Lt 78a, 1888
White, Mary
Fresno, California
July 22, 1888
Previously unpublished.
Dear Daughter Mary:
We have suffered considerably with heat. Wanted to go from Fresno in the early morning, but we decided to remain over Sunday to see Elder Daniels and have a talk with him. W. C. White remained tonight to be present at a trial between Brother Everits and Brother M. J. Church.5LtMs, Lt 78a, 1888, par. 1
I spoke at eleven o’clock with much freedom. Then we had meetings in the evening. There was quite a spirited social meeting. I spoke some twenty minutes in that; then at half past seven o’clock there was a business meeting. I spoke in that meeting half an hour in regard to taking hold with interest and building the church and school and mission. W. C. White talked to the point, setting before them the manner of school they should have. He set matter before them in a sensible light. We think there were excellent impressions made. The old committee resigned, and a new committee was made so that some matters may be pushed.5LtMs, Lt 78a, 1888, par. 2
I have been in a wash of sweat just running off of me, and I have ridden out in the country with Brother and Sister Bowen to find fruit. Peaches—the best—are two cents a pound; grapes, two cents per pound; pears, two cents per pound. I have ridden many miles in going to Elder Daniels’ home and Brother Will Smith’s home.5LtMs, Lt 78a, 1888, par. 3
The sand today was very hot. The breeze was as if from a burning furnace. It burned my face and hands. Well, well, I shall be very glad to leave here in the morning for St. Helena. Willie will go to Oakland, and I will go, perhaps, for we may not make connections with the boat.5LtMs, Lt 78a, 1888, par. 4
There is fruit enough here, but there is not real good fruit. It begins to decay at the pit, and in this hot weather, spoils quickly. The heat is almost unendurable.5LtMs, Lt 78a, 1888, par. 5
Fannie [Bolton] wants to come up, but is afraid to come until the house where there has been so much fever is thoroughly cleansed. I told her she could go in the house we left, and she may do this. I hope you do not suffer with the heat as we have done.5LtMs, Lt 78a, 1888, par. 6
I hope you will be strong in faith and courage and have good hope. “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me praise his holy name.” [Psalm 103:1.] This is the language of my heart in reference to you. Hold on, without a doubt, to the promises of God. I must believe, you must believe.5LtMs, Lt 78a, 1888, par. 7
With much love to Sister McOmber and Ella May White.5LtMs, Lt 78a, 1888, par. 8
P.S. The night that John left was the most distressing—no air, and oppressive heat. I wish I knew what kind of a time he had journeying back to Burrough Valley.5LtMs, Lt 78a, 1888, par. 9