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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 7 (1891-1892)

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    Lt 4, 1892

    Daniells, Sister

    Preston, Victoria, Australia

    September 1892

    Portions of this letter are published in RC 108; 6MR 41-42; 9MR 210, 375-376.

    Dear Sister Daniells,

    You have regarded your Christian life and enlightenment as in advance of your husband’s; but in this you have made a mistake. The Lord who reads every character sees that through your lack of spirituality you have at times been a hindrance to him spiritually. You have pressed matters upon him with great urgency when the Lord has not laid the burden upon him. You have acted too much as a mother who has the superintendence of a child, feeling a responsibility to watch over, criticize, stimulate, and mold.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 1

    You think all this has been a special help to him, when, my dear sister, it has been a hindrance. If you had less to say and attended more to your own spirit, with determined effort for the formation of a well-balanced character, the unconscious influence of your life would be a constant encouragement and blessing to him. And that which would be a blessing to your husband, would prove to be a blessing also to every one with who you are brought in contact.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 2

    Your husband must not be treated by you at any time as if he were under your molding hand. Leave him with God. Pray for him, and watch unto prayer, and be careful not to reflect your own spirit upon him and stir him up by hear-says, not only expressing your opinions, but in a decided manner urging your opinion in regard to the faults and waywardness of others and the measures that must be adopted in reference to them. They are Christ’s, purchased by Him. Therefore Christ has enjoined upon you to judge not; “for with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged.” [Matthew 7:2.]7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 3

    Character is not to be weighed in your finite scales. Your suppositions are not to be considered by your husband as verity and truth. Watch and examine yourself, and fear and tremble lest you shall not walk worthy of God. This will elevate and ennoble you and make you indeed a light and a blessing to others, and make you careful in speech. Often silence on our part would be true eloquence.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 4

    In many things Brother Daniells must be guarded. He is very firm in his ideas and opinions; if he looks at matters from his standpoint, he will be in danger of adhering strenuously to his own ideas against the counsel of his brethren. This tendency will strengthen if cultivated. His firmness is not always wise, his ideas are not faultless, and he must be guarded on these points. The opinion of his wife must not have the force with him that it has had hitherto, for she must have a transformation of character, else she will mislead and imperil his influence and usefulness.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 5

    He is now in a responsible position. Has the Lord chosen him for this post of duty? Then he must be left to be imbued and molded by the Holy Spirit and led by its guidance, not by Sister Daniells. God will teach him much more accurately than you can, and that continually, if he will lean wholly upon God. He must educate himself to carry in his heart the peace and love of heaven, for this is his only safety. He is safe only as he stands in the power of the mighty God of Jacob, looking to no earthly being for inspiration.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 6

    It is his privilege to have a daily experience in the things of God, receiving the assurance that he is in fellowship with Him in whom all grace and power and fullness dwell. He will not then be so liable to fall into the slough of despond and doubt. Brother Daniells, I charge you in the name of the Lord, make Christ your headlight to shine along your path to the holy city, for if you look steadfastly to Him, He will give you wisdom and knowledge. While you walk tremblingly before Him, He will enable you to walk safely.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 7

    One who is commissioned of God to be a shepherd of the flock should be able to discern when those who are connected with Him manifest a lack of tact in dealing with human minds. None of the sheep or of the lambs should be wounded or bruised through any harshness or neglect, through any incorrect management in your home, in evil thinking or evil speaking. Has God made you members of the household of faith? Sister Daniells, has your name been registered in the Lamb’s book of life? Have you been numbered as an heir of salvation? If you are thus favored, be grateful, and demonstrate the same by a living piety, because you are a doer of the Word.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 8

    Self must be hid in Jesus, then you will experience peace and rest in wearing the yoke of Jesus Christ. Saved through the blood of the Son of God, sanctified by the Holy Spirit, you are to be a laborer together with your husband and with your God; but without daily sanctification you are a hindrance to him. There are some excellent qualities in your character that, if sanctified and refined from selfishness, will make your life fragrant, worthy of God through the virtues of Jesus Christ. Jesus loves you, and you must not grieve the Holy Spirit of God by revealing your own strong spirit.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 9

