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EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index)

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    Tithing system - Tongue, Tongues

    Tithing system

    Tithing system, Abraham observed DA 616TopIndex .Tithing system.2

    all people may take hold of, in faith and courage 3T 388TopIndex .Tithing system.3

    as given by God is just and reasonable DA 617TopIndex .Tithing system.4

    character developed by 1T 237TopIndex .Tithing system.5

    Christ made 6T 384TopIndex .Tithing system.6

    contributors to, not left poorer by it 3T 389TopIndex .Tithing system.7

    definite, given through Moses 3T 393TopIndex .Tithing system.8

    depth of learning is not needed to understand and execute 3T 388TopIndex .Tithing system.9

    did not originate with Hebrews PP 525TopIndex .Tithing system.10

    enjoined on Israel is not repealed 3T 392TopIndex .Tithing system.11

    founded on principle enduring as God’s law 3T 404TopIndex .Tithing system.12

    given to man as blessing 3T 404TopIndex .Tithing system.13

    God ordained DA 616TopIndex .Tithing system.14

    God’s cause greatly blessed by faithfulness to 3T 389TopIndex .Tithing system.15

    God’s claims upon man in 4T 469TopIndex .Tithing system.16

    God’s purpose in instituting 1BC 1112TopIndex .Tithing system.17

    God’s treasury will be full if all His people adopt 3T 389TopIndex .Tithing system.18

    God’s work would suffer no lack of means if all His people would adopt 3T 389TopIndex .Tithing system.19

    goes back to days of Adam 1BC 1093; 3T 393TopIndex .Tithing system.20

    great objects accomplished by 3T 389TopIndex .Tithing system.21

    in force before Moses’ time 1BC 1093; 3T 393TopIndex .Tithing system.22

    is blessing to the faithful to end of time 3T 404-5TopIndex .Tithing system.23

    is of divine origin 3T 388TopIndex .Tithing system.24

    Jewish leaders abused DA 616-7TopIndex .Tithing system.25

    Jews were blessed by 3T 404TopIndex .Tithing system.26

    law of, not burdensome to God’s people 3T 396TopIndex .Tithing system.27

    regarded by selfish hearts as burdensome 3T 396TopIndex .Tithing system.28

    man’s judgment should have free play in 3T 394TopIndex .Tithing system.29

    no compulsion required in 3T 394TopIndex .Tithing system.30

    not a burden to people who did not depart from it 3T 392TopIndex .Tithing system.31

    observed from earliest times DA 616TopIndex .Tithing system.32

    opposition to, in Ohio 1T 237TopIndex .Tithing system.33

    plan of, beautiful in simplicity and equality 3T 388TopIndex .Tithing system.34

    definite enough for all 3T 394TopIndex .Tithing system.35

    should be more fully carried out now than in Israel’s time 3T 392TopIndex .Tithing system.36

    simplicity and utility are combined in 3T 388TopIndex .Tithing system.37

    true state of man’s heart is manifested by 1T 237TopIndex .Tithing system.38

    See also Benevolence (1. Systematic, plan of)TopIndex .Tithing system.39

    Title, Titles (office or rank)

    Title, Titles (office or rank), cannot deliver men from results of sin AA 424TopIndex .Title, Titles (office or rank).2

    Christ assumed no DA 74TopIndex .Title, Titles (office or rank).3

    Christ gained, of Son of God in new sense 1SM 226-7TopIndex .Title, Titles (office or rank).4

    clergymen’s, Christ’s instruction re DA 613; Ev 133; SD 58TopIndex .Title, Titles (office or rank).5

    endearing, of “Our Father” GC 652TopIndex .Title, Titles (office or rank).6

    high, Nehemiah made no pretension to PK 675TopIndex .Title, Titles (office or rank).7

    high-sounding: Christ’s labor was not found among men of 2T 467TopIndex .Title, Titles (office or rank).8

    not essential in order to become exemplary Christians 4T 340TopIndex .Title, Titles (office or rank).9

    not essential in order to become good citizen 4T 340TopIndex .Title, Titles (office or rank).10

    honorary, early Christians had no GC 46TopIndex .Title, Titles (office or rank).11

    Jewish leaders were gratified with sounds of their, on men’s lips DA 242TopIndex .Title, Titles (office or rank).12

    love of, Paul rebuked Jews for their AA 247TopIndex .Title, Titles (office or rank).13

    man cannot gain God’s favor by AA 424TopIndex .Title, Titles (office or rank).14

    of “Brother” and “Sister,” use of 1T 634TopIndex .Title, Titles (office or rank).15

    of Deity arrogated by bishop of Rome GC 50; SR 327TopIndex .Title, Titles (office or rank).16

    of “Master,” use of DA 613TopIndex .Title, Titles (office or rank).17

    of “Miss,” “Mr.,” and “Mrs.,” use of 1T 634TopIndex .Title, Titles (office or rank).18

    of “Professor,” use of Ev 132; 4T 605TopIndex .Title, Titles (office or rank).19

    of “Rabbi,” use of 5BC 1098; DA 613TopIndex .Title, Titles (office or rank).20

    of “Reverend,” use of DA 613; Ev 133; SD 58TopIndex .Title, Titles (office or rank).21

    of “Right Reverend,” use of DA 613TopIndex .Title, Titles (office or rank).22

    EGW made no claim to, of prophetess 1SM 32, 35TopIndex .Title, Titles (office or rank).23

    Title, Titles (right of property)

    Title, Titles (right of property), Christ’s imputed righteousness is man’s, to heaven MYP 35TopIndex .Title, Titles (right of property).2

    how to obtain, to immortal inheritance TM 442TopIndex .Title, Titles (right of property).3

    make earnest effort to get, to heavenly possessions CS 225TopIndex .Title, Titles (right of property).4

    make no mistake re your, to home in Christ’s kingdom 5T 331TopIndex .Title, Titles (right of property).5

    make sure your, to unsearchable riches of Christ COL 375TopIndex .Title, Titles (right of property).6

    man’s, to heaven is found in Christ’s righteousness DA 300; MYP 35TopIndex .Title, Titles (right of property).7

    men make earnest efforts to get, to land CS 225TopIndex .Title, Titles (right of property).8

    to heaven, Christ’s imputed righteousness is our MYP 35TopIndex .Title, Titles (right of property).9

    God demands perfect righteousness as our 6BC 1072TopIndex .Title, Titles (right of property).10

    to mansions Christ has gone to prepare is better than, to earth’s noblest palace COL 374TopIndex .Title, Titles (right of property).11

    wealth gives no, to inheritance of saints COL 394TopIndex .Title, Titles (right of property).12

    your, to heavenly inheritance should bear royal signet 5T 333TopIndex .Title, Titles (right of property).13

    Titled class, Titled classes

    Titled class, Titled classes of Roman citizens, Paul’s efforts to reach AA 461TopIndex .Titled class, Titled classes.2

    Tittabawasee, Mich.

