomes one with COL 312TopIndex .Mind, Minds.193
how sinner can have DA 675TopIndex .Mind, Minds.194
what it means to have 7BC 903TopIndex .Mind, Minds.195
clean, students should come forth with MM 111TopIndex .Mind, Minds.196
clear: do all possible to maintain CG 364TopIndex .Mind, Minds.197
flesh foods must be given up in order to have CD 383; Ev 663TopIndex .Mind, Minds.198
food God has given that we might have ML 132TopIndex .Mind, Minds.199
for discriminating between right and wrong, strict temperance essential to MH 345TopIndex .Mind, Minds.200
lawmakers need Te 46-7TopIndex .Mind, Minds.201
men in courts of justice need Te 46TopIndex .Mind, Minds.202
needed to appreciate exalted order of truth 2T 66TopIndex .Mind, Minds.203
persons who study God’s word need to keep TM 114TopIndex .Mind, Minds.204
physical appetites must be controlled in order to have MYP 236-7TopIndex .Mind, Minds.205
thinking after God’s order requires CD 335TopIndex .Mind, Minds.206
times of crisis call for Te 148TopIndex .Mind, Minds.207
clear and vigorous to comprehend spiritual things, eat more simple and less food in order to have MH 307; 6T 357TopIndex .Mind, Minds.208
clearer, looking to Christ makes 5T 744TopIndex .Mind, Minds.209
clinging to doubt, will be left in darkness PP 432TopIndex .Mind, Minds.210
clogged with matter it cannot impart FE 339TopIndex .Mind, Minds.211
commencing to run in channel of: animal magnetism is almost sure to lose balance 1T 297TopIndex .Mind, Minds.212
phrenology is almost sure to lose balance 1T 297TopIndex .Mind, Minds.213
common people’s: do not put crib too high for CW 19TopIndex .Mind, Minds.214
success of gospel workers will be in reaching 3T 39TopIndex .Mind, Minds.215
too much talk about coming down to 5T 581TopIndex .Mind, Minds.216
conceited and deceived, revelations that flow from imagination of 2SM 90TopIndex .Mind, Minds.217
confused: improper diet causes MH 307; 6T 357TopIndex .Mind, Minds.218
intoxicating drink causes Te 36TopIndex .Mind, Minds.219
on points clear and easy to be understood in Bible 5T 705-6TopIndex .Mind, Minds.220
conscientious, treatment of persons of 1T 615TopIndex .Mind, Minds.221
consecrated, Spirit puts forth its highest energies to work in MH 159TopIndex .Mind, Minds.222
content to take low level, result of 2T 414TopIndex .Mind, Minds.223
contented, is health to body and strength to soul MH 241TopIndex .Mind, Minds.224
contented and cheerful: cultivate 2T 434-5TopIndex .Mind, Minds.225
is health to body 1T 702TopIndex .Mind, Minds.226
is strength to soul 1T 702TopIndex .Mind, Minds.227
promotes health and longevity MH 241TopIndex .Mind, Minds.228
continually exercising to grasp weighty and important truths 4T 545TopIndex .Mind, Minds.229
controlled by: another person is never again strong and reliable MM 116TopIndex .Mind, Minds.230
restless and irrepressible energy TM 291TopIndex .Mind, Minds.231
controlled by God, habits should be under control of COL 348; SD 171TopIndex .Mind, Minds.232
controlled by Satan, among pub. house leaders 5T 407TopIndex .Mind, Minds.233
converted, sees divine power in God’s word 8T 301TopIndex .Mind, Minds.234
corrupt, takes pleasure in contemplating scenes that awaken lower and baser passions 2T 410TopIndex .Mind, Minds.235
corrupted: by attendance at rabbinical schools of Christ’s time 8T 310TopIndex .Mind, Minds.236
by continual repetition of “They say” or “It has been said” 8T 310TopIndex .Mind, Minds.237
craving stimulation of trashy reading MYP 281TopIndex .Mind, Minds.238
crazed: baleful drugs produce CW 134TopIndex .Mind, Minds.239
opium produces CW 134TopIndex .Mind, Minds.240
sensational or demoralized literature produces CW 134TopIndex .Mind, Minds.241
crippled and dwarfed for want of zeal and earnest, severe taxation 4T 415TopIndex .Mind, Minds.242
critical and sharp Ev 212TopIndex .Mind, Minds.243
crowded with mass of matter it cannot digest, cannot walk in light of God 7T 205TopIndex .Mind, Minds.244
crowded with mass of matter it will never be able to use, becomes dwarfed and enfeebled FE 447TopIndex .Mind, Minds.245
cultivated: choice of simple and appropriate clothing reveals CG 413; Ed 248; MYP 353TopIndex .Mind, Minds.246
commanding love and respect SD 132TopIndex .Mind, Minds.247
is measure of man CT 475; MH 499; 4T 561TopIndex .Mind, Minds.248
reflected in countenance SD 132TopIndex .Mind, Minds.249
Daniel’s, plainness of diet benefited 4T 515-6TopIndex .Mind, Minds.250
darkened, unhealthful food produces CD 426; FE 143; 3T 569TopIndex .Mind, Minds.251
darkened by indulging in sin DA 106; 5T 682TopIndex .Mind, Minds.252
David’s, clear and strong in his old age PP 749TopIndex .Mind, Minds.253
debased: baleful drugs produce CW 134TopIndex .Mind, Minds.254
boy who had 2T 404TopIndex .Mind, Minds.255
cannot be elevated from corruption while it is being educated to enslave its moral and intellectual powers 2T 479TopIndex .Mind, Minds.256
man who had 2T 95TopIndex .Mind, Minds.257
opium produces CW 134TopIndex .Mind, Minds.258
problem of elevating, from corruption 2T 479TopIndex .Mind, Minds.259
sensational or demoralized literature produces CW 134TopIndex .Mind, Minds.260