    Walk circumspectly. You have had an interest for souls, and as you labor and pray, you wonder again and again that you see no fruit. Will you call to mind the experience of Joshua? If the sin of Achan was so great that it was charged to all Israel, and God could not give them success in battling with their enemies, I ask you, my sister, how the Lord could pour out His blessing upon you and your husband? There is something more to do than to carry this burden in your way. If the accursed thing is in your house, in your heart, my dear Sister Daniells, then let that work which is essential be undertaken.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 10

    You have not known, and may never know in this world, the mischief you have done, and may do, to souls by talking of others’ errors; acts of inconsistency in yourself are overlooked. Your position in connection with your husband needs to be changed in many ways. You do many things that are kind and good, things that some one should do; in many ways you act unselfishly, and will accommodate yourself to circumstances, and yet with all this there is a dead fly in the ointment, which spoils its preciousness and fragrance.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 11

    Things are not right with God; and you blame others freely, as though it was your special duty to bring to the front things which you deem objectionable in them, when you need to closely examine your own soul. You have faults of character, and you must overcome them before you shall consent to take again under your guardianship the lambs of the flock. The lambs need the care of one who has the mind of Christ, a true, self-sacrificing, missionary spirit, a firm, well-balanced character, to guide, control, counsel and direct them. They need the help and strength of your larger experience, sanctified daily in connection with the work.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 12

    Sister Daniells, your influence has done harm in connection with the work, when it might have been a blessing had it been weeded from all vanity and pride. The workers that have been connected with you needed to have a more spiritual example given them. They needed the influence that comes from a healthy, growing experience. Had you possessed this, you would have known better how to help them, so that your words would have been as apples of gold in pictures of silver.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 13

    You have too much ambition mingled with vanity, but if you had cultivated more calmness and gratitude, more faith and trust in Christ, if you manifested greater devotion to God, and less devotion to your preferences, to your dress, less determination to make everything bend to your ideas, the influence left behind you would have been far different from what it has been.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 14

    Adelaide, November, 1892. Dear Sister Daniells, I cannot sleep. Matters are presented to me which I cannot withhold. Did you think the Lord would be pleased with your cruel jealousy of others in regard to your husband? You have taken the position that your marriage to him has made him what he is. Again and again, when fancied difficulties have crossed your mind, you have sought to reveal to him his obligation to you for the part you have acted toward him. My dear sister, you have strangely misunderstood and misrepresented this matter.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 15

    God had a work for your husband to do. He has been a greater help to you than you have been to him. The Lord would have restored him to health, and qualified him for the work, if you had never become acquainted with him. He is the Lord’s purchased possession. God holds the proprietorship of your husband. God has given him his work. You have not viewed all things correctly. But what if you were used as an instrument in the hands of God to help him at a time when he needed human help to lift him up? Should you spoil it all with a jealousy that is unreasonable and satanic?7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 16

    You have no foundation whatever on which to build the structure that has led you to do as you have done in manifesting jealousy toward your husband, or toward others in regard to him. To a great extent you have destroyed your own influence, and have greatly hurt the way of his paths. God help you is my prayer, to recover from your misconceptions and to see all these things correctly.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 17

    You have exerted an influence upon those who have been members of your own family that will be hard for you to counteract. But if you seek the Lord, you will find Him, and He will forgive your transgressions. Every manifestation of the character I have mentioned has left some soul on Satan’s battle ground, exposed to fierce temptations to commit sin against God. Instead of helping others to overcome the objectionable traits of character given them as a birthright, your example confirmed them in the wrong. You yourself needed discipline, admonition, and rebuke.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 18

    What did the Hare girls need as lambs of the flock, children beginning the Christian life, younger members of the Lord’s family? They needed the help of one who possessed warmth of affection, steadiness and evenness of character to manage and guide them over the rough places. