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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 6 (1889-1890)

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    Lt 57, 1890

    White, Mary

    Battle Creek, Michigan

    February 13, 1890

    Portions of this letter are published in 2SM 249.

    Dear Mary:

    Rheba came yesterday afternoon. We were glad to see her through in safety. She was tired but she had not any difficulty on the journey. I myself did not see Rheba last night as she went directly to the sanitarium. Willie took her there and had her located in a good room. I shall see her today.6LtMs, Lt 57, 1890, par. 1

    Yesterday was the first day I have been unable to do anything since I saw you. So it was a sort of exhausted condition, but this morning I did not rise until six o’clock and I am feeling better, but weak. I wish, sometimes, the whole family of you had come straight along. Oh, how glad I would be could we be where we could see you, but we have had a very flat winter for a few days. It has been cloudless, sunshiny and pleasant.6LtMs, Lt 57, 1890, par. 2

    I am grateful to my Heavenly Father for the strength and grace I have had this winter to accomplish as much as I have done, and I am determined to rest my case in the hands of God and do what I can, now, every year. I am growing older and now is my time to do my writings. I think of you all in Colorado, and wish I could step into your house and look upon your faces, although it might cause me heartache that dear Mary is not improving as we have fondly hoped and prayed that she might do; but the Lord lives.6LtMs, Lt 57, 1890, par. 3

    You, my dear child, the Lord blesses you and will comfort you and give you strong consolation and peace in Him. He wants you to rest in His hands passively, and believe that He will do all things well.6LtMs, Lt 57, 1890, par. 4

    Willie will be at Colorado just as soon as he has said. I will not have him remain here after this month. He ought to go before the month of February closes, and I shall do my best to bring this about if I can. Be of good courage, keep looking up, Jesus is the only hope of us all. He will not leave nor forsake you. Precious are the promises of God. We will hold them fast. We will not let them go.6LtMs, Lt 57, 1890, par. 5

    Sara and Addie are now at Chicago to perfect their shorthand. They have been gone about one week. I miss Sara, but we all thought now was the time to go, and it is best. She will do much better work.6LtMs, Lt 57, 1890, par. 6

    Well, I must close. I want to see the dear children, so much. I am glad you were not in California this winter. I hope we will have a nice spring.6LtMs, Lt 57, 1890, par. 7

    Love to all the family,6LtMs, Lt 57, 1890, par. 8


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