debilitated, indulgence of passions causes Te 183TopIndex .Mind, Minds.261
deficient in spiritual power as result of running on common and trifling things 5T 272TopIndex .Mind, Minds.262
degraded by debasing thoughts PP 459TopIndex .Mind, Minds.263
depending on judgment of others, will be misled Ed 231TopIndex .Mind, Minds.264
depraved: duty of Sabbathkeepers who have had 2T 479TopIndex .Mind, Minds.265
passion controls many CH 629TopIndex .Mind, Minds.266
through perversion of thoughts and feelings 2T 252TopIndex .Mind, Minds.267
depressed, mother can and should control her 1T 387TopIndex .Mind, Minds.268
depressed and gloomy, living in close and ill-ventilated rooms produces 1T 702-3TopIndex .Mind, Minds.269
deranged, as result of “no-work” doctrine LS 86-7TopIndex .Mind, Minds.270
derives strength from food it receives CT 121TopIndex .Mind, Minds.271
devoted to God, develops harmoniously under Spirit’s guidance DA 251TopIndex .Mind, Minds.272
devoted to self and not to good of others 2T 187TopIndex .Mind, Minds.273
different, Satan has different delusions prepared for EW 261TopIndex .Mind, Minds.274
directed to high and holy ideals, evil finds little foothold in Ed 190TopIndex .Mind, Minds.275
disagreeable, talking about Satan makes 6T 62TopIndex .Mind, Minds.276
disciplined: by education 3T 160TopIndex .Mind, Minds.277
that does not waver between right and wrong PP 223TopIndex .Mind, Minds.278
disciplined properly, needed for time of emergency TM 149TopIndex .Mind, Minds.279
discouraged, needs mild treatment MH 244; 3T 184TopIndex .Mind, Minds.280
discriminating, colporteur work calls for 4T 603TopIndex .Mind, Minds.281
diseased: as result of self-abuse 2T 469-70TopIndex .Mind, Minds.282
Christ as restorer of MH 243-4TopIndex .Mind, Minds.283
consciousness of rightdoing is best medicine for CH 628; 1T 502TopIndex .Mind, Minds.284
cured by looking to all-healing Physician 3T 184TopIndex .Mind, Minds.285
dealing with persons of, is nice work 3T 184TopIndex .Mind, Minds.286
how to deal with MM 210TopIndex .Mind, Minds.287
many invalids die from 4aSG 145TopIndex .Mind, Minds.288
physician should know how to minister to 3T 168-9, 184TopIndex .Mind, Minds.289
physicians and helpers should not forget they deal with 3T 182TopIndex .Mind, Minds.290
physicians need discernment, patience, kindness, and love in treating 3T 184TopIndex .Mind, Minds.291
service that is as medicine to GW 270; SD 97TopIndex .Mind, Minds.292
surest remedy for 2T 325TopIndex .Mind, Minds.293
diseased and distracted, faithful physician can help 5T 444TopIndex .Mind, Minds.294
disordered, disordered stomach means MM 80TopIndex .Mind, Minds.295
diverted from God, Satan controls 4T 560TopIndex .Mind, Minds.296
divided, minister should not work with TM 312TopIndex .Mind, Minds.297
divine, has men for every place 6T 241TopIndex .Mind, Minds.298
record of creation has been preserved in purity by FE 536TopIndex .Mind, Minds.299
drifting, Satan makes suggestions that fill MYP 42TopIndex .Mind, Minds.300
drunkard’s, Satan acts through MM 114TopIndex .Mind, Minds.301
dull and stupid on Sabbath, overeating causes CH 577; MH 307TopIndex .Mind, Minds.302
dwarfed, God is not glorified by CD 18; 3T 486TopIndex .Mind, Minds.303
produced by constantly dwelling on fear of ceremonial defilement DA 150TopIndex .Mind, Minds.304
dwarfed and cheapened, feeding on writings of uninspired men to neglect of God’s word produces COL 41; CT 441; ML 107; 1SM 244TopIndex .Mind, Minds.305
dwarfed and deformed, feeding on vile trash provided by Satan produces FE 94TopIndex .Mind, Minds.306
dwarfed and enfeebled: absorption in commonplace and trivial matters produces FE 536TopIndex .Mind, Minds.307
as result of dwelling on commonplace matters only PP 596; 4T 546TopIndex .Mind, Minds.308
crowded with mass of matter it will never be able to use FE 447TopIndex .Mind, Minds.309
dwarfed and not properly balanced 3T 33TopIndex .Mind, Minds.310
dwelling on Christ, molding of character as result of TM 388TopIndex .Mind, Minds.311
dwelling on disappointed hopes 2T 247TopIndex .Mind, Minds.312
dwelling on God’s will becomes strong in truth 4T 526TopIndex .Mind, Minds.313
dwelling on sad things, picturing possessor’s condition as very bad 2T 324TopIndex .Mind, Minds.314
dwelling on self, remedy for 2T 326-7TopIndex .Mind, Minds.315
eager to disclose their sentiments TM 291TopIndex .Mind, Minds.316
earthly: difference between spiritual mind and ML 44TopIndex .Mind, Minds.317
finds no pleasure in God’s word MH 460TopIndex .Mind, Minds.318
God’s word as desolate wilderness to 8T 319-20TopIndex .Mind, Minds.319
educated, Christians should have 4T 548TopIndex .Mind, Minds.320
educated to: enjoy physical taxation in practical life becomes enlarged FE 229TopIndex .Mind, Minds.321
feed on trash is unable to see beauty of God’s word FE 452TopIndex .Mind, Minds.322
educated to criticize and doubt and cavil, because they cannot search into God’s purposes 5T 701TopIndex .Mind, Minds.323
will fall because of unbelief 5T 701TopIndex .Mind, Minds.324