    Tittabawasee, Mich. LS 185; 1SM 144-5; 2T 12-3TopIndex .Tittabawasee, Mich..2


    Tittle, jot and See Jots and tittlesTopIndex .Tittle.2


    Titus, funds raised by, in Macedonia 6BC 1103-4TopIndex .Titus.2

    gospel worker in Paul’s time GW 102TopIndex .Titus.3

    messenger and money carrier for early church 6BC 1104; AA 324TopIndex .Titus.4

    met Paul at Corinth AA 323-4TopIndex .Titus.5

    report of, re Corinthian church AA 323-4TopIndex .Titus.6

    sent by Paul from Rome to Dalmatia AA 490TopIndex .Titus.7

    sent to Corinth to prepare way for Paul AA 301; 6BC 1104TopIndex .Titus.8


    Titus, Roman general GC 21, 31-5; PP 467TopIndex .Titus.2

    Titus, Epistle to

    Titus, Epistle to, Paul wrote AA 368-9; GW 102TopIndex .Titus, Epistle to.2


    Toast, milk, EGW could not eat CD 494 See also ZwiebackTopIndex .Toast.2


    1. Ill effects of (general)TopIndex .Tobacco.3

    2. Ill effects of (mental)TopIndex .Tobacco.4

    3. Ill effects of (moral and spiritual)TopIndex .Tobacco.5

    4. Ill effects of (physical)TopIndex .Tobacco.6

    5. Money spent forTopIndex .Tobacco.7

    6. NarcoticTopIndex .Tobacco.8

    7. PoisonTopIndex .Tobacco.9

    8. StimulantTopIndex .Tobacco.10

    9. Use ofTopIndex .Tobacco.11

    10. MiscellaneousTopIndex .Tobacco.12

    SupplementTopIndex .Tobacco.13

    1. Ill effects of (general) MH 327-30; SL 28, 30-2; 3T 561; Te 202

    air polluted 2T 528TopIndex .Tobacco.15

    annoyance to other people Te 58TopIndex .Tobacco.16

    atmosphere poisoned CH 83TopIndex .Tobacco.17

    atmosphere polluted 5T 440TopIndex .Tobacco.18

    body temple defiled Te 64-5TopIndex .Tobacco.19

    children and youth should understand Ed 202TopIndex .Tobacco.20

    colporteur should explain CH 463TopIndex .Tobacco.21

    crime SD 212; Te 58-9TopIndex .Tobacco.22

    debasement 3T 561TopIndex .Tobacco.23

    defilement GC 474TopIndex .Tobacco.24

    railroad cars not thoroughly ventilated makes, worse 3T 562TopIndex .Tobacco.25

    self-murder 4aSG 128TopIndex .Tobacco.26

    unnecessary and harmful CD 420-1; Te 75TopIndex .Tobacco.27

    untold harm SD 212TopIndex .Tobacco.28

    among children and youth MH 328TopIndex .Tobacco.29

    upon lawmakers Te 46-7TopIndex .Tobacco.30

    upon young boys MH 329TopIndex .Tobacco.31

    upon young men 5T 440TopIndex .Tobacco.32

    upon youth Te 62TopIndex .Tobacco.33

    user defiled Te 58TopIndex .Tobacco.34

    user stupefied 4T 30TopIndex .Tobacco.35

    whole being degraded Te 65TopIndex .Tobacco.36

    whole man defiled Te 62TopIndex .Tobacco.37

    2. Ill effects of (mental) 4aSG 126; Te 59

    brain affected CH 81; 4aSG 126TopIndex .Tobacco.39

    brain beclouded MH 328TopIndex .Tobacco.40

    brain benumbed 1BC 1111; FE 428TopIndex .Tobacco.41

    brain confused Te 62TopIndex .Tobacco.42

    brain injured CH 463TopIndex .Tobacco.43

    brain narcotized Te 47TopIndex .Tobacco.44

    brain powers destroyed 9T 12; Te 119TopIndex .Tobacco.45

    brain sensibility paralyzed CG 404TopIndex .Tobacco.46

    brain sensitive nerves destroyed Te 59TopIndex .Tobacco.47

    brain weakened CG 404; MH 328TopIndex .Tobacco.48

    clear perceptions destroyed Te 58TopIndex .Tobacco.49

    control of reason set aside CG 404TopIndex .Tobacco.50

    faculties beclouded Te 103TopIndex .Tobacco.51

    faculties debased 4aSG 126; 2SM 422TopIndex .Tobacco.52

    inability to control thoughts Te 279TopIndex .Tobacco.53

    intellect paralyzed MH 329TopIndex .Tobacco.54

    mental degeneracy CH 49; Te 174TopIndex .Tobacco.55

    mental power(s) ruined MM 222TopIndex .Tobacco.56

    mental power weakened Te 278TopIndex .Tobacco.57

    mental sensibilities deadened CH 84TopIndex .Tobacco.58

    mental strength sacrificed Te 64TopIndex .Tobacco.59

    mind beclouded Ed 202; FE 428; Te 105TopIndex .Tobacco.60

    mind benumbed, many pass last hours with Te 18TopIndex .Tobacco.61

    mind confused CG 404TopIndex .Tobacco.62

    mind enfeebled Te 58TopIndex .Tobacco.63

    mind not kept clear and composed Te 35TopIndex .Tobacco.64

    mind(s) of young boys stupefied MH 329TopIndex .Tobacco.65

    mind of youth decayed Te 62TopIndex .Tobacco.66

    mind unbalanced 9T 12TopIndex .Tobacco.67

    nerve power of brain weakened Te 69TopIndex .Tobacco.68

    reasoning powers perverted Te 36TopIndex .Tobacco.69

    senses perverted 4T 257TopIndex .Tobacco.70

    senses stupefied Te 58TopIndex .Tobacco.71

    sensibilities benumbed CH 81; 4aSG 126; Te 59, 253TopIndex .Tobacco.72

    3. Ill effects of (moral and spiritual)

    advancement in Christian living hindered 2T 99TopIndex .Tobacco.74

    animal passions bear sway CD 269; CG 404TopIndex .Tobacco.75

    God insulted 1BC 1111TopIndex .Tobacco.76

    human nature brutified CG 404TopIndex .Tobacco.77

    moral(s) debased CG 404TopIndex .Tobacco.78

    moral(s) of young boys corrupted MH 329TopIndex .Tobacco.79

    moral powers ruined MM 222TopIndex .Tobacco.80

    pernicious influence exerted on moral character CD 63; SL 28TopIndex .Tobacco.81

    sense of sacred things perverted 4aSG 36-7TopIndex .Tobacco.82

    soul defiled SL 31TopIndex .Tobacco.83

    soul sensualized Ed 202TopIndex .Tobacco.84

    soul’s finer sensibilities benumbed 3SG 116TopIndex .Tobacco.85

    will power overcome Te 60-1TopIndex .Tobacco.86

    worship of God hindered CD 426TopIndex .Tobacco.87

    4. Ill effects of (physical)

    appetite created for: fermented wines and liquors Te 58TopIndex .Tobacco.89

    intoxicating liquor 3T 488-9, 563; 4T 30TopIndex .Tobacco.90

    something stronger Te 58TopIndex .Tobacco.91

    stronger stimulants 4T 30; Te 228-9TopIndex .Tobacco.92

    blood corrupted 5T 440TopIndex .Tobacco.93

    blood polluted Te 57TopIndex .Tobacco.94

    body(s) of young boys dwarfed MH 329TopIndex .Tobacco.95

    body weakened CG 404; Te 58TopIndex .Tobacco.96

    body’s fine machinery impaired 1T 548-9TopIndex .Tobacco.97

    body’s fluids and solids affected Te 291TopIndex .Tobacco.98

    body’s fortifications against disease and premature decay battered down 1T 548-9TopIndex .Tobacco.99

    body’s natural sensibilities deadened CH 84TopIndex .Tobacco.100

    dangerous because they are slow CH 84; MH 327-8; 4aSG 128TopIndex .Tobacco.101

    digestive organs injured CH 463TopIndex .Tobacco.102

    disease 5T 440TopIndex .Tobacco.103

    much to do with increase of SD 212; Te 58-9TopIndex .Tobacco.104

    of every kind CD 421; MM 222TopIndex .Tobacco.105

    head giddy Te 60-1TopIndex .Tobacco.106

    health injured CS 134TopIndex .Tobacco.107

    health ruined CH 81; 4aSG 126TopIndex .Tobacco.108

    human system prepared for acute diseases 1T 548-9TopIndex .Tobacco.109

    human system terribly harmed Ev 534TopIndex .Tobacco.110

    irritability Te 60-1, 279TopIndex .Tobacco.111

    lips and chin stained 4aSG 127TopIndex .Tobacco.112

    man’s spark of vitality extinguished CD 423TopIndex .Tobacco.113

    more difficult to eradicate from system than those of intoxicating drink MH 328; 3T 569TopIndex .Tobacco.114

    more subtle than those of intoxicating drink MH 328TopIndex .Tobacco.115

    nerve(s) affected more powerfully than by intoxicating drink MH 328TopIndex .Tobacco.116

