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The Church: Its Organization, Order and Discipline

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    Origin of Modern Sects

    Relative to this “separation” for the sake of truth, we quote the following: “In the Reformation the Lord sent his gospel anew, and with power, to all people.... Multitudes received the gospel, and walked in the light as it was then revealed. But as that was the first step out of darkness, there were other steps to be taken, to preach the fulness of the gospel: there was advance light in which to walk....COOD 79.1

    “Many of those who had come out of darkness, and had taken the first steps into the light of the gospel, stopped there, became satisfied with that .... They grew proud of what they had, exalted themselves upon what they had, and became exclusive. Then, as the gospel must go on, as the light must increase more and more unto the perfect day, it followed that all those who would walk in the advancing light, all who would receive more truth,-the fuller gospel,-were excluded from the company of those who were self-satisfied, and were obliged to go forward as had the others at the first.”-A. T. Jones, in Review of Feb. 20, 1900.COOD 79.2

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