elevated, students obedient to God may come forth with 8T 323TopIndex .Mind, Minds.325
energetic, needed to appreciate exalted order of truth 2T 66TopIndex .Mind, Minds.326
enervated, coffee causes CD 421; CH 441TopIndex .Mind, Minds.327
enfeebled: baleful drugs produce CW 134TopIndex .Mind, Minds.328
by reading frivolous and exciting tales 7T 165TopIndex .Mind, Minds.329
by self-abuse 5T 91TopIndex .Mind, Minds.330
frivolous and exciting tales produce CM 143TopIndex .Mind, Minds.331
idleness produces CT 279; PP 156TopIndex .Mind, Minds.332
opium produces CW 134TopIndex .Mind, Minds.333
sensational or demoralizing literature produces CW 134TopIndex .Mind, Minds.334
tobacco causes Te 58TopIndex .Mind, Minds.335
enfeebled and dwarfed, dwelling on commonplace and trivial matters causes CT 13, 396; Ed 124; FE 378, 536; ML 23; PP 596; 4T 546; 5T 24TopIndex .Mind, Minds.336
enlightened by Spirit may discern truth from error 8T 290-1TopIndex .Mind, Minds.337
ennobled: by grasping things that are eternal FE 110TopIndex .Mind, Minds.338
dwelling on exalted themes produces MYP 66TopIndex .Mind, Minds.339
students obedient to God may come forth with 8T 323TopIndex .Mind, Minds.340
Enoch’s, educated to run in right channel 2T 122TopIndex .Mind, Minds.341
trained to devotion and to love purity 2T 122TopIndex .Mind, Minds.342
enslaved by mammon: cannot retain thoughts of God and heaven 3T 385TopIndex .Mind, Minds.343
loses its remembrance of God 3T 385TopIndex .Mind, Minds.344
eternal, man must place himself under control of 6T 241TopIndex .Mind, Minds.345
ever on stretch to invent new amusements and diversions to gain health 1T 565TopIndex .Mind, Minds.346
excited by study 3T 490TopIndex .Mind, Minds.347
exercised re different points of Scriptures that test them 2T 692-3TopIndex .Mind, Minds.348
expanded, students obedient to God may come forth with 8T 323TopIndex .Mind, Minds.349
expanding constantly, as result of learning more of God’s wisdom, love, and power 5T 702-3TopIndex .Mind, Minds.350
fascinated by light reading 4T 498TopIndex .Mind, Minds.351
feasting on sensational stories: lives in unreal world FE 162TopIndex .Mind, Minds.352
unfitted for practical duties of life FE 162TopIndex .Mind, Minds.353
feeble, that cannot see through God’s purposes 1SM 16TopIndex .Mind, Minds.354
feeble or diseased, danger of person controlling MH 243TopIndex .Mind, Minds.355
feeding on exciting and sensational stories is not satisfied without this trashy food FE 163TopIndex .Mind, Minds.356
fevered, indulgence of passion causes Te 183TopIndex .Mind, Minds.357
feverish, as result of cider or fermented wine 5T 357TopIndex .Mind, Minds.358
feverish and unstable: by use of wine and cider Te 93, 278TopIndex .Mind, Minds.359
mild intoxicants cause Te 93, 278TopIndex .Mind, Minds.360
few men’s, not sufficient to direct God’s work 9T 260TopIndex .Mind, Minds.361
fickle, marriage does not always make firm a AH 57TopIndex .Mind, Minds.362
filled with rubbish: as result of improper reading 4T 498-9TopIndex .Mind, Minds.363
cannot be conversant with Scriptures 4T 498-9TopIndex .Mind, Minds.364
finite: is inadequate to grasp the infinite SC 108; 5T 701TopIndex .Mind, Minds.365
that see most perfect and beautiful harmony where before they discerned only confusion and broken purposes 5T 706; 9T 194TopIndex .Mind, Minds.366
works of God cannot be explained by 4T 585TopIndex .Mind, Minds.367
fortified with Bible truth is needed to stand through last conflict GC 593-4TopIndex .Mind, Minds.368
free and happy, consciousness of rightdoing produces CH 28TopIndex .Mind, Minds.369
how body is influenced by cheerfulness of CH 28; ML 150; 4T 60TopIndex .Mind, Minds.370
freed from perverting influences can receive Christ’s lessons CT 376TopIndex .Mind, Minds.371
frivolous, is low in scale of moral worth 5T 128TopIndex .Mind, Minds.372
nature study benefits 4T 581TopIndex .Mind, Minds.373
fruitful, person living on flesh diet may not expect to have CD 389TopIndex .Mind, Minds.374
girl whose, thought she could never get well unless she got married 2T 324TopIndex .Mind, Minds.375
girls’, proper amount of exercise around the house improves 1T 394TopIndex .Mind, Minds.376
given to: diversion by foolish stories and idle tales, brilliancy of God’s word is eclipsed to 1T 125TopIndex .Mind, Minds.377
exaggeration of truth 4T 496TopIndex .Mind, Minds.378
loose thought needs to change MH 455; 8T 315TopIndex .Mind, Minds.379
low passion as result of self-abuse 2T 470TopIndex .Mind, Minds.380
self-abuse, impure thoughts fascinate 2T 470TopIndex .Mind, Minds.381
gloomy: drag out miserable existence 1T 304TopIndex .Mind, Minds.382
eating at all hours produces GW 241TopIndex .Mind, Minds.383
intemperate eating produces CH 565TopIndex .Mind, Minds.384
talking about Satan makes 6T 62TopIndex .Mind, Minds.385
goaded to madness by pursuing one line of thought FE 321; LS 354TopIndex .Mind, Minds.386
God requires of us, that cannot take assertions of another 2T 130TopIndex .Mind, Minds.387
good: God wants men of 5T 581TopIndex .Mind, Minds.388
unbalanced by being directed in wrong channel 2T 326TopIndex .Mind, Minds.389