    nerve(s) excited and paralyzed CH 84; MH 328; 4aSG 128TopIndex .Tobacco.117

    nerve irritant CD 421-2TopIndex .Tobacco.118

    nerve(s) narcotized Te 47TopIndex .Tobacco.119

    nerve power lessened 3T 488-9; Te 64TopIndex .Tobacco.120

    nerves trembling Te 60-1TopIndex .Tobacco.121

    nervous system undermined 5T 440TopIndex .Tobacco.122

    nervous system weakened 2SM 422; Te 172TopIndex .Tobacco.123

    on nervous system, more powerful than those of alcohol 3T 562TopIndex .Tobacco.124

    physical constitution injured CD 426; CH 81; MH 327; SL 32; 4aSG 126; 1T 548-9; Te 291TopIndex .Tobacco.125

    physical degeneracy CH 49; Te 174TopIndex .Tobacco.126

    physical powers enfeebled Te 62TopIndex .Tobacco.127

    physical powers ruined MM 222TopIndex .Tobacco.128

    physical power weakened MM 11; Te 278TopIndex .Tobacco.129

    physical strength undermined MH 329TopIndex .Tobacco.130

    thousands of lives sacrificed yearly Te 57TopIndex .Tobacco.131

    tissues of human structure poisoned Te 36TopIndex .Tobacco.132

    vital force lessened Te 64TopIndex .Tobacco.133

    5. Money spent for

    accountability for MH 330TopIndex .Tobacco.135

    all missions in world could be supported by Te 272TopIndex .Tobacco.136

    by higher classes MH 211TopIndex .Tobacco.137

    enormous sum squandered yearly CH 84; SL 32TopIndex .Tobacco.138

    God’s entrusted capital CS 134TopIndex .Tobacco.139

    God’s money MH 329-30TopIndex .Tobacco.140

    gospel work needs CH 84TopIndex .Tobacco.141

    Lord’s treasury needs SL 32; 1T 222TopIndex .Tobacco.142

    millions of dollars yearly CD 423TopIndex .Tobacco.143

    money given to God’s cause is less than SL 32TopIndex .Tobacco.144

    money given to relieve the poor is less than SL 32TopIndex .Tobacco.145

    needed to help the poor CH 84; Te 66TopIndex .Tobacco.146

    robs God’s treasury of thousands of dollars Te 64TopIndex .Tobacco.147

    should be put to better use EW 121TopIndex .Tobacco.148

    vast amount CS 134; Te 66TopIndex .Tobacco.149

    worse than wasted MH 330TopIndex .Tobacco.150

    6. Narcotic MM 222, 225; 4T 309; 5T 440; Te 58, 60, 254, 278

    besotting Te 59TopIndex .Tobacco.152

    defiling Te 164-5TopIndex .Tobacco.153

    filthy Te 59, 69TopIndex .Tobacco.154

    harmful effects of CD 421TopIndex .Tobacco.155

    poisonous 5T 440; Te 62, 105TopIndex .Tobacco.156

    soul-and-brain-benumbing Te 56TopIndex .Tobacco.157

    7. Poison Te 57, 62, 103

    body broken down by Ed 202TopIndex .Tobacco.159

    deadly 4aSG 126; 2SM 422; Te 172TopIndex .Tobacco.160

    deceitful CH 84; 4aSG 128TopIndex .Tobacco.161

    disgusting 2SM 467; 4T 30TopIndex .Tobacco.162

    filthy 4T 30TopIndex .Tobacco.163

    ill effects of staying in air filled with 3T 562TopIndex .Tobacco.164

    insidious poison CH 81; MH 327; SD 212; 3T 569TopIndex .Tobacco.165

    intoxicating 3T 562TopIndex .Tobacco.166

    terrible curse to race CG 404TopIndex .Tobacco.167

    malignant CH 84; MH 327; SD 212; 4aSG 128TopIndex .Tobacco.168

    many people afflicted with MM 225TopIndex .Tobacco.169

    more subtle than spirituous liquor 3T 562TopIndex .Tobacco.170

    parents who kill infants with 2SM 467TopIndex .Tobacco.171

    poisonous content CD 420-1; Te 75TopIndex .Tobacco.172

    poisonous drug Te 57TopIndex .Tobacco.173

    nature tries to expel Te 57TopIndex .Tobacco.174

    poisonous weed Te 118TopIndex .Tobacco.175

    slow CH 81; MH 327; SD 212; 4aSG 36-7, 126, 128; 3T 569; Te 172TopIndex .Tobacco.176

    sure 4aSG 126; 2SM 422; Te 172TopIndex .Tobacco.177

    8. Stimulant CD 63, 420-1; CH 84; 1T 222; 3T 569; 5T 441; Te 75

    artificial CD 421; Te 72TopIndex .Tobacco.179

    false LS 222; Te 61TopIndex .Tobacco.180

    hurtful 1T 548-9TopIndex .Tobacco.181

    that should be laid aside 1T 224TopIndex .Tobacco.182

    unnatural 1T 549TopIndex .Tobacco.183

    9. Use of

    abominable practice Te 278TopIndex .Tobacco.185

    almost universal 5T 440TopIndex .Tobacco.186

    among Israelites, God would not have tolerated 4aSG 127TopIndex .Tobacco.187

    arguments against, may be used against tea and coffee CD 426; SL 32TopIndex .Tobacco.188

    change of sentiment needed re FE 144TopIndex .Tobacco.189

    claim that, does not injure user Te 60-1TopIndex .Tobacco.190

    defiling FE 428; MH 328; Te 58, 62TopIndex .Tobacco.191

    defiling nuisance Te 63TopIndex .Tobacco.192

    disgusting 5T 440; Te 58, 63TopIndex .Tobacco.193

    earthly, sensual, and devilish SL 30TopIndex .Tobacco.194

    effects of SL 32TopIndex .Tobacco.195

    enslaves more than does intoxicating liquor 3T 562TopIndex .Tobacco.196

    expensive MH 328; Te 62TopIndex .Tobacco.197

    filthy CH 81; 4aSG 126; SL 31TopIndex .Tobacco.198

    gospel workers urged to give up MH 329TopIndex .Tobacco.199

    gross appetite indulged by CH 81TopIndex .Tobacco.200

    harmful indulgence 4aSG 36; 7T 58TopIndex .Tobacco.201

    inconvenient MH 328; Te 62TopIndex .Tobacco.202

    jurors addicted to, dangerous to trust decisions of Te 281TopIndex .Tobacco.203

    lay aside, as idol 1T 222TopIndex .Tobacco.204

    leads from one stage of debasement to another Te 274TopIndex .Tobacco.205

    man who disregarded light re 2T 96TopIndex .Tobacco.206

    man who would give up Testimonies rather than 4T 245TopIndex .Tobacco.207

    men led by, to deal treacherously with fellow men Te 281TopIndex .Tobacco.208

    ministers warned against Te 45TopIndex .Tobacco.209

    needless expense SL 32TopIndex .Tobacco.210

    neighbor tempted to destroy himself by Te 232-3TopIndex .Tobacco.211

    no foundation for, in nature Te 278TopIndex .Tobacco.212

    offensive to others MH 328TopIndex .Tobacco.213

    only a step from, to drinking of intoxicating liquor Te 72TopIndex .Tobacco.214

    overcoming, means a hard battle Te 103TopIndex .Tobacco.215

    persons persisting in, God’s stewards have no duty to help 1T 225TopIndex .Tobacco.216

    persons refusing to give up, do not appreciate their intellect SD 313TopIndex .Tobacco.217

    persons who would give up 1T 548-9TopIndex .Tobacco.218

    physicians must be free from 5T 440TopIndex .Tobacco.219

    physicians tell patients that it would be fatal to stop Te 61TopIndex .Tobacco.220

    rebuked 2SG 119; 1T 655TopIndex .Tobacco.221

    sanctification incompatible with CH 83TopIndex .Tobacco.222

    Satan laughs at decision to leave off, by degrees CD 166; Te 103TopIndex .Tobacco.223

