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The Everlasting Covenant

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    The Perfect Testimony

    God has never left Himself without witness in what is termed the works of nature; but that witness is insufficient; man, the highest of God’s creatures, must witness to Him, as well as the lower things that God has made. In every age there have been individuals who, like Stephen, full of the Holy Ghost, have been faithful witnesses; but they were only parts of the whole. It is not merely single individuals, but a body of people “called out”—the congregation, the church—that constitutes God’s house. Before the end comes, and at the time of the coming of Christ, there must be a people on earth, not necessarily large in proportion to the number of inhabitants of earth, but large enough to be known in all the earth, in whom “all the fulness of God” will be manifest even as it was in Jesus of Nazareth. God will demonstrate to the world that what he did with Jesus of Nazareth He can do with anyone who will yield to Him.EVCO 366.1

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