why SDA have so few men of CG 507; FE 165TopIndex .Mind, Minds.390
gospel worker’s: must be sanctified 7T 61TopIndex .Mind, Minds.391
narrowed by inconsistent course GW 144TopIndex .Mind, Minds.392
no man should seek to control TM 293-4TopIndex .Mind, Minds.393
Spirit quickens and energizes faithful FE 242TopIndex .Mind, Minds.394
gossipers’, Satan stands by to excite 2T 185TopIndex .Mind, Minds.395
great, erroneous idea that doubting is sign of 4T 584-5TopIndex .Mind, Minds.396
world needs good men more than 4T 522TopIndex .Mind, Minds.397
greatest, become bewildered if not guided by God’s word GC 522TopIndex .Mind, Minds.398
not guided by God’s word in research become bewildered PP 113TopIndex .Mind, Minds.399
guided by discretion and sound judgment: does not become narrowed down to one object 5T 563TopIndex .Mind, Minds.400
has comprehensive ideas 5T 563TopIndex .Mind, Minds.401
looks at things from every point of view 5T 563TopIndex .Mind, Minds.402
harassed continually with anxiety AH 150-1TopIndex .Mind, Minds.403
has most powerful influence on health 2T 523TopIndex .Mind, Minds.404
healthy, depends on normal condition of vital forces CD 426TopIndex .Mind, Minds.405
what to do to possess 4aSG 148-9TopIndex .Mind, Minds.406
heathen See Heathen mindTopIndex .Mind, Minds.407
Hebrew youths’, great truths of God’s providence and of future life were impressed on PP 592TopIndex .Mind, Minds.408
highly cultivated, Bible unfolds truth that has astonished and charmed 5T 700TopIndex .Mind, Minds.409
highly educated but without self-control COL 335TopIndex .Mind, Minds.410
humble, elevates men above petty trials and real difficulties 4T 610-1TopIndex .Mind, Minds.411
hypnotized by seducing influences 8T 293TopIndex .Mind, Minds.412
idle, is Satan’s workshop Ed 190TopIndex .Mind, Minds.413
Satan improves opportunity to educate 1T 399TopIndex .Mind, Minds.414
ill-balanced, parental neglect resulting in FE 67TopIndex .Mind, Minds.415
persons with, who imagine themselves very religious 3T 172TopIndex .Mind, Minds.416
illuminated by: Spirit DA 494TopIndex .Mind, Minds.417
study of God’s word ML 27TopIndex .Mind, Minds.418
immortal, privilege of study by GC 677; SR 432TopIndex .Mind, Minds.419
impenitent, is under Satan’s control DA 466TopIndex .Mind, Minds.420
impoverished, mechanical workers who have 4T 546TopIndex .Mind, Minds.421
impure, girl of 2T 559TopIndex .Mind, Minds.422
in fever of unrest: for something new and exciting 4T 578TopIndex .Mind, Minds.423
wine and cider cause Te 93, 277-8TopIndex .Mind, Minds.424
in lethargy when stomach is overburdened with food 5T 163TopIndex .Mind, Minds.425
incapable of taxing effort, superficial study produces FE 257-8TopIndex .Mind, Minds.426
indolent, teacher should not be content with CT 199TopIndex .Mind, Minds.427
true teacher is not content with Ed 278TopIndex .Mind, Minds.428
indolent and aimless, falls easy prey to evil Ed 190TopIndex .Mind, Minds.429
inferior, look away from Christ to merely human standard 5T 75TopIndex .Mind, Minds.430
infinite, wisdom of Bible is wisdom of FE 444TopIndex .Mind, Minds.431
inquiring: given by God to youth and children CT 200; FE 368TopIndex .Mind, Minds.432
hungering for knowledge of God’s will are never satisfied 4T 446TopIndex .Mind, Minds.433
student’s, should be respected FE 390TopIndex .Mind, Minds.434
that finds Bible full of light and knowledge 5T 705TopIndex .Mind, Minds.435
insane, novel reading causes thousands of MYP 290 See also InsanityTopIndex .Mind, Minds.436
insane on one subject, suffering of imaginary pecuniary want by 2T 238TopIndex .Mind, Minds.437
intelligence of varied, God’s work needs 5T 581TopIndex .Mind, Minds.438
intelligent, God’s teaching commends itself to understanding of 1T 230TopIndex .Mind, Minds.439
truth should be presented in attractive manner to 1T 414TopIndex .Mind, Minds.440
intoxicated with amusements it craves SD 131TopIndex .Mind, Minds.441
invalid’s: how to occupy properly 1T 557TopIndex .Mind, Minds.442
should be diverted from self 4aSG 145TopIndex .Mind, Minds.443
should be occupied with active labor 4aSG 145TopIndex .Mind, Minds.444
invalid’s pain may need to be relieved in order to reach his 3T 169TopIndex .Mind, Minds.445
invalids whose, should be engaged in cheerful and healthy work 4aSG 145TopIndex .Mind, Minds.446
kept: in fever of unrest by moderate use of intoxicating drinks 5T 357TopIndex .Mind, Minds.447
under constant excitement by excessive reading MYP 281TopIndex .Mind, Minds.448
laboring men’s, let others do thinking for them 3T 157TopIndex .Mind, Minds.449
lacking refinement and cultivation, described 4T 445TopIndex .Mind, Minds.450
lascivious, evidence of 2T 458-9TopIndex .Mind, Minds.451
lazy and dwarfed, inaction makes TM 242TopIndex .Mind, Minds.452
lazy and undisciplined, do not be content with FE 119TopIndex .Mind, Minds.453
God does not want us to be content with CT 506TopIndex .Mind, Minds.454
learning to depend on excitement and are uneasy without it 1T 565TopIndex .Mind, Minds.455
left in state of inaction: grow more and more inefficient 2T 188TopIndex .Mind, Minds.456
lean on others to do brain work 2T 188TopIndex .Mind, Minds.457