    Satan’s suggestion re 1T 548TopIndex .Tobacco.224

    say No squarely and positively to CD 166TopIndex .Tobacco.225

    SDA bear positive testimony against 3T 21; Te 69TopIndex .Tobacco.226

    sinful indulgence Te 60-1TopIndex .Tobacco.227

    temporary effects felt by those trying to give up 1T 549TopIndex .Tobacco.228

    thirst for strong drink excited by CG 404; MH 328TopIndex .Tobacco.229

    two thirds of drunkards created an appetite for liquor by Te 72TopIndex .Tobacco.230

    unclean FE 428; MH 328; Te 58, 62TopIndex .Tobacco.231

    unnatural Te 278TopIndex .Tobacco.232

    violation of God’s law by Te 103TopIndex .Tobacco.233

    warning against FE 144TopIndex .Tobacco.234

    woman addicted to, disgusting picture of Te 59-60TopIndex .Tobacco.235

    would have been forbidden if it had been known in Bible times FE 428TopIndex .Tobacco.236

    10. Miscellaneous

    ailments may be treated by throwing away 5T 440TopIndex .Tobacco.238

    alcohol and, twin evils Te 72TopIndex .Tobacco.239

    appetite for: coffee fosters 3T 563, 569TopIndex .Tobacco.240

    condiments and spices foster Te 57TopIndex .Tobacco.241

    conditions and things that foster Ed 202-3TopIndex .Tobacco.242

    stimulating foods and drinks foster 3T 487-8TopIndex .Tobacco.243

    tea fosters 3T 563, 569TopIndex .Tobacco.244

    children should not be allowed to use CG 241TopIndex .Tobacco.245

    church members using, should discard it Te 242TopIndex .Tobacco.246

    church members who refuse to give up 1T 548-9TopIndex .Tobacco.247

    craving for, foods that lead to Te 182-3TopIndex .Tobacco.248

    Satan fills men with Te 12TopIndex .Tobacco.249

    cultivation of, for livelihood advised against 2SM 338TopIndex .Tobacco.250

    not test of fellowship 2SM 338TopIndex .Tobacco.251

    decisions re use of, at which Satan laughs CD 166TopIndex .Tobacco.252

    desire for, total abstinence is needed to overcome Ev 264TopIndex .Tobacco.253

    determine not to use Te 103TopIndex .Tobacco.254

    discard use of AH 499; FE 320TopIndex .Tobacco.255

    disgusting weed 2SM 420; Te 60TopIndex .Tobacco.256

    do not recommend, to the sick 2SM 296TopIndex .Tobacco.257

    early Christians would have been denounced for using SL 30TopIndex .Tobacco.258

    far better work can be done without FE 428TopIndex .Tobacco.259

    filthy lust of, babies have died as martyrs to 2SM 467TopIndex .Tobacco.260

    filthy weed CH 81; EW 121; 4aSG 127TopIndex .Tobacco.261

    first use of, nature rebels against Te 278TopIndex .Tobacco.262

    stomach revolts against Te 278TopIndex .Tobacco.263

    heathen nations forced by civilized people to accept MH 339TopIndex .Tobacco.264

    how God regards prayers offered under influence of Te 45TopIndex .Tobacco.265

    love for, warring lust Te 66TopIndex .Tobacco.266

    many people sell their faculties for Te 59TopIndex .Tobacco.267

    never spend a penny for FE 319TopIndex .Tobacco.268

    no human being needs MH 330TopIndex .Tobacco.269

    physician should abstain from MH 133-4TopIndex .Tobacco.270

    priests using, would have shared fate of Nadab and Abihu 4aSG 127TopIndex .Tobacco.271

    resist temptation to use FE 428TopIndex .Tobacco.272

    Satan is advocate of Te 58TopIndex .Tobacco.273

    shun and discard LS 353TopIndex .Tobacco.274

    stupefying influence of Te 71TopIndex .Tobacco.275

    subject of, revolution needed on 3T 569TopIndex .Tobacco.276

    temperance is more than abstaining from CD 406TopIndex .Tobacco.277

    touch not, taste not, handle not MH 335; 3T 488; Te 94TopIndex .Tobacco.278

    unnatural craving for, why it seems hard to deny 3T 488TopIndex .Tobacco.279

    why men should discard CD 285; MM 286TopIndex .Tobacco.280

    will is chained by Te 58TopIndex .Tobacco.281

    youth should be trained never to touch Te 187TopIndex .Tobacco.282

    See also Cigar; Cigarette; SnuffTopIndex .Tobacco.283


    body saturated with, not holy and acceptable to God 1MCP 76:2TopIndex .Tobacco.285

    brain clouded and life current poisoned by CME 38:2TopIndex .Tobacco.286

    breath from, desecrates the house of God Con 59:2, 83:2TopIndex .Tobacco.287

    faculties sold for Con 80:0TopIndex .Tobacco.288

    God abhors spitting of; bodies are temples Con 59:2TopIndex .Tobacco.289

    guilt from using, when matter presented correctly 1MCP 76:4TopIndex .Tobacco.290

    law of God and eternal life cannot be valued by users of Con 61:1TopIndex .Tobacco.291

    moderation not recommended for; discard it 3SM 287:2TopIndex .Tobacco.292

    poisons the system in whatever form it is used 1MCP 75:3TopIndex .Tobacco.293

    prevalence of 1MCP 297:3TopIndex .Tobacco.294

    return to using, selling soul on a cheap market TDG 138:6TopIndex .Tobacco.295

    use of, prevents sealing; filthy weed 3SM 273:1TopIndex .Tobacco.296

    youth won from using RC 247:3TopIndex .Tobacco.297

    Tobacco addiction

    Tobacco addiction, remedy for 2T 425; Te 119TopIndex .Tobacco addiction.2

    Tobacco appetite

    Tobacco appetite, education of, presumption Te 61TopIndex .Tobacco appetite.2

    indulgence strengthens 4T 244TopIndex .Tobacco appetite.3

    marriage with persons cherishing 2SM 422TopIndex .Tobacco appetite.4

    not founded in nature SL 31; Te 56, 291TopIndex .Tobacco appetite.5

    unless inherited Te 56TopIndex .Tobacco appetite.6

    remedy for Te 119TopIndex .Tobacco appetite.7

    self-destructive Te 58TopIndex .Tobacco appetite.8

    slavery of 4T 257TopIndex .Tobacco appetite.9

    unnatural Te 64TopIndex .Tobacco appetite.10

    warring lust 4T 244TopIndex .Tobacco appetite.11

    Tobacco chewer, Tobacco chewers

    Tobacco chewer, Tobacco chewers, child of God should not be Te 65TopIndex .Tobacco chewer, Tobacco chewers.2

    injure people within their sphere of influence 5T 442-3TopIndex .Tobacco chewer, Tobacco chewers.3

    injure themselves 5T 442-3TopIndex .Tobacco chewer, Tobacco chewers.4

    praying with mouth defiled with filth CH 82TopIndex .Tobacco chewer, Tobacco chewers.5

    professed Christians who smoke and are Te 46TopIndex .Tobacco chewer, Tobacco chewers.6

    sitting in church services 4aSG 127TopIndex .Tobacco chewer, Tobacco chewers.7

    stupefying quid of 4aSG 127TopIndex .Tobacco chewer, Tobacco chewers.8

    Tobacco chewing

    Tobacco chewing, blood corrupted by 5T 440TopIndex .Tobacco chewing.2

    improper for Christians 1BC 1111TopIndex .Tobacco chewing.3

    nervous system undermined by 5T 440TopIndex .Tobacco chewing.4

    Tobacco devotee, Tobacco devotees

    Tobacco devotee, Tobacco devotees, affiliation with secret societies unites a person with Ev 619; 2SM 124TopIndex .Tobacco devotee, Tobacco devotees.2

    arguments of, for using tobacco CD 397TopIndex .Tobacco devotee, Tobacco devotees.3

