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The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress

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    Daniel’s Prophecies Reveal the Future

    It was, however, through the prophet Daniel that the Lord began to instruct his people concerning consecutive kingdoms that should arise and bear rule down to the setting up of his everlasting kingdom; and to reveal a special period of time, from an event then yet to occur, to the actual appearing and the cutting off of the Messiah. The interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream revealed that the four kingdoms which were to rule the world would diminish in power and grandeur in the ratio of the diminishing value of gold, silver, brass, and iron; and that finally the broken, disunited state of the kingdoms would be comparable to the brittleness of iron mixed with miry clay. Then was to come the kingdom of heaven that should follow the reduction of those kingdoms that were to become like the chaff of the summer’s threshing floor, so that no place should be found for them, while God’s kingdom would fill the whole earth.GSAM 54.1

    Then, in the vision of the seventh chapter, under symbols of the four great beasts, the same ground is again covered, and other features of these kingdoms presented. In this chapter is traced the career and work of the “little-horn” power that should arise, after the division of the fourth kingdom into ten parts, overthrowing or subduing three of them to establish itself as a spiritual ruler over them all. This papal power is to continue in the divided and brittle state of the fourth kingdom, even for 1260 years. Thus were revealed events reaching to the time when Christ receives the kingdom from his Father, and gives it to the saints of the Most High; a kingdom which shall finally bear rule over all the earth, and shall stand forever.GSAM 54.2

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