left to deal with commonplace subjects: becomes narrow 4T 499TopIndex .Mind, Minds.458
loses power of expansion 4T 499TopIndex .Mind, Minds.459
left to itself and uncultivated is generally low, sensual, and corrupt 1T 399TopIndex .Mind, Minds.460
left to loose thoughts need to change 3T 474TopIndex .Mind, Minds.461
like: babbling brook 4T 498TopIndex .Mind, Minds.462
leaf trembling in wind PP 223TopIndex .Mind, Minds.463
old curiosity shop Ev 648-9TopIndex .Mind, Minds.464
listening to Satan’s sophistry becomes subject to his will 4T 584TopIndex .Mind, Minds.465
listless and dreamy, remedy for 2T 249TopIndex .Mind, Minds.466
living in pure and holy atmosphere does not become trifling, frivolous, vain, and selfish CG 188TopIndex .Mind, Minds.467
long permitted to dwell only on earthly things, it is difficult to change habits of thought of MYP 113TopIndex .Mind, Minds.468
magnifying little matters into mountains Te 71TopIndex .Mind, Minds.469
men of brightest, have been degraded and lost MH 351TopIndex .Mind, Minds.470
men of different, needed in God’s work TM 251TopIndex .Mind, Minds.471
men of masterly, have left literary work for those who follow PP 83TopIndex .Mind, Minds.472
men of small, delight to quibble, criticize, and question 4T 445TopIndex .Mind, Minds.473
Mary Magdalene’s, was habitation of demons DA 568TopIndex .Mind, Minds.474
master, whose works should not be used in SDA schools CT 26TopIndex .Mind, Minds.475
minister should educate his 2T 671TopIndex .Mind, Minds.476
minister whose, beholds picture of faithful and wise steward 4T 397TopIndex .Mind, Minds.477
minister’s, few hours of manual labor daily tends to relax 4T 264-5TopIndex .Mind, Minds.478
more clear and vigorous, Bible study results in CH 369TopIndex .Mind, Minds.479
more evenly balanced, Bible study produces CT 452TopIndex .Mind, Minds.480
more refined, what would make Christianity acceptable to 3T 375TopIndex .Mind, Minds.481
mortal, cannot penetrate secrecy in which God dwells and works 5T 302TopIndex .Mind, Minds.482
most beclouded, God’s word is sufficient to enlighten 2T 454-5TopIndex .Mind, Minds.483
most highly cultivated, astonished and charmed by Bible’s simplicity SC 107; 5T 700TopIndex .Mind, Minds.484
most highly educated, God must ever remain clothed in mystery to SC 105; 5T 699TopIndex .Mind, Minds.485
practice of Bible truths enables man to obtain moral power to rank among 1SM 244TopIndex .Mind, Minds.486
mother can and should do much to control her, when depressed 1T 387TopIndex .Mind, Minds.487
mother should not neglect to beautify her 3T 564TopIndex .Mind, Minds.488
mother’s, baby is affected by CH 79-80TopIndex .Mind, Minds.489
mothers should cultivate their 3T 147TopIndex .Mind, Minds.490
mothers whose, hunger for varying and exciting scenes of worldly life 3T 147TopIndex .Mind, Minds.491
narrow, characteristic of 3T 167TopIndex .Mind, Minds.492
Peninnah had PP 569TopIndex .Mind, Minds.493
narrowed and debased, earthy thoughts produce CT 121TopIndex .Mind, Minds.494
narrowed and dwarfed, through accumulation of money 3T 385TopIndex .Mind, Minds.495
natural, leans to pleasure and self-gratification CT 325, 337TopIndex .Mind, Minds.496
naturally taking low level, it is dangerous to be conversant with 3T 125-6TopIndex .Mind, Minds.497
never exalted above level of humanity, man sinks lower and lower as result of PP 91TopIndex .Mind, Minds.498
never required to grapple with difficult problems loses power of growth PP 596TopIndex .Mind, Minds.499
new, new heart means CT 452; MYP 72TopIndex .Mind, Minds.500
noble, mistaken evidences of 4BC 1138; 2T 426TopIndex .Mind, Minds.501
Solomon’s, became weak and inefficient through evil associations 7T 218TopIndex .Mind, Minds.502
noble and independent, evil counselors swayed Solomon’s 7T 218TopIndex .Mind, Minds.503
not all, are molded alike 4T 128TopIndex .Mind, Minds.504
reached by same methods 6T 116TopIndex .Mind, Minds.505
not cherishing light, Satan has great power to confuse 4T 231TopIndex .Mind, Minds.506
not decidedly under Spirit’s control, Satan takes control of TM 79TopIndex .Mind, Minds.507
not disciplined for work, men of ability have labored at great disadvantage because of FE 108TopIndex .Mind, Minds.508
not disciplined to study becomes trifling and frivolous MYP 357TopIndex .Mind, Minds.509
not educated to dwell on religious themes becomes weak and feeble in these things 2T 189TopIndex .Mind, Minds.510
not educated to make a business of serving God 3T 385TopIndex .Mind, Minds.511
not elevated to highest standard loses power to retain what it once gained 5T 537TopIndex .Mind, Minds.512
not exercised in acquisition of knowledge sinks into ignorance, superstition, and fancy 4T 443TopIndex .Mind, Minds.513
not fully consecrated to God, Satan seems to have full control over 2T 359TopIndex .Mind, Minds.514
not fully controlled by Spirit, Satan’s power over 3T 300TopIndex .Mind, Minds.515
not guided by God’s word in research become bewildered PP 113-4TopIndex .Mind, Minds.516
not kept in calm and healthful state of thought is under excitement SD 131TopIndex .Mind, Minds.517