    converted, sacrifice their idol Ev 264, 532; GW 436TopIndex .Tobacco devotee, Tobacco devotees.4

    cured of vile habit Te 291TopIndex .Tobacco devotee, Tobacco devotees.5

    draw with God to win, from evil habits CM 40TopIndex .Tobacco devotee, Tobacco devotees.6

    encountered everywhere MH 328; Te 58TopIndex .Tobacco devotee, Tobacco devotees.7

    how, can become free from his habit Ev 532TopIndex .Tobacco devotee, Tobacco devotees.8

    little can be done by, to stay progress of intemperance 3T 569; Te 72TopIndex .Tobacco devotee, Tobacco devotees.9

    many Ev 566TopIndex .Tobacco devotee, Tobacco devotees.10

    not temperance people Te 218TopIndex .Tobacco devotee, Tobacco devotees.11

    results of defective education seen in 3T 564TopIndex .Tobacco devotee, Tobacco devotees.12

    results of erroneous education seen in CG 406; FE 140TopIndex .Tobacco devotee, Tobacco devotees.13

    results of self-indulgence seen in FE 140TopIndex .Tobacco devotee, Tobacco devotees.14

    tobacco made idol of Te 278-9TopIndex .Tobacco devotee, Tobacco devotees.15

    truth must go to Ev 566TopIndex .Tobacco devotee, Tobacco devotees.16

    Tobacco effluvia

    Tobacco effluvia, from tobacco patients, seen in baths and on treatment sheets Te 291TopIndex .Tobacco effluvia.2

    poisonous, lungs of tobacco user throw off Te 58-9TopIndex .Tobacco effluvia.3

    pores of skin of tobacco users throw off Te 58-9TopIndex .Tobacco effluvia.4

    tobacco user’s body throws off 2SM 467TopIndex .Tobacco effluvia.5

    Tobacco fume, Tobacco fumes

    Tobacco fume, Tobacco fumes, air impregnated with, acts on some infants as slow poison Te 58-9TopIndex .Tobacco fume, Tobacco fumes.2

    dangerous to remain in Te 58TopIndex .Tobacco fume, Tobacco fumes.3

    ill effects of breathing MH 328TopIndex .Tobacco fume, Tobacco fumes.4

    spasms, fits, and paralysis in infants caused by Te 58-9TopIndex .Tobacco fume, Tobacco fumes.5

    sudden death of infants caused by Te 58-9TopIndex .Tobacco fume, Tobacco fumes.6

    stench of, how God regards prayers mingled with Te 45TopIndex .Tobacco fume, Tobacco fumes.7

    in worship of God 1BC 1111TopIndex .Tobacco fume, Tobacco fumes.8

    Tobacco habit

    Tobacco habit CD 426-7; CH 81-2TopIndex .Tobacco habit.2

    abandon CD 421; EW 121; MM 222TopIndex .Tobacco habit.3

    forever 4T 244TopIndex .Tobacco habit.4

    can become fixed habit 5T 440TopIndex .Tobacco habit.5

    cannot be overcome in one’s own strength Te 105TopIndex .Tobacco habit.6

    Christ promises help in overcoming Te 105TopIndex .Tobacco habit.7

    Christ would drive from temple persons defiled by Te 64TopIndex .Tobacco habit.8

    Christ’s teachings rebuke Te 62TopIndex .Tobacco habit.9

    concealed from others is not hidden from God 4T 244TopIndex .Tobacco habit.10

    contrary to godliness CH 83-4TopIndex .Tobacco habit.11

    crime of, perverted knowledge originated Te 75TopIndex .Tobacco habit.12

    dealing with youth who acquire Te 70-1TopIndex .Tobacco habit.13

    debasing Te 142TopIndex .Tobacco habit.14

    difficult to overcome Te 58TopIndex .Tobacco habit.15

    fisherman who overcame Te 118-9TopIndex .Tobacco habit.16

    foundation laid by, for liquor habit CG 404; MH 328TopIndex .Tobacco habit.17

    God’s converting power needed to overcome Te 69TopIndex .Tobacco habit.18

    grace to overcome, ask God for Te 103TopIndex .Tobacco habit.19

    how to overcome 4T 257-8; Te 103-4, 279-80TopIndex .Tobacco habit.20

    indulged at expense of health Te 64TopIndex .Tobacco habit.21

    intemperance Ev 266TopIndex .Tobacco habit.22

    men can have victory over Te 291TopIndex .Tobacco habit.23

    more difficult to overcome than liquor habit 3T 562TopIndex .Tobacco habit.24

    pernicious CH 81, 83; SL 31TopIndex .Tobacco habit.25

    popular Te 68TopIndex .Tobacco habit.26

    power of, terrible Te 60TopIndex .Tobacco habit.27

    Satan uses: to confuse man’s judgment Te 60TopIndex .Tobacco habit.28

    to palsy man’s brain Te 60TopIndex .Tobacco habit.29

    to take men captive Ev 529TopIndex .Tobacco habit.30

    stanch temperance men delivered from LS 222TopIndex .Tobacco habit.31

    total abstinence is only sure remedy for 2T 425TopIndex .Tobacco habit.32

    vice fearful in results Te 60-1TopIndex .Tobacco habit.33

    victory over, men who got Ev 531-2; LS 222; 1T 658; Te 109TopIndex .Tobacco habit.34

    vile Te 291TopIndex .Tobacco habit.35

    wars with laws of life and health Ev 266TopIndex .Tobacco habit.36

    youth led to acquire, by bad example of older persons Te 68TopIndex .Tobacco habit.37

    Tobacco idolater

    Tobacco idolater, will not deny appetite for God’s cause Te 67TopIndex .Tobacco idolater.2

    Tobacco inebriate, Tobacco inebriates

    Tobacco inebriate, Tobacco inebriates, children cannot be taught by, to control appetite and passions Te 71TopIndex .Tobacco inebriate, Tobacco inebriates.2

    multiplying Te 58TopIndex .Tobacco inebriate, Tobacco inebriates.3

    struggle of, to overcome body-and-soul-destroying indulgence Te 60TopIndex .Tobacco inebriate, Tobacco inebriates.4

    there would be no, if men had conscientiously kept God’s law Te 164TopIndex .Tobacco inebriate, Tobacco inebriates.5

    Tobacco juice

    Tobacco juice, professed Christians spit, and speak against intoxicating liquors 3T 569TopIndex .Tobacco juice.2

    Tobacco lover, Tobacco lovers

    Tobacco lover, Tobacco lovers, inflamed blood and irritated nerves transmitted to children by Te 269TopIndex .Tobacco lover, Tobacco lovers.2

    insatiable cravings transmitted to children by Te 269TopIndex .Tobacco lover, Tobacco lovers.3

    Tobacconized breath, Tobacconized breaths

    Tobacconized breath, Tobacconized breaths 1BC 1111TopIndex .Tobacconized breath, Tobacconized breaths.2

    air poisoned for infants by 2SM 467TopIndex .Tobacconized breath, Tobacconized breaths.3

    atmosphere polluted by 4aSG 127; 5T 440TopIndex .Tobacconized breath, Tobacconized breaths.4

    contaminating GC 474TopIndex .Tobacconized breath, Tobacconized breaths.5

    offensive to the sick 5T 440TopIndex .Tobacconized breath, Tobacconized breaths.6

    poisoned, woman who had Te 60TopIndex .Tobacconized breath, Tobacconized breaths.7

    poisonous MH 328; Te 60TopIndex .Tobacconized breath, Tobacconized breaths.8

    polluted with stench SL 31TopIndex .Tobacconized breath, Tobacconized breaths.9

    sacred things brought down to level with Te 45-6TopIndex .Tobacconized breath, Tobacconized breaths.10

    sanctuary of God polluted by Te 64TopIndex .Tobacconized breath, Tobacconized breaths.11

