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The Church: Its Organization, Order and Discipline

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    Perversion of Organization

    What was contemplated in the plan of organization adopted by Seventh-day Adventists was that those placed in responsible positions should act as counselors to the flock, being in themselves, in all things, and example of the instructions they gave. Thus by mutual counsel, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the work would move on harmoniously. We subjoin a few quotations illustrating the statement that it is “perversion of organization,” and not organization itself, that is responsible for the state of things which the Lord condemns.COOD 146.1

    In the Review of Feb. 28, 1893, is the following: “Those who have the oversight of the churches should select members who have ability, and place them under responsibilities, at the same time giving them instruction as to how they may best serve and bless others.COOD 146.2

    “Let those who are just gaining an experience be invited to meet with more experienced workers, and as did the disciples after their first missionary effort, let them tell what they have done, and what have been their failures or success. In this way opportunity will be given to reprove or encourage, as the case may demand, and teach them how to work in the best manner.COOD 146.3

    “If in accepting responsibility, in seeking to impart light to others, they tremble under the cross, they will be led to the Saviour to find strength and grace and power. Through this experience they will learn to rely, not on their ministers, but on the Lord himself.”COOD 146.4

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