not lifted up by faith to contemplate infinite wisdom and love, man sinks lower and lower as result of PP 91TopIndex .Mind, Minds.518
not properly occupied dwells on improper things 1T 395TopIndex .Mind, Minds.519
not settled on self are wanted 5T 568TopIndex .Mind, Minds.520
not sufficiently occupied with proper subjects, suffering of 5T 91TopIndex .Mind, Minds.521
not under Spirit’s control, it is difficult to deal with 2T 636TopIndex .Mind, Minds.522
not well-balanced, family who possessed 1T 704TopIndex .Mind, Minds.523
nursing mother’s, affects nursling’s nourishment CD 228TopIndex .Mind, Minds.524
affects nursing baby CD 228; 2SM 432-3TopIndex .Mind, Minds.525
occupied with: frivolous reading, trifling conversation, and worldly pleasure MYP 66TopIndex .Mind, Minds.526
improper reading matter cannot do God’s work with clear perception 7T 204TopIndex .Mind, Minds.527
of Cyrus, Gabriel sought to counteract evil influences working on PK 572TopIndex .Mind, Minds.528
of disciples often excited by curiosity FE 339TopIndex .Mind, Minds.529
of many believers, Satan has control of 3T 475TopIndex .Mind, Minds.530
of nervous invalids, sad results of using mind cure on MM 113TopIndex .Mind, Minds.531
of questioners and doubters, how Satan gets full control of 4T 585TopIndex .Mind, Minds.532
of superior intellectual attainments, Satan leads captive many 4T 422TopIndex .Mind, Minds.533
of the redeemed: acquirement of knowledge will not weary SR 432TopIndex .Mind, Minds.534
acquisition of knowledge by, in world to come GC 677TopIndex .Mind, Minds.535
opportunities for study given to CT 55; Ed 304-9; GC 677-8; SR 432-3TopIndex .Mind, Minds.536
will continually expand 5T 702-3TopIndex .Mind, Minds.537
once possessed by error can never expand freely to truth MM 89TopIndex .Mind, Minds.538
once yielded to strict control of devil, weakness of 3T 414TopIndex .Mind, Minds.539
one Christian’s, is not to be controlled by another 8T 212TopIndex .Mind, Minds.540
one corrupt, can sow more evil seed in short time than many can weed out in lifetime 2T 403TopIndex .Mind, Minds.541
open: needed to understand Bible MYP 64TopIndex .Mind, Minds.542
Samaritan woman had Ed 231TopIndex .Mind, Minds.543
Scriptures must be searched with COL 112TopIndex .Mind, Minds.544
open to God’s: love will receive Christ DA 465TopIndex .Mind, Minds.545
word is not satisfied with trivial and sensational subjects CT 139TopIndex .Mind, Minds.546
open to Spirit’s impressions, God moves on ML 63TopIndex .Mind, Minds.547
ordinary, possibilities of well-disciplined COL 335TopIndex .Mind, Minds.548
other people’s, do not poison 2SM 166-7TopIndex .Mind, Minds.549
over which brooding melancholy settled like dark cloud PP 643TopIndex .Mind, Minds.550
overtaxed, seriously affects body 1T 304TopIndex .Mind, Minds.551
overworked 4aSG 146TopIndex .Mind, Minds.552
is specially susceptible to temptation GW 245TopIndex .Mind, Minds.553
physical labor prevents 3T 152TopIndex .Mind, Minds.554
overzealous, Satan seeks to lead into fanaticism AA 348TopIndex .Mind, Minds.555
parents should discipline their CSW 19-20TopIndex .Mind, Minds.556
parents whose, Satan has paralyzed 2T 481TopIndex .Mind, Minds.557
parents’, how Satan seeks to control 2T 480TopIndex .Mind, Minds.558
peculiar, whose stronghold is sarcasm and irony 2T 555TopIndex .Mind, Minds.559
peevish and irritable under continual restraint in matter of dress 4T 643TopIndex .Mind, Minds.560
people’s, must be agitated MB 33TopIndex .Mind, Minds.561
perfectly balanced, man was created with CH 108; 3T 72TopIndex .Mind, Minds.562
persons of greatest independence of, who think and act for themselves 1T 615TopIndex .Mind, Minds.563
perverse, false reasoning may produce 9T 243TopIndex .Mind, Minds.564
physician’s, should not ignore connection between sin and disease 5T 444TopIndex .Mind, Minds.565
pleasure-seeking, nature study benefits 4T 581TopIndex .Mind, Minds.566
poisoned by sophistry 1T 615TopIndex .Mind, Minds.567
poisoned thoroughly with disaffection 3T 356TopIndex .Mind, Minds.568
poisoned with error watch for opportunities to sow seeds of doubt FE 329TopIndex .Mind, Minds.569
prejudiced, how Christ won attention of DA 254TopIndex .Mind, Minds.570
prophet’s, guided by Spirit in selection of what to speak and write GC 6-7TopIndex .Mind, Minds.571
prying and inquisitive, God does not lay open His plans to 5T 301TopIndex .Mind, Minds.572
public, press is powerful means of reaching and influencing LS 214TopIndex .Mind, Minds.573
should be stirred to investigate health reform CH 21TopIndex .Mind, Minds.574
pure: become strong 8T 323TopIndex .Mind, Minds.575
hearers and doers of God’s word have MH 466TopIndex .Mind, Minds.576
licentious physicians who corrupt 5T 445TopIndex .Mind, Minds.577
speaks words of same character CT 443TopIndex .Mind, Minds.578
students who will have ML 262TopIndex .Mind, Minds.579
questioning, that stumble over mysteries in Bible 5T 702TopIndex .Mind, Minds.580
quick and discerning, can accomplish grand results for God 4T 47TopIndex .Mind, Minds.581
quick to discern will go deep beneath surface FE 119TopIndex .Mind, Minds.582
