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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 7 (1891-1892)

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    Ms 21, 1892

    Diary Written at Preston, Victoria, Australia

    Adelaide, Australia

    September 28 - November 27, 1892

    Portions of this manuscript are published in 1MR 385; Ev 453-455. +NoteOne or more typed copies of this document contain additional Ellen White handwritten interlineations which may be viewed at the main office of the Ellen G. White Estate.

    Sept. 28, 1892

    Adelaide, S.A.

    On Monday, September 26, we left Melbourne for Adelaide, reaching here at half past ten the next morning. Elder Daniells met us at the station, and I was placed in the baggage elevator, and so brought to the level of the street. Thus we avoided climbing the long flight of stairs. I was immediately driven to the house that we were to occupy. It is a furnished house, and we are pleased with it. The rent is twenty-five dollars a month. I am to have the use of the pony and phaeton. This is a great favor. The carriage is easy, and the pony manageable and a good traveler.7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 1

    October 1, 1892

    Sabbath. It rained hard this morning, and I thought that I should have to remain at home. But we got ready, and by that time the rain had stopped, so that we drove to the place of meeting without getting wet. I spoke from the first three verses of the fourteenth chapter of John. We had a large congregation and good attention.7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 2

    October 2, 1892

    I spoke again this morning at eleven [o’clock]. The congregation was large and attentive, and I had much freedom in speaking.7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 3

    October 8, 1892

    Sabbath. The morning was very dull. Heavy clouds covered the sky, and at seven o’clock rain began to fall. We succeeded in reaching the meeting place without a wetting, and found an interested congregation. I was lifted above my infirmities and spoke with much freedom, showing the necessity of having a personal experience in the things of God. I tried to impress those present with the importance of improving the talent of voice. The voice is God’s gift to man, and by persevering effort we may learn to speak to God in prayer with clear, distinct voices.7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 4

    The gift of speech has been greatly perverted. Many, in offering prayer, speak in low, indistinct tones, covering the face with the hands, as if they were ashamed. They do not come to the throne of grace with <Christlike assurance and> boldness, lifting up holy hands to God without fear or doubting. Whether praying or bearing testimony, they murmur a few unintelligible words. Who is edified or encouraged or blessed by such speaking? “Ye are my witnesses,” God says [Isaiah 43:10]; but how can He be glorified by testimonies and prayers that cannot be heard <by the assembly?>7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 5

    I entreated the believers to improve in their manner of speaking at religious services. God expects His children to show that the truth does not dwarf the mind, but enlightens and broadens and strengthens it. Connection with the Lord Jesus Christ gives solidity and power to every faculty of the mind.7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 6

    In the social meeting that followed the preaching service, many excellent testimonies were borne.7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 7

    October 9, 1892

    I passed a very restless night, being so nervous that I could sleep but little. The weather all through the night was tempestuous, with thunder and lightening and sharp showers.7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 8

    This morning I spoke at eleven o’clock. My mind and heart are full of the important subject contained in the seventeenth chapter of John. As I think of the possibilities contained in the prayer of Christ for His disciples and all who should believe on Him through their word, my faith is strengthened and I gain a higher idea of what the Christian may become by striving to answer this prayer.7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 9

    October 10, 1892

    I did not rest well last night. I rose at five, and wrote a letter of ten pages to Willie. Early in the morning, Brother Higgins brought the spring seat for our carriage. He took breakfast with us, and joined us in worship. After dinner we drove to the post office to mail our letters. Elder Daniells stayed in the city to hear Mr. and Mrs. Clark, leaders in the Christian Endeavor movement, and May <Walling> and I drove on into a large, beautiful park. On leaving this park, we went out at another entrance, and May lost her way and drove in an opposite direction from what she should have done. At last we reached familiar ground, and soon found our way to our cottage.7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 10

    We see much work to be done in Adelaide. O, that those who believe in Christ would strive to answer His prayer. Then indeed should we be the light of the world.7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 11

    October 11, 1892

    Last night I got some sleep, but the pain in my limbs makes it impossible for me to rest as much as I should. But I will not be discouraged. I will trust in Him who is my strength and my deliverer. He will be my restorer. My only hope is in Him. If I recover my health, His name shall have all the glory. I cannot walk much. I cannot bend my knees in prayer, but the Lord knows my infirmities, and He will not charge me with irreverence.7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 12

    Elder Tenney arrived here from Melbourne about eleven o’clock this morning. He brought me letters from Willie and manuscripts from Marian. Elder Tenney leaves tomorrow on his long journey to America to attend the General Conference. We made the most of the time while he was here, talking together till the afternoon.7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 13

    October 12, 1892

    I had a very restless night, and slept but little. Last night Elder Tenney spoke to our people here. There was a good attendance, and they had a profitable meeting. This morning, before Elder Tenney left, we had a solemn season of prayer. We earnestly besought the Lord to let His blessing rest upon our brother during his long journey.7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 14

