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The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress

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    Appendix B — Summary of Key Dates in Loughborough’s Life Extracted from The Great Second Advent Movement

    1832 January: birth Victor, N.Y. (some 5 years younger than EGW)GSAM 567.1

    1843: conversion, age 11, under the Advent awakeningGSAM 567.2

    1848 Spring: baptized, moved to Rochester, N.Y., age 16 (neighbor of Joseph Marsh, who abandoned the “shut door” at the Albany meeting in 1845, rejected the Seventh-day Sabbath, and published The Voice of Truth)GSAM 567.3

    1851: heard debate by Joseph Marsh on the theory of the “age-to-come,” in Rochester, N.Y. (Joseph Bates first visit to Michigan)GSAM 567.4

    1852: heard, examined, and embraced the third angel’s message in Rochester; last week in September Elder J. N. Andrews gave series of talks on the subject of the sanctuary; JNL accepted the “shut door” and believed it ever sinceGSAM 567.5

    1852 December: called by Ellen White to preach, age 20GSAM 567.6

    1853-65: three rebellions; present with Brother and Sister White at meeting from which three independent movements began: (1) June 1853, Case and Russell, Jackson, MI, The Messenger of Truth; (2) March 1858, Cranmer, Otsego, MI, The Hope of Israel; (3) Spring 1865, Snook and Brinkerhoff, Pilot Grove, IA, The Advent and Sabbath AdvocateGSAM 567.7

    1853 June: first meeting that Brother and Sister White had in Battle Creek, MI, with JNL, in front room of Brother Hewitt’s houseGSAM 567.8

    1853: JNL and Cornell traveled for 3 months in Illinois, Wisconsin, and Indiana, “Visits to the Scattered Flock”GSAM 568.1

    1853-54 Winter: labored with Joseph Bates in OhioGSAM 568.2

    1854 May: large interest in Locke, MI, leads the Whites, M. E. Cornell, and JNL to plan tent meetingsGSAM 568.3

    1858: first trip to Maine with Brother and Sister White, also to VermontGSAM 568.4

    1863-65: two years labored in New EnglandGSAM 568.5

    1868 to 1878 Fall: labored in CaliforniaGSAM 568.6

    1878: told by Ellen White, “You have an experience valuable to the cause of God. It must be made to tell for its full value.”GSAM 568.7

    1878-83: worked in Great BritainGSAM 568.8

    1883-90: worked in CaliforniaGSAM 568.9

    1890: Ellen White wrote Elder O. A. Olsen, “I say let Elder Loughborough do a work that is suffering to be done in the churches.... Let him go here and there, and everywhere, telling what he has seen, and known and handled in the rise of the third angel’s message.”GSAM 568.10

    1890: asked by GC committee to write the Rise and Progress of the Third Angel’s MessageGSAM 568.11

    1890: worked east of the Rocky MountainsGSAM 568.12

    1902-03: plates of the Rise and Progress of the Third Angel’s Message burned in the R & H fire; GC committee asked him to write The Great Second Advent MovementGSAM 568.13

    1905: The Great Second Advent Movement publishedGSAM 568.14

    1918: wrote Some Individual Experience in response to charges against him of inaccuracies and deception in The Great Second Advent MovementGSAM 568.15

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