    Tobacco pipe

    Tobacco pipe, fumes of, air polluted by Te 279TopIndex .Tobacco pipe.2

    idol CH 68TopIndex .Tobacco pipe.3

    enshrined in soul SL 28TopIndex .Tobacco pipe.4

    man who threw away his CD 466TopIndex .Tobacco pipe.5

    woman who preferred, rather than heaven CH 68; Te 63TopIndex .Tobacco pipe.6

    Tobacco slave, Tobacco slaves

    Tobacco slave, Tobacco slaves, boy who becomes LS 224; Te 259TopIndex .Tobacco slave, Tobacco slaves.2

    falsehoods and profanity uttered by 3T 568TopIndex .Tobacco slave, Tobacco slaves.3

    fortitude needed by, to break habit 4aSG 139TopIndex .Tobacco slave, Tobacco slaves.4

    how man becomes Te 278TopIndex .Tobacco slave, Tobacco slaves.5

    let their families suffer rather than forgo the practice Te 67TopIndex .Tobacco slave, Tobacco slaves.6

    lungs of, air is poisoned by breath from 2SM 467; Te 58-9TopIndex .Tobacco slave, Tobacco slaves.7

    parent who may see child become CH 114TopIndex .Tobacco slave, Tobacco slaves.8

    sanctification claimed by GC 474; SL 31TopIndex .Tobacco slave, Tobacco slaves.9

    senses of, benumbed 3T 568TopIndex .Tobacco slave, Tobacco slaves.10

    Tobacco slavery

    Tobacco slavery holds its victims Te 58TopIndex .Tobacco slavery.2

    Tobacco smoke

    Tobacco smoke, gospel must come from lips undefiled by Te 69TopIndex .Tobacco smoke.2

    ill effects of breathing MH 328TopIndex .Tobacco smoke.3

    travelers suffer from 1T 77TopIndex .Tobacco smoke.4

    Tobacco smoker, Tobacco smokers

    Tobacco smoker, Tobacco smokers, example of, has no salutary effect on liquor drinkers Te 69TopIndex .Tobacco smoker, Tobacco smokers.2

    inability of, to control thoughts Te 279TopIndex .Tobacco smoker, Tobacco smokers.3

    injure people within their sphere of influence 5T 442-3TopIndex .Tobacco smoker, Tobacco smokers.4

    injure themselves 5T 442-3TopIndex .Tobacco smoker, Tobacco smokers.5

    mothers who are Te 59-60TopIndex .Tobacco smoker, Tobacco smokers.6

    professed Christians who are Te 46TopIndex .Tobacco smoker, Tobacco smokers.7

    women who are Te 59-60TopIndex .Tobacco smoker, Tobacco smokers.8

    Tobacco smoking

    Tobacco smoking, blood corrupted by 5T 440TopIndex .Tobacco smoking.2

    by children, fiery spices prepare way for CD 236TopIndex .Tobacco smoking.3

    first lessons in, how boys learn FE 63TopIndex .Tobacco smoking.4

    fisherman who overcame Te 118-9TopIndex .Tobacco smoking.5

    habit of, how many youth acquire 3T 151TopIndex .Tobacco smoking.6

    holidays engross men in CT 343TopIndex .Tobacco smoking.7

    improper for Christians 1BC 1111TopIndex .Tobacco smoking.8

    man who quit CD 466TopIndex .Tobacco smoking.9

    men go on in, as ox to slaughter Ev 26TopIndex .Tobacco smoking.10

    nervous system undermined by 5T 440TopIndex .Tobacco smoking.11

    90-year-old man addicted to Te 279TopIndex .Tobacco smoking.12

    physician recommended, for asthma Te 63TopIndex .Tobacco smoking.13

    professed Christians addicted to Te 46TopIndex .Tobacco smoking.14

    species of idolatry FE 312; LS 351TopIndex .Tobacco smoking.15

    stimulates relaxed nerves Te 279TopIndex .Tobacco smoking.16

    women given to Te 59-60TopIndex .Tobacco smoking.17

    See also Cigar; CigaretteTopIndex .Tobacco smoking.18

    Tobacco spittle

    Tobacco spittle, air poisoned by 4aSG 127TopIndex .Tobacco spittle.2

    lips defiled by, Christ’s precious name taken by CH 83; SL 31TopIndex .Tobacco spittle.3

    Tobacco user, Tobacco users

    Tobacco user, Tobacco users 2T 99TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.2

    acceptable service cannot be rendered to God by 4aSG 139TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.3

    accountable for all evil resulting from his wrong course 4T 30-1TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.4

    air polluted by GC 474; 2T 528TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.5

    appetite made a god by 4aSG 127TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.6

    Australian Ev 531-2TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.7

    banned from heaven GC 474TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.8

    body of, poisonous effluvia thrown off by 2SM 467TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.9

    boys become, at early age MH 329; Te 68TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.10

    boys not more than eight years old become Te 68TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.11

    Christians who are, commit terrible sin Te 64TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.12

    church members who are, are many Te 165TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.13

    contaminated by foul odor GC 474TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.14

    duty to work in behalf of MM 268TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.15

    everything is insipid and lifeless to, without his darling indulgence CH 84TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.16

    fathers who are: bad examples of Te 70-1TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.17

    described Te 60TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.18

    what should be remembered by Te 56TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.19

    first commandment of God’s law violated by CH 82; 4aSG 128TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.20

    God cannot approbate CH 81TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.21

    God cannot be glorified by, in body and spirit CH 81TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.22

    God refuses expensive, filthy, and unholy sacrifices of CH 83TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.23

    God robbed of tithes and offerings by CH 84TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.24

    guilty of gratifying perverted appetite 4aSG 129TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.25

    high appreciation of Christ’s atonement cannot be had by Te 64TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.26

    house of worship defiled by Te 219TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.27

    how children are prepared to become 3T 488TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.28

    idol cherished by CH 82-4; Ev 264; 4aSG 127; 5T 440TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.29

    in Israel would have been banished from camp 4aSG 126-7TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.30

    incense burned to his satanic majesty by CH 83; SL 31TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.31

    intellect not appreciated by Te 143TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.32

    lungs of, poisonous effluvia thrown off by Te 58-9TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.33

    marriage with, women warned against Te 172TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.34

    ministers who are 5T 441TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.35

    bad example of MH 329; Te 68-9, 71TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.36

    polluted CH 82TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.37

    rearing of children by 5T 441TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.38

    warning to 4aSG 127TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.39

    welfare of society demands total abstinence by 5T 441TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.40

    mothers who are, described Te 59-60TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.41

    not clear before God CH 81; 4aSG 126TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.42

    not one, in all Israel CH 81; 4aSG 126TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.43

    offensive fluid and odor stain and pollute lips of Te 60TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.44

    parents who are: babies poisoned by sleeping with 2SM 467; Te 58-9TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.45

    enfeebled intellects transmitted to children by 4T 30-1TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.46

    evil example set by MH 329TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.47

    inflamed blood transmitted to children by PP 561TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.48

    insatiable craving transmitted to children by PP 561TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.49

    irritable nerves transmitted to children by PP 561TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.50

    irritable tempers transmitted to children by 4T 30-1TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.51

    polluted blood transmitted to children by 4T 30-1TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.52

    weak morals transmitted to children by 4T 30-1TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.53

    physicians who are: not safe counselors 5T 443TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.54

    rearing of children by 5T 441TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.55

    tell patients not to stop using tobacco LS 222TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.56

    welfare of society demands total abstinence by 5T 441TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.57

    poisoned breath puffed in faces of others by Te 58TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.58

    polluted lips of, kisses from Te 60TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.59

    poor plea made to liquor inebriate by Te 72TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.60

    pores of skin of, poisonous effluvia thrown off by Te 58-9TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.61

    priest who was, would have suffered fate of Nadab and Abihu CH 82TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.62

    professed Christians who are 1BC 1111; CD 426-7; 3T 569; Te 46TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.63

    SDA do not receive, into church fellowship Ev 264TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.64

    should not be received into church fellowship until he abandons it Ev 264TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.65

    slow and sure poisons used by CH 81TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.66

    son who is CG 241TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.67

    souls cannot be won to platform of true temperance by Te 69TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.68