    Elder Tenney feels very humble and inefficient. He prayed most earnestly that the Lord would quicken his understanding, so that he might be able to discern the needs of the situation, and communicate to the brethren that which it is essential for them to know, in order that they may plan for missionary work in this country, in India, and in the other places that Elder Tenney will visit on his way home. Elder Daniells and I united heartily in this prayer, and the Spirit of the Lord rested upon this parting scene.7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 15

    We believe that God will give Elder Tenney wisdom and judgment, and that his journey will be productive of good.7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 16

    October 13, 1892

    I rested and slept much better during the past night. I thank my heavenly Father for His matchless love. I can say from the heart, in sincerity and truth, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.” [Ephesians 1:3.] I need to cultivate constantly a thankful spirit, that I may appreciate the grace so freely given us, “to the praise of the glory of His grace, wherein He hath made us accepted in the Beloved, in whom we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace.” [Verses 6, 7.]7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 17

    October 14, 1892

    My mind goes out to Elder Tenney, journeying alone to America. May the Lord bless him, is my prayer. I am not yet free from pain. At times I suffer considerably. The lower part of my spine is very painful. I try to sleep, but cannot lie in the same position for more than two hours at a time.7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 18

    October 15, 1892

    Sabbath. This morning I spoke to our people from the first chapter of second Peter. The Lord blessed me in speaking, and the Spirit of God was impressing hearts during the service.7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 19

    October 16, 1892

    I spoke again this morning, but every such effort causes me after-suffering. I am admonished that I must not be imprudent by overtaxing nerves and muscles. But when I am standing before the people, holding forth the Word of life, I feel as if I were before the judgment-seat of God, with those to whom I have spoken. I feel that I must leave nothing unsaid that might influence some soul to make his peace with God.7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 20

    Encouragement was given those present this morning that if I were able, I would attend the missionary meeting to be held in the afternoon. Before the time of meeting, I was in great pain, but I decided that nevertheless I would act my part, trusting in the Lord to strengthen me. I was not disappointed. The Lord gave me freedom, and I spoke for about forty minutes, in the demonstration of the Spirit and with power.7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 21

    October 17, 1892

    I thank the Lord for His goodness and loving-kindness to me. I slept better last night, and my heart is resting and rejoicing in the love of God. I am writing many letters to go to America.7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 22

    October 18, 1892

    Last night I slept well for some hours. I still suffer considerable pain in the lower part of my spine, but I can now dress and undress myself. I have sweet meditation on the love and righteousness of Christ, which He gives us though we are wholly unworthy.7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 23

    October 20, 1892

    Today we took our lunch and drove into the hills. The scenery reminded me of Colorado. Everything was clothed with living green, and was very beautiful to look upon. We passed some fine homes, round which roses were blooming in great profusion. While I did not covet any of these residences, yet I thought that one could write much better in such a place than in the city.7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 24

    At noon we ate our lunch under a large, spreading tree, and [then] turned homeward. We could have driven much further, but I dared not do this, as I was becoming weary.7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 25

    October 22, 1892

    I spoke to our people again today, and the Lord blessed me. The attendance was the largest that we have yet had. The people are being helped and encouraged and strengthened. I praise the Lord that He has help for us just when we most need it.7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 26

    October 26, 1892

    We are busily engaged in getting our letters ready to send to America. We had promised to visit Brother and Sister Holland, and after dinner today Elder Daniells, May <Walling,> and I went to fill the appointment. Through the temptations of the enemy, Sister Holland has given up the truth.7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 27

    In this case we saw the results of unwise management. Elder Curtis has not acted the part of a faithful shepherd. He preached to the people, but there his labors ended. He allowed matters of a temporal nature to absorb the time and attention that should have been given to souls.7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 28

    He did not minister to the needs of sinners, and as a result, several of the church members were tempted. He did not visit the believers when they were sick. When they were absent from church, he did not inquire into the matter. For nearly a year and a half, Sister Holland did not attend meetings, but Elder Curtis did not visit her. He was told of her spiritual condition, but still he made no effort to help her. Brother Holland is still a member of the church, and we hope that his wife may be restored to the fold of Christ.7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 29

    After a short conversation, we all bowed in prayer, and the Lord breathed upon us His Holy Spirit. We felt the presence of God, and we greatly hope that this effort shall not be in vain.7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 30

    October 27, 1892

    The American mail closed today. I sent off a large number of letters, about one hundred and fifty pages altogether. The strain of writing this has been very heavy. After the letters had been sent to the post office, we all rode into the hills to see the waterfalls.7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 31

