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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 5 (1887-1888)

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    Lt 51c, 1887

    White, Mary

    Oakland, California

    November 19, 1887

    Portions of this letter are published in 3Bio 376.

    Dear Mary:

    I am pleased to hear from Brother Maxson that you are doing better. Your case seems more favorable for recovery. I was thankful for this. We have had a good meeting from the beginning.5LtMs, Lt 51c, 1887, par. 1

    We have a representation of delegates that we are not ashamed of. They do credit to the cause of God west of the Rocky Mountains.5LtMs, Lt 51c, 1887, par. 2

    I am just now aware that one matter I have not taken with me. It is a letter from Elder Canright which I received at New Bedford, and a large letter from myself to Elder Canright which I now want very much. I am so anxious to get it. I have just searched through everything, and it cannot be found. Will you please look for it in the drawers of my room and send it at once to me in Oakland.5LtMs, Lt 51c, 1887, par. 3

    I have decided to take my workers and locate them in Oakland. I shall have no use, I think, for Sarah longer. Annie will return to Crystal Springs at the close of the meeting.5LtMs, Lt 51c, 1887, par. 4

    I will say my letter to Canright was copied by Brother Spicer on thick copying paper.5LtMs, Lt 51c, 1887, par. 5


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