Gabriel did explain to Daniel what was meant by the symbols of the beasts and of the horns, but did not in this vision explain to him the 2300 days and the sanctuary. Hence, Daniel tells us at the end of the chapter that he “was astonished at the vision, but none understood it.” But there are several facts that will give us some light on this matter.S23D 14.7
1. It is a fact that 2300 literal days (not quite seven years) would not cover the duration of a single power in this prophecy, much less extend over them all. Therefore, the days must be symbols, even as the beasts and horns are shown to be symbols.S23D 15.1
2. It is a fact that a symbolic or prophetic day is one year. Ezekiel 4:5, 6; Numbers 14:34. Hence, the period is 2300 years.S23D 15.2
3. The period must begin with “the vision;” consequently it commences in the height of the Medo-Persian power.S23D 15.3
But the angel has not yet explained the “manner of time,” or given its date to the prophet. If Gabriel never did explain this subject to Daniel, he is a fallen angel; for he was commanded in plain terms thus to do. Daniel 8:16. But he is not a fallen angel as appears from the fact that some hundred years after this, he was sent to Zacharias and to Mary. Luke 1. Gabriel did explain to Daniel at that time more than he could bear (verse 27), and at a later period, as we shall now show, he did make Daniel understand the vision.S23D 15.4