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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 3 (1876 - 1882)

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    Lt 28, 1882

    Edwards, W. H.


    September 1882

    Previously unpublished.

    Brother Edwards:

    Will you please hand the enclosed to H. W. Kellogg? I sent to him for some yarn, the best: two pounds of the brown and one pound of the blue, as reasonable as it could be bought. I am knitting socks for some of our ministering brethren and poor brethren who cannot purchase warm, home-knit socks. I do this from a sense of duty, making them a present of the yarn and knitting.3LtMs, Lt 28, 1882, par. 1

    Will you please to inquire of Brother Henry Kellogg if he knows where the two books, Eminent Men of Michigan, are? I cannot find them. They were left in the office in the room my husband occupied. Will you please look them up and oblige me?3LtMs, Lt 28, 1882, par. 2

    Please send at once the yarn I sent for from Brother Kellogg. If he has sent it, all right. If he has not, will you please send it at once?3LtMs, Lt 28, 1882, par. 3

    Brother St. John is here at the Institute at St. Helena taking treatment. He is much worse off than we feared. He is working out of doors and is improving. He seems almost bloodless. But the air here is very nice, and I think he will be much better in this climate than in the East.3LtMs, Lt 28, 1882, par. 4

    Put this letter, please, in the hands of H. W. Kellogg, for I desire an immediate answer.3LtMs, Lt 28, 1882, par. 5

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