quiet and satisfied in God is on highway to health CH 628; ML 150; 1T 502TopIndex .Mind, Minds.583
rational, service for God brings highest satisfaction to 6T 475-6TopIndex .Mind, Minds.584
reading anything and everything is not beneficial to 2T 433TopIndex .Mind, Minds.585
reasoning, should hear truth for this time CW 15TopIndex .Mind, Minds.586
receiving low cast carry wrong habits through life CG 200TopIndex .Mind, Minds.587
rendered unimpressible by disobedience 4T 254TopIndex .Mind, Minds.588
renewed, person whom Christ will provide with 1SM 400TopIndex .Mind, Minds.589
renewed by grace should constantly receive light, grace, and truth 2T 488TopIndex .Mind, Minds.590
renewed by Spirit ML 44TopIndex .Mind, Minds.591
beauty and light shine from God’s word for 8T 320TopIndex .Mind, Minds.592
finds duty and light in God’s word MH 460TopIndex .Mind, Minds.593
light shines from Bible for 8T 320TopIndex .Mind, Minds.594
repining: may witness against you MYP 202TopIndex .Mind, Minds.595
should be pointed to ever-fresh tokens of God’s love and care 5T 443TopIndex .Mind, Minds.596
should be pointed to God’s wisdom and goodness in nature 5T 443TopIndex .Mind, Minds.597
resting with peace and assurance in Christ 7BC 943TopIndex .Mind, Minds.598
restless, as result of self-pollution 2T 481TopIndex .Mind, Minds.599
wanting something new are constantly rising 1T 417TopIndex .Mind, Minds.600
restless and active, children’s 2SM 438TopIndex .Mind, Minds.601
restless and dissatisfied, knowledge of useful labor imparts energy and efficiency to 3T 336TopIndex .Mind, Minds.602
right, gospel work needs workers of Ev 476TopIndex .Mind, Minds.603
rightly trained, do not waver between right and wrong 3T 22TopIndex .Mind, Minds.604
sad and gloomy, as result of thoughts running in impure channel 2T 324TopIndex .Mind, Minds.605
leading one to weep and feel life is not desirable 2T 324TopIndex .Mind, Minds.606
sanctified, appetites should be controlled by CD 52TopIndex .Mind, Minds.607
sees divine power in God’s word 8T 301TopIndex .Mind, Minds.608
Satan acts through, possessed by him MM 114TopIndex .Mind, Minds.609
Satan leads, of ministers of different churches to cling to popular errors 1T 345TopIndex .Mind, Minds.610
Satan seeks to debase, of persons uniting in marriage 2T 480TopIndex .Mind, Minds.611
sensational, ready to catch up supposition and guesses as truth 4BC 1157TopIndex .Mind, Minds.612
sensitive, doctrine of eternally burning hell unbalances 5T 444TopIndex .Mind, Minds.613
erroneous doctrines unbalance 5T 444TopIndex .Mind, Minds.614
sensual, high conceptions of art often held by GC 567TopIndex .Mind, Minds.615
spiritual fables that prove ruin of MM 101TopIndex .Mind, Minds.616
sick: faith in Christ brings relief to MH 244TopIndex .Mind, Minds.617
how physicians should treat 3T 184TopIndex .Mind, Minds.618
how to deal with MM 210TopIndex .Mind, Minds.619
should be busily occupied 2SM 306TopIndex .Mind, Minds.620
should have no time to brood over their condition 2SM 306TopIndex .Mind, Minds.621
sympathy and tact needed in treatment of MH 244TopIndex .Mind, Minds.622
sick people’s, attractive outdoor surroundings benefit 7T 82-3TopIndex .Mind, Minds.623
relieved by contact with beauties of nature MH 265TopIndex .Mind, Minds.624
slumbering, efforts to restrict liberty of conscience are God’s means of awakening MB 33TopIndex .Mind, Minds.625
some, are strong on certain points and very weak on others 3T 33TopIndex .Mind, Minds.626
ever seeking to shape character of others according to their own ideas and measure TM 189TopIndex .Mind, Minds.627
sound: in sound body is greatest of earthly blessings FE 59TopIndex .Mind, Minds.628
in sound bodies are needed by God’s people 2T 375TopIndex .Mind, Minds.629
preserve 4aSG 148TopIndex .Mind, Minds.630
sour, talking about Satan makes 6T 62TopIndex .Mind, Minds.631
speculating, drifting without chart or compass on unknown ocean PP 113TopIndex .Mind, Minds.632
spiritual, God’s word as land of living streams to FE 182; 8T 320TopIndex .Mind, Minds.633
stamped with idolatry, when engrossed with conceptions and theories that exclude God’s wisdom FE 186TopIndex .Mind, Minds.634
strong: has been trained to think SD 204TopIndex .Mind, Minds.635
hearers and doers of God’s word have MH 466TopIndex .Mind, Minds.636
needed FE 226TopIndex .Mind, Minds.637
students who will have ML 262TopIndex .Mind, Minds.638
unbalanced and partially benumbed by intemperance in reading 2T 410TopIndex .Mind, Minds.639
whatever promotes physical health promotes development of Ed 195TopIndex .Mind, Minds.640
woman who had 3T 68TopIndex .Mind, Minds.641
strong and active, discipline of well-regulated labor is essential to PP 601TopIndex .Mind, Minds.642
strong in subduing self, how to have 2T 507TopIndex .Mind, Minds.643
strong to battle with internal foes, how to have 2T 507TopIndex .Mind, Minds.644
stronger, evil of merging individuality of weaker into MH 242TopIndex .Mind, Minds.645
strongest and most cultured, God must remain clothed in mystery to Ed 169TopIndex .Mind, Minds.646
student’s: expands and strengthens in efforts to grasp God-given truths FE 447TopIndex .Mind, Minds.647