    October 29, 1892

    I attended meeting, and spoke from the fifteenth chapter of John. The Lord came very near by His Holy Spirit. I invited those who had no evidence of their acceptance with God to come forward, that we might unite in prayer. Many responded, and we had an excellent season of prayer. Those who had been treating the erring in an unscriptural manner made confession and asked the forgiveness of their brethren and sisters, and especially of those whom their unwise course had driven from the fold.7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 32

    The softening, subduing influence of the Holy Spirit was felt upon hearts. We are assured that the presence of Jesus was with us, and we are sure that this church will see better days.7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 33

    October 30, 1892

    Another restless night. I fear that I am speaking and writing too much. Since the 28th, I have written fifty pages, which I sent to Melbourne today by Elder Daniells, to be copied for the next American mail. Elder Daniells left for Melbourne this afternoon. After he had gone, May and I drove to Parkside to post some letters, and then we rode about for half an hour in a pleasant locality in full view of the mountains. On returning to the house, we found several letters awaiting us, one from W. C. White, one from Captain Eldridge, one from Elder Curtis, and one from Marian. I wrote a short letter in answer to Willie’s, and then we drove to the station to post it on the train.7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 34

    November 5, 1892

    It has been a pleasant day, but I have been almost strengthless. We attended meeting, and invited our next-door neighbor to go with us. <She readily consented to go and seemed much affected.> She talked freely as we drove to the meeting place, but on our return she looked very solemn, and said nothing. I spoke on the parable of the man without a wedding garment, and we had a solemn meeting. The lady afterward told <my niece> May <Walling,> that she was sorry that she had not attended all the meetings that have been held since we came. She declared that she would not miss one while we remained. O, how I long to see this church standing where it is their privilege to stand, <as laborers together with God.>7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 35

    November 6, 1892

    I praise my heavenly Father for a better night’s rest than usual. During the night my heart was drawn out in earnest prayer for our people in this place. I long to see them making earnest efforts to do service for Christ. In the afternoon Brother Clawton and his two little girls came to see me. We had planned to drive into the mountains, and Brother Clawton was going to put his horse into our buggy and drive us. But I had a burden of soul for Brother and Sister Holland, and I felt that I could not go to into the mountains and delay the Lord’s business. With very imperfect directions, May <Walling> and I started out to find Brother Holland’s place. We went here and there, and at last we were successful.7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 36

    I told Brother and Sister Holland that I had come to talk with them. We began talking at half past two, and continued until five. Sister Holland left the church because she felt that there was a lack of Christlike love and courtesy. Elder Canright’s book was placed in her hands, and she read his tirade against me. Not knowing me, she was disaffected, and not knowing him, she believed what he said.7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 37

    I tried to do all in my power to help Sister Holland. She wept nearly all the time that we were talking. I think the Spirit of the Lord touched her heart. I prayed with them, and then left them in the hands of God.7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 38

    November 7, 1892

    I rested well through the night. At half past four, I rose and began writing. At ten o’clock May <Walling> and I rode out to visit Sister Ethelridge. We called on Sister Allen, who told us where to find Sister Ethelridge. We had a pleasant visit of about two hours with Sister Ethelridge, and then returned home. At the Parkside post office, we found a letter from Willie, which we were glad to get. It is now thought probable that Elder Daniells will spend the week of prayer in Adelaide.7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 39

    November 8, 1892

    I slept well through the night. During the day I drove to the house where Sister Fallows is boarding with her children. We took her out to ride with us, and had a long talk with her. She is a woman who has seen great trouble through a godless, profligate husband. She cannot live with him and obey the Lord’s requirements.7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 40

    November 9, 1892

    In response to an earnest invitation, we drove out to a pleasant grove, where the parents and children of the Sabbath school were having a picnic. It was a very windy day, and at first it seemed presumptuous for me to attempt to speak. But a sheltered place was found under a hedge of wattle trees, and I spoke for about half an hour. A number of unbelievers were present, <and those present were interested. Thank the Lord.>7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 41

    November 10, 1892

    I wrote till noon, and after dinner we drove to Bowden, to fill an appointment to meet with some sisters there. We had a very precious season of prayer, believing Christ’s promise that where two or three meet together in His name, He meets with them to bless them. I read some important matter to those present, and talked with them.7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 42

    I labored harder than when I speak on the Sabbath, for I was with them for nearly two hours. It was almost dark when we reached home; but I was blessed of the Lord, and we were happy in His love.7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 43

    November 11, 1892

    I fear that I have been doing too much. Since Sabbath I have written eighty-six pages [of] letter paper, besides making several visits to people in their homes. This afternoon I called at Brother and Sister Holland’s and left some books. I tried to reach Sister Holland by presenting every inducement of encouragement possible for her to press on in the upward way. But she seems so greatly provoked by the way in which she says that she and her husband have been treated, that I greatly fear for her. May the Lord bring them to a better mind, [so] that they will appreciate the Truth.7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 44