    Sunday school superintendent who is, bad example of MH 329; Te 68TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.69

    tell, that habit is killing them MM 225TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.70

    temperance workers who are MH 329; Te 218-9TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.71

    there will be no, in heaven SL 31TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.72

    unclean person CH 81TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.73

    unfit for temperance work FE 144; 5T 441TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.74

    voting for, evil of Te 254TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.75

    who could not command his senses without stimulant Te 279TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.76

    wholly corrupted Ev 264TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.77

    will of, Satan controls Te 60TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.78

    without tobacco feels miserable 4aSG 138TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.79

    women who are Te 59-60TopIndex .Tobacco user, Tobacco users.80


    Tobiah, Ammonite chief of heathen tribe PK 635TopIndex .Tobiah.2

    Nehemiah’s work opposed by ChS 173; PK 641, 657, 669-70, 676TopIndex .Tobiah.3


    Today, feel that you have only to do with 3T 333TopIndex .Today.2

    obtain victory in God for 3T 333TopIndex .Today.3

    only, is yours 6T 149TopIndex .Today.4

    overcome for 3T 333TopIndex .Today.5

    watch and pray for 3T 333TopIndex .Today.6

    will be yesterday tomorrow 6T 149TopIndex .Today.7

    See also Present (time);Time, presentTopIndex .Today.8


    Toil, ceaseless, Christ did not require of His disciples DA 361TopIndex .Toil.2

    Christ was acquainted with MH 55-6TopIndex .Toil.3

    does not degrade man 6T 259TopIndex .Toil.4

    God’s purpose to remove by, evil that man brought into world by sin FE 513TopIndex .Toil.5

    honest, many people scheme to get livelihood without MH 189TopIndex .Toil.6

    man’s portion is, if he ever enters Paradise 2SM 166TopIndex .Toil.7

    path of, appointed to dwellers on earth CT 216TopIndex .Toil.8

    honored by Christ’s footprints CT 276TopIndex .Toil.9

    Paul suffered physically from, in gospel work AA 331TopIndex .Toil.10

    resulting from sin, God’s plan to alleviate CT 274TopIndex .Toil.11

    thought of co-operating with Christ sweetens all COL 403TopIndex .Toil.12

    what sustained Christ in His life of AA 601TopIndex .Toil.13

    See also WorkTopIndex .Toil.14

    Toiler, Toilers

    Toiler, Toilers, most successful, cheerfully serve God in little things 6T 115TopIndex .Toiler, Toilers.2


    Toilet, time wasted in, by women 4T 644TopIndex .Toilet.2

    Toilworn men

    Toilworn men, whom God will honor Ev 630TopIndex .Toilworn men.2

    Token, Tokens

    Token, Tokens, special, of divine favor in out-pouring of Spirit in time of end AA 54-5TopIndex .Token, Tokens.2

    sure, by which God’s people reveal their high estate MB 75TopIndex .Token, Tokens.3

    See also SignTopIndex .Token, Tokens.4


    Tola, judged Israel 23 years 2BC 1005TopIndex .Tola.2


    Toleration, for error, danger of showing too great AA 504TopIndex .Toleration.2

    for sin, forbearance for the erring must not degenerate into AA 504TopIndex .Toleration.3

    religious, leading minister of Massachusetts Bay Colony on GC 293TopIndex .Toleration.4

    legally established in parts of Germany GC 198TopIndex .Toleration.5

    papal policy re GC 564-5TopIndex .Toleration.6

    Tomato, Tomatoes

    Tomato, Tomatoes CD 324, 492TopIndex .Tomato, Tomatoes.2

    canned CD 491TopIndex .Tomato, Tomatoes.3

    grown for family use CD 489TopIndex .Tomato, Tomatoes.4

    vermicelli and canned, cooked together CD 491TopIndex .Tomato, Tomatoes.5

    Tomato-vermicelli soup

    Tomato-vermicelli soup, eaten by EGW CD 324TopIndex .Tomato-vermicelli soup.2

    Tomb, Tombs

    Tomb, Tombs, Christ brightens, for all who die in faith LS 253; 6T 230TopIndex .Tomb, Tombs.2

    Christ’s, angels guarded DA 779-81, 788-90; EW 181-3TopIndex .Tomb, Tombs.3

    Roman guard stationed around DA 778-82; SR 228-9TopIndex .Tomb, Tombs.4

    sealed by priests DA 777-8; SR 228-9TopIndex .Tomb, Tombs.5

    dead prophets’, Jews zealously beautified DA 617-8TopIndex .Tomb, Tombs.6

    earthquake opened, of many when Christ died DA 756TopIndex .Tomb, Tombs.7

    Gadarene demoniacs dwelt among DA 337TopIndex .Tomb, Tombs.8

    mothers should not make house seem like, to children 1T 387TopIndex .Tomb, Tombs.9

    portals of, on cross Christ could not see beyond DA 753TopIndex .Tomb, Tombs.10

    Roman guard could not keep Christ in DA 778-80TopIndex .Tomb, Tombs.11

    See also Grave; SepulcherTopIndex .Tomb, Tombs.12


    texts of promise inscribed on Dr. John Cheyne’s HP 235:3TopIndex .Tombstone.3

    Tombstone (pillar)

    Tombstone (pillar), at Rachel’s grave PP 206TopIndex .Tombstone (pillar).2

    See also MonumentTopIndex .Tombstone (pillar).3


    Tomorrow, bread sufficient for, be not dismayed if you have not MB 111TopIndex .Tomorrow.2

    burdens of, Christ promises no help in bearing today the MB 101TopIndex .Tomorrow.3

    cares or troubles of: do not borrow 2T 641TopIndex .Tomorrow.4

    do not bring into today 3T 332TopIndex .Tomorrow.5

    do not burden yourself with MH 481; 5T 200TopIndex .Tomorrow.6

    do not let your heart faint because of MH 248TopIndex .Tomorrow.7

    evil of bringing, into today 5T 200TopIndex .Tomorrow.8

    events of, hidden from our view are open to God MB 100TopIndex .Tomorrow.9

    God does not bestow help for DA 313TopIndex .Tomorrow.10

    grace for, you do not need 3T 333TopIndex .Tomorrow.11

    it is unreasonable to be troubled about, and its needs CS 227; SD 16TopIndex .Tomorrow.12

    no need to be anxious for MB 100TopIndex .Tomorrow.13

    today will be yesterday 6T 149TopIndex .Tomorrow.14

    too many count on a long stretch of CT 419; FE 366TopIndex .Tomorrow.15

    trials of See TrialTopIndex .Tomorrow.16

    troubles of See TroubleTopIndex .Tomorrow.17

    work of, do not crowd into today the ChS 248; GW 244-5TopIndex .Tomorrow.18


    ignorance of, makes us more vigilant today TMK 358:2TopIndex .Tomorrow.20

    look not anxiously into HP 242:4TopIndex .Tomorrow.21

    prepare for, by today’s duties 2MCP 470:2TopIndex .Tomorrow.22

    trials of, not to burden us today UL 44:5TopIndex .Tomorrow.23

    Tongue, Tongues

    Tongue, Tongues, accusing, Christ lifts souls above MH 90TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.2

    accusing and strife of, Christ lifts above DA 568TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.3

    allowing critical and Pharisaical spirit to control 5T 342TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.4

    babbling: delights in mischief 5T 57TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.5

    firebrands scattered by 5T 57TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.6

    bit of self-control is needed by, to keep it from running at random 2T 316TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.7

    bridle of grace is needed by 2T 316TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.8

    can be: bridled by Christ’s help 7BC 936TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.9

    controlled when thoughts, passions, and appetites are kept in due subjection 4T 244TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.10

    Christian must bridle his MYP 136TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.11

    against levity 4T 235TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.12

    against unhallowed censure and fault-finding 4T 235TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.13

    by strong and conscientious principles SD 64TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.14