freshness of, lost by poring over books too much Ed 209TopIndex .Mind, Minds.648
need to be cultivated and employed TM 242TopIndex .Mind, Minds.649
neglect of physical exercise endangers FE 72TopIndex .Mind, Minds.650
should be carried higher than now thought possible FE 536TopIndex .Mind, Minds.651
should not be actuated by desire for self-exaltation PP 595-6TopIndex .Mind, Minds.652
should not be lazy and dwarfed by inaction TM 242TopIndex .Mind, Minds.653
true education points, to Creator PP 595-6TopIndex .Mind, Minds.654
studious, most trying test for 4T 266TopIndex .Mind, Minds.655
studying His word prayerfully, God reveals precious truths clearly to 2T 338TopIndex .Mind, Minds.656
stupid or drowsy, from eating too much on Sabbath 3SG 254TopIndex .Mind, Minds.657
submitted to Satan’s control is led from light to darkness 4T 231TopIndex .Mind, Minds.658
surrendered to him, what Satan can do with 2BC 1019TopIndex .Mind, Minds.659
tainted and corrupted by evil associates MYP 42TopIndex .Mind, Minds.660
taking so low a level that God cannot help them CH 22TopIndex .Mind, Minds.661
taught by Spirit listens to counsel TM 315TopIndex .Mind, Minds.662
taxed too severely, degenerates CG 341TopIndex .Mind, Minds.663
tender, what a child sees and hears draws deep lines upon CG 199TopIndex .Mind, Minds.664
terribly befogged by Satan 2T 457TopIndex .Mind, Minds.665
thinking men’s, labor too hard 3T 157TopIndex .Mind, Minds.666
work while their bodies are robbed of strength and vigor by lack of exercise 3T 157TopIndex .Mind, Minds.667
thousands of: enfeebled by reading sensational and demoralizing literature CW 134TopIndex .Mind, Minds.668
faith of, in Bible is destroyed by phrenology and mesmerism 1T 296TopIndex .Mind, Minds.669
poisoned by literature from corrupted intellects 3T 472TopIndex .Mind, Minds.670
poisoned by science of mesmerism, psychology, and phrenology 2SM 351TopIndex .Mind, Minds.671
tired, preaching or writing should not be done by Ev 181TopIndex .Mind, Minds.672
too active, teacher’s duty re FE 60TopIndex .Mind, Minds.673
too much on world, duty of 2T 188TopIndex .Mind, Minds.674
too weak and narrow, doubting is sign of 4T 585TopIndex .Mind, Minds.675
to perceive God in His created works, sign of 4T 585TopIndex .Mind, Minds.676
trained by: daily tests acquires power 4T 561TopIndex .Mind, Minds.677
Satan to decoy other souls MYP 42TopIndex .Mind, Minds.678
trained: for debate 3T 216TopIndex .Mind, Minds.679
in use of sarcasm 3T 216TopIndex .Mind, Minds.680
trained for effective labor, learning from greatest Educator world ever knew produces CT 505-6TopIndex .Mind, Minds.681
trained only in worldly science will not understand things of God GW 310TopIndex .Mind, Minds.682
trained to run in channel of purity and holiness becomes healthy and vigorous 2T 408TopIndex .Mind, Minds.683
troubled: music’s soothing effects upon PP 643-4; 4aSG 78-9TopIndex .Mind, Minds.684
people who have MM 109TopIndex .Mind, Minds.685
sanitariums should bring peace and rest to MM 109TopIndex .Mind, Minds.686
truly free and happy brings new life to whole being MH 257TopIndex .Mind, Minds.687
two, persons of 1T 288, 531TopIndex .Mind, Minds.688
See also Double-mindedTopIndex .Mind, Minds.689
unaccustomed to meditation becomes trifling and frivolous AH 521; MYP 357TopIndex .Mind, Minds.690
unbalanced 3T 32-9TopIndex .Mind, Minds.691
as result of fanaticism 2SM 34-5TopIndex .Mind, Minds.692
by cider or fermented wine 5T 357TopIndex .Mind, Minds.693
by learned teachers mingling truth with error MM 91TopIndex .Mind, Minds.694
fanatic who developed 2SM 64TopIndex .Mind, Minds.695
gospel workers refusing counsel of brethren develop TM 56TopIndex .Mind, Minds.696
gratification of sensual appetites causes 9T 12TopIndex .Mind, Minds.697
how to deal with MM 210TopIndex .Mind, Minds.698
how Satan leads false teachers to have TM 56TopIndex .Mind, Minds.699
inclined to wild and immature movements Ev 611TopIndex .Mind, Minds.700
intoxicating liquor causes 9T 12TopIndex .Mind, Minds.701
led into fanaticism 2SM 17TopIndex .Mind, Minds.702
mild intoxicants cause Te 93, 278TopIndex .Mind, Minds.703
misled by strong expressions 2SM 91TopIndex .Mind, Minds.704
novel reading causes MYP 290TopIndex .Mind, Minds.705
overworking mental powers produces FE 350TopIndex .Mind, Minds.706
pursuing one line of thought exclusively causes Ed 209TopIndex .Mind, Minds.707
religion of some 1T 501-2TopIndex .Mind, Minds.708
remorse for sin sometimes causes MH 244; 5T 444TopIndex .Mind, Minds.709
result of accepting ideas and impressions of 2SM 320TopIndex .Mind, Minds.710
Satan desires false teachers to have TM 56TopIndex .Mind, Minds.711
Satan seeks to lead, into fanaticism AA 348TopIndex .Mind, Minds.712
stimulants cause Te 78-9TopIndex .Mind, Minds.713
story reading causes CSW 21-2TopIndex .Mind, Minds.714
students carrying too many studies develop FE 350TopIndex .Mind, Minds.715
things that produce, in children 3T 26TopIndex .Mind, Minds.716
tobacco causes 9T 12TopIndex .Mind, Minds.717
too abstemious diet produces CD 191TopIndex .Mind, Minds.718