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The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress

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    Brother Barr Made Glad

    She continued, saying, “This aged brother [as she pointed to him, some one said, “Brother Barr”] was shown me in direct, contrast with the other man. He is very exemplary in his life, careful to keep all his promises, and provides well for his family. He hardly ventures to speak of the truth to his neighbors, for fear he will mar the work and do harm. He does not see how the Lord can be so merciful as to forgive his sins, and thinks himself unfit even to belong to the church.” She then said to him, “Brother Barr, the Lord bade me say to you that you have confessed all the sins you knew of, and that he forgave your sins long ago, if you would only believe it.” The look of sadness on the brother’s countenance quickly fled. He looked up with a smile, and said, in his simplicity, “Has he?” “Yes,” responded Mrs. White, “and I was told to say to you, ‘Come along, and unite with the church; and as you have opportunity, speak a word in favor of the truth; it will have a good effect, as your neighbors have confidence in you.’ ” He responded, “I will.”GSAM 378.1

    Then she said, “If Mr. Pratt could, for a time, take a position similar to that which Brother Barr has been occupying, it would do him good.”GSAM 378.2

    Thus was one cause of our difficulty in organizing removed. Before her testimony was borne, we could not get Mr. Barr to consent to unite with the church; while on the other hand, we found about every one was opposed to receiving Mr. Pratt; still no one felt free to tell why he opposed.GSAM 378.3

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