    Christianity disciplines MYP 136TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.15

    control of MYP 135-6; 2T 314-8TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.16

    exercise 2T 316TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.17

    control your 1T 698TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.18

    converted: is needed 7BC 908; 6T 173TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.19

    parents need AH 436TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.20

    pray for WM 94TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.21

    critical spirit should not control 5T 342TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.22

    deceitful, indulging in misrepresentation and falsehood 2T 563TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.23

    do not allow devil to use your 3BC 1161TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.24

    do not let your, run at random in jesting and joking SD 180TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.25

    utter semblance of untruth CG 152TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.26

    Dorcas’s skillful fingers were more active than her AA 131; 5T 304TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.27

    educate your, to speak of Christ’s mercy, power, and goodness SD 189TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.28

    to speak praise for Christ SD 328TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.29

    engaged too often in light and trifling conversation EW 111TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.30

    evil, what would rid church of 5T 617TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.31

    expressions of sympathy and love do not blister your 3BC 1164TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.32

    false, seal of God will never be placed on person of 5T 216TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.33

    furred, slaves to appetite often have 4aSG 130; 2SM 416TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.34

    given to men to glorify God in speech 5BC 1093TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.35

    glib and smart, woman who had 2SG 157-8TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.36

    gospel workers’, should be sanctified by Spirit AA 109TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.37

    gossiping, fuel added to fire by 5T 51TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.38

    guard your SD 180TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.39

    lest it utter corrupt communications AH 404; CG 465TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.40

    hasty and passionate and careless, may do evil that lifetime’s repentance cannot undo Ed 236-7TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.41

    how to make your, source of blessing 4T 244TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.42

    improper use of, makes it a consuming fire 4T 139TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.43

    is: gift from God 3BC 1159TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.44

    little member with great power 3BC 1142TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.45

    placed under law 8T 264TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.46

    sanctified to God’s glory when heart is purified and refined SD 180TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.47

    world of iniquity 4T 236TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.48

    jealous and revengeful, colors men’s acts and motives to suit its own ideas 5T 57TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.49

    makes white black and black white 5T 57TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.50

    keep watch over your MM 217TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.51

    keep your, as with bridle 1T 699; 2T 185TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.52

    sanctified unto God 5BC 1093TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.53

    kept little under control of human agent SD 64TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.54

    law of love to God and man should bridle SD 64TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.55

    learn to control, so it will obey dictates of enlightened conscience 5T 175TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.56

    loosened by stimulation of tea and coffee CD 423; Te 79TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.57

    may be so controlled that it will not dishonor God by sinful repining 5T 314TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.58

    mind running on worldly matters is revealed by 2T 703TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.59

    mischievous: death of priests at Nob was caused by PP 659TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.60

    Doeg’s 2BC 1019-20TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.61

    set on fire of hell PP 659TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.62

    sharpened by long practice in evading truth 1SM 195TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.63

    stirred up worst passions in King Saul’s heart PP 659TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.64

    must be true CG 152TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.65

    need not be unruly member 6T 173TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.66

    needs to be educated and disciplined 3BC 1146TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.67

    only hope of controlling, divine grace is 5T 175TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.68

    paralysis of LS 151, 162; 2SG 186, 271TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.69

    experimenting with drugs often causes MM 228TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.70

    persons who have not bridled their SD 142TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.71

    are not Christians 3BC 1161TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.72

    pray God to sanctify your AH 177TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.73

    right use of, blessings of 6T 337TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.74

    running, girls who have CG 129TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.75

    runs freely when the accused is not present 1T 145TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.76

    sanctification of, heart work leads to 2T 185TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.77

    sanctified, is needed ML 265; 4T 135TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.78

    words that will not be uttered by 1SM 314TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.79

    sanctified to Satan, guard against 5BC 1093TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.80

    Satan wants to keep man’s, active in his service 5T 175TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.81

    should be as pen of ready writer Ev 172TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.82

    slanderous: Christ was assailed by 1SM 70TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.83

    Christ’s servants will be scourged with 4T 234TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.84

    do not be discouraged by 2SG 200TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.85

    EGW did not fear 2SG 4TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.86

    sowing distrust turns souls from Christ 2SM 70TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.87

    speaking boastfully against God’s law will be consumed in mouth while owner stands on his feet 2SG 275TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.88

    speaks out what is in mind 2T 703TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.89

    stammering, unloosed by Spirit 6BC 1055TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.90

    strife of: curse of many churches is LS 299TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.91

    grace and peace rest on persons refusing to join in 5T 176TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.92

    privilege of hiding in Christ from 4T 329TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.93

    things Satan uses to encourage 7T 183-4TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.94

    thick and swollen, calomel causes 2SM 447TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.95

    time lost by worker using his, instead of his tools Ev 654TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.96

    unbridled, evil effects of COL 341; 4T 204TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.97

    unruly: among church members 5T 94TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.98

    first evil of, is in thinking wrong 4T 242TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.99

    help of angels is promised in overcoming 2T 82TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.100

    person who had 2T 82TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.101

    prayer is needed to overcome 2T 82TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.102

    unruly member 2T 52, 314-8; 5T 175TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.103

    unsanctified, feelings of distrust and jealousy created by MM 137TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.104

    use of AH 401-5; 3BC 1159; TM 316TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.105

    accountability to God for EW 114TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.106

    use your, to speak words of hope and faith and confidence in God’s workmen 2SM 70TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.107

    uttering deceit and falsehood, do not be discouraged by 2SG 200TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.108

    what to do when tempted to give loose rein to 2T 82TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.109

    when to keep, in silence SD 144TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.110

    whispering, sly 5T 94TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.111

    EGW’s, struck dumb for doubting EW 22-3; LS 89-90; 2SG 59-60TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.112

    woman who sinned greatly with her 2T 186TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.113

    woman whose, was frequently set on fire of hell 4T 331TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.114

    words uttered by, like blasting hail 5T 176TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.115

    like poisonous arrows 5T 176TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.116

    you cannot control your, in your own strength 5T 175TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.117


    avoid wrong influence of AG 65:2TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.119

    bridled for victory in trials of patience RC 293:2TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.120

    control of, UL 114:6TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.121

    learned by help from Christ OHC 291:4TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.122

    conversion of, to praise God VSS 46:3TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.123

    converting power needed for UL 298:6TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.124

    defects of brethren revealed with HP 178:4TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.125

    discipline, by disciplining the mind OHC 291:3TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.126

    disciplined through the religion of Christ RC 293:3TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.127

    duty to bridle; resist melancholy feelings 2MCP 410:0TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.128

    education/training of,TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.129

    and all else 2MCP 666:1TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.130

    for words of courage VSS 156TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.131

    to begin with self RC 283:2TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.132

    to courteous, sympathetic words, not complaint RC 285:5TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.133

    to words that bless instead of discourage HP 175:5TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.134

    evil work by, grieves the Holy Spirit VSS 18:1TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.135

    evil, works at cross purposes with God HP 174:4TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.136

    exaggeration of everything evil by some HP 178:3TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.137

    gift of, conversion by preaching Christ not by RC 256:3TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.138

    God wants to sanctify our TMK 191:6TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.139

    good from, if heart is pure VSS 20:3TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.140

    guard communication of, and receive Godly wisdom OHC 337:4TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.141

    Holy Spirit,TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.142

    always to control LHU 148:2TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.143

    can make, savor of life unto life HP 174:6TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.144

    grieved by those who do evil with HP 174:4TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.145

    paralysis of, for praising Christ TMK 274:3TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.146

    people with critical, Satan’s missionaries HP 178:3TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.147

    power of VSS 17TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.148

    prayer and praise to God offered with HP 174:2TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.149

    talent given to tell the story of Christ’s life TMK 328:2TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.150

    unruly, heart defiled with sin not jealous over FLB 92:5TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.151

    unsanctified, mental illness produced by 2MCP 399:1TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.152

    uses of, for good or evil HP 174TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.153

    using, and letting muscles rust OHC 221:3TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.154

    watch over an unruly TDG 73:4TopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.155

    See also WordsTopIndex .Tongue, Tongues.156

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