    November 12, 1892

    Sabbath. I spoke today on the Sabbath question, and the Lord gave me much freedom. A number who are not Sabbathkeepers were present. After the meeting Brother Holland asked Emily to be sure to write out the discourse, as he would like a copy of it. He said he was deeply impressed.7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 45

    I had promised to speak to the Christian Endeavor Society, and this I did immediately after the other meeting. This made nearly two hours of speaking. I was thoroughly tired and glad to rest when I reached home.7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 46

    In the afternoon I wrote ten pages on the Sabbath question to send to Sister Holland, who was not at the meeting this morning.7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 47

    November 13, 1892

    It has been warm today, and very pleasant. I hear that the words I spoke to the parents and children in the park were well received, and made a deep impression. The record of how the mothers brought their children to Jesus and of how He received them, should make a strong appeal to parents not to neglect their duty. The disciples would have sent the mothers away, but the Saviour said, “Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not.” [Mark 10:14.] And drawing them to Him, He spoke words which till the close of life they never forgot.7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 48

    The lesson is for parents today. Take your children to the Saviour. Place them where they can learn of Him. <Let every effort be made for the grace of Christ to impress the unconverted [that] they [may] give their hearts [to] the Lord Jesus.>7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 49

    November 14, 1892

    I rested till about three this morning, and then arose and began my writing. My mind is exceedingly burdened. I fear that many who claim to be Christians will fail of gaining eternal life because they do not accept the Word of God as verity and truth.7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 50

    Today I have had some unfavorable symptoms. My head refused to work, and I could not see distinctly. I was obliged to stop writing, and lie down. Later on in the afternoon, I rode out. I received a letter from Willie, with a proposition that we remain in Adelaide about a month longer. Elder Daniells will return in about ten days, and will remain during the week of prayer. I have written eighteen pages today.7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 51

    November 15, 1892

    I have much writing to do for the American mail. I am increasing in strength physically, and my soul is reaching out after more of the Spirit of God.7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 52

    November 16 [15?], 1892

    Today I have written Elder Olsen four pages, W. C. White four pages, Elder Haskell ten pages, and Brother and Sister Holland ten pages.7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 53

    November 19 [18?], 1892

    Today has been a busy day for me. It is quite warm, and I feel a lack of vitality. Elder Daniells arrived this afternoon. We were glad to meet him, and to hear of the progress of the work in Melbourne.7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 54

    November 21 [20?], 1892

    At two o’clock today I visited Brother and Sister Holland, and read some things that I had been writing to meet the difficulties existing in Sister Holland’s mind. I labored with her until past five o’clock. She showed a very tender spirit, and I pray that this sheep of God’s pasture will be brought back to the fold.7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 55

    November 26, 1892

    Today I am sixty-five years old. I spoke to our people from the fifty-eighth chapter of Isaiah. I dwelt particularly upon the necessity of making up the breach that the man of sin has made in the law of God. <I felt the power of God resting upon my soul, and I am anxious for souls to be converted.>7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 56

    November 27, 1892

    Today I visited Sister K. and her daughter. The daughter recently met with an accident. A tub of hot water slipped from her hands, and her foot was badly scalded. It has been a great disappointment to her that she has not been able to attend the meetings. We talked and prayed with her, and the Lord drew very near as we entreated Him to bless both mother and daughter.7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 57

    We next visited Sister Gurner, who is a widow. She has been thought by some to be a restless, complaining woman, and has been called a murmurer. But when I learned that she has not been able to read for twenty-eight years, I thought that instead of criticizing her, those of her sisters in the faith who have the blessing of eyesight should visit her and read to her <as often as possible.> Job says, “I was eyes to the blind, and feet was I to the lame.” [Job 29:15.] It is the duty of those who have sight to minister to the blind, so that the afflicted ones shall feel their loss as little as possible. We had a season of prayer with this sister, and the tender spirit of the Lord rested upon us. We talked with Sister Gurner’s daughter, a girl of about sixteen, telling her the love of Jesus and entreating her to give her heart to the Saviour. I told her that if she would accept Christ as her Saviour, He would be her support in every trial, and would give her peace and rest in His love. <She seemed influenced by our words.>7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 58

    We then went to see Brother and Sister Holland. Brother Holland is a changeable, vacillating man. Today he wished to pour all his troubles into my ears. These troubles seem to grow out of an unhappy disposition, but he is ready to charge all his failures upon something some one has done or has not done. He declares that there have been wrongs in the church, but as he talked, I could see that his disposition would make trouble for him wherever he might go. He will think himself capable of teaching the whole church, when he himself needs to learn the first principles of Christianity.7LtMs, Ms 21, 1892, par. 59

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