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The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress

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    Testimony to the Fanatic

    June 12, at 10:30 A.M., we assembled in the barn for meeting. Mrs. White sat at the left end of the rostrum, I sat next to her, Elder Cornell next to me, and Elder White was at the right of the rostrum, speaking. After he had been talking about fifteen minutes, an old man and a young man came in together, and sat down on the front seat next to the rostrum. They were accompanied by a tall, slim, dark-complexioned woman, who took her seat near the door. After a short discourse by Elder White, Mrs. White arose and introduced her remarks by speaking of the care ministers should have that they mar not the work committed to them, using the text, “Be ye clean that bear the vessels of the Lord.” She said it was not God’s order to call a woman to travel about the country with any other man than her husband. Finally she plainly said, “That woman who sat down a short time since near the door claims that God has called her to preach. She is traveling with this young man who just sat down in front of the desk, while this old man, her husband—God pity him!—is toiling at home to earn means which they are using to carry on their iniquity. She professes to be very holy,—to be sanctified,—but, with all her pretense to holiness, God has shown me that she and this young man are guilty of violating the seventh commandment.”GSAM 323.2

    All present knew that Mrs. White had never seen these individuals until they came into the barn. Picking them out and delineating their character in the manner she did, had its influence upon the minds of those present, and increased their confidence and confirmed their faith in the visions.GSAM 324.1

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