A divine sacrifice necessary, |
18. |
A question that cannot be settled, till it is settled right, |
27. |
A picture of the divine heart, |
36. |
A great problem solved, |
40. |
Abel’s sacrifice, better than Cain’s; why? |
53. |
Arch of Titus, note, |
62. |
A conditional prophecy, and conditional sanctuary, |
74. |
“All Israel” in Judea, after captivity, |
79. |
Ark, what became of it? |
80. |
Atonement, how performed, |
93-95; |
not made on the cross, 236, |
239; |
not made by Satan, |
266. |
Arbela, battle of, |
153. |
Alexander, death of, |
153. |
A day for a year, |
163. |
Artaxerxes Longimanus, decree of, 181; date of, |
186. |
An illustration, |
210. |
A work of judgment, |
220. |
Ark seen in heaven, |
227. |
Azazel, who? |
260. |
Behold the Lamb of God, |
7. |
Between the Cherubim, |
131. |
Baptism, its object, |
240. |
Christ, the grand center, |
8; |
as creator, |
10,12; |
was God, |
12; |
not a created being, |
12; |
his Spirit (Genesis 1:2) moved upon the face of the waters, |
13; |
God speaks through him, |
14; |
author of the Sabbath, |
14; |
spoke the law, |
14; |
the “beginner,” not “beginning” of the creation, |
12, 16; |
his original glory, |
17. |
Contrasts in Christ’s condition before and during his incarnation, |
23. |
Christ a complete sacrifice, |
23, 24. |
Christ, the world’s puzzling problem, |
26. |
Cause of Satan’s fall, |
32. |
Colossians 1:20 explained, |
34. |
Colloquy between mercy and law, |
39. |
Christ on cross, a sacrifice, not a priest, |
38. |
Christ, the theme of the Bible, |
44. |
Covenant, the everlasting, |
47. |
Close of first covenant, |
83. |
Christ ministers in two apartments, |
122. |
Christ, priesthood of, |
137. |
Cyrus, decree of, |
181. |
Christ’s ministry, length of, |
190. |
Crucifixion, date of, |
191. |
Canaan not sanctuary, |
205. |
Church not sanctuary, |
206. |
Court, the final, now in session, |
276. |
Duty to look to Jesus, |
8. |
Divine marvel, the, |
18. |
Death, the penalty for sin, |
19. |
Date of Tabernacle, |
64. |
“Daily,” Daniel 8:13, meaning of, |
160. |
Daniel 8 explained by Daniel 9, |
168. |
“Determined,” means “cut off, |
” 173. |
Darius, decree of, |
183. |
Darkness at crucifixion, |
192. |
Diagram of 2300 days, |
197. |
Definite day, why set for the Lord to come? |
214. |
Effect of Christ’s work, |
34. |
Ezekiel’s conditional sanctuary, |
78. |
End of seventy weeks marked, |
193. |
Earth not sanctuary, |
203. |
Form of a servant (Philippians 2:5-8), what? |
14. |
Father and Son, only, not created, |
13. |
Forgiveness no concession to sin, |
21. |
Foreordination, what, |
49. |
1 Peter 1:20 explained, |
50. |
Forgiveness, doctrine of, |
241; |
and illustration of, |
242. |
Great object lesson, the, |
19. |
God’s throne clear, |
29. |
God’s ways just and true, |
31. |
God’s foreknowledge, 49, |
51. |
Guilt transferred to offering, |
89. |
God’s throne awful with life, |
132-135. |
Great symbol explained, |
153. |
Herod’s temple, |
83. |
Heavenly sanctuary to be cleansed, |
145. |
How Christ could pay man’s penalty, |
20. |
Hebrews 9:22 explained by Leviticus 17:11, 14, |
20. |
Law spoken by Christ, |
14. |
Law and atonement consistent, |
21. |
Law can be kept, |
30. |
Lesson of temptation in Eden, |
31. |
Law established by faith, how, 40, |
41. |
Last appearance of sanctuary on earth, |
78. |
Little horn of Daniel 8 explained, |
154; |
not Antiochus Epiphanes, |
155; |
but a symbol of Rome, |
156. |
Mind, the, which was in Christ, |
10. |
Morning stars, song of, |
14. |
Mary, why chosen, |
25. |
Mistake explained, |
202. |
“Mystery of God,” what, |
232. |
New channels for God’s love, |
18. |
Nebuchadnezzar takes Jerusalem, |
73. |
No “lost tribes”, |
79. |
Object of the sanctuary, 56, |
57. |
Offerings, different kinds of, 86, |
87. |
Opening of the temple, |
226. |
Pilate’s profound question, |
27. |
Ptolemy, canon of, |
187. |
Probation, close of |
244. |
Plagues, seven last, |
251. |
Pit, bottomless, what? |
264. |
Remedy for the world’s evil, |
7. |
“Robbery” (in Philippians 2:5-8) meaning of, |
11. |
Revelation 3:14 explained, |
12. |
Relation between God and Christ, |
16. |
“Remission,” meaning of, |
19. |
Ram symbol explained, |
152. |
Reading, “2300,” defended, |
164. |
Romans 5:11 explained, |
240. |
Sin deadening power of, |
8. |
“Sanctify” meaning of, |
14. |
Shedding of blood necessary to remission, |
19. |
Satan surprised, |
33. |
Sacrifices perverted by man, |
52. |
Sanctuary, the, |
56; |
definition of term, |
60; |
described, |
61, 62; |
forsaken, |
72. |
Shiloh and the temple, |
72. |
Shishak captures Jerusalem, |
70. |
Second capture of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar, |
73. |
Sanctuary, cleansing of, what, |
91. |
Sin an entity, to be disposed of by itself, |
97. |
Sanctuary of new covenant, |
108. |
Seventy weeks applied, |
177. |
Seventh Trumpet, commencement of, |
234. |
Scapegoat, the, who? |
257; |
type fulfilled, |
262. |
Sin, end of, |
268. |
Second temple finished under Darius Hystaspes, |
79; |
things lacking in, |
80. |
Symbolism of the sanctuary and its services, |
99-107. |
Types and shadows introduced, |
52. |
Tabernacle called sanctuary fifty-six times, |
65. |
Temple, the, |
65; |
built after a pattern, |
66; |
called sanctuary, |
67; |
date of dedication, |
70; |
destroyed, |
70. |
Tarentius Rufus plows up temple site, |
85. |
Titus takes Jerusalem, |
85. |
Typical system, why maintained, |
97. |
Third capture of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar, |
73. |
Tiberius, reign of, |
190. |
Time no longer, |
235. |
Urim and Thummim, what, |
82. |
Universalism shut out, |
272. |
Who is sufficient to remove the world’s burden of guilt? |
8. |
Why Christ humbled himself, |
22, 23. |
Which side are you on? |
36. |
World’s grandest religious service, |
69. |
Within the vail, meaning of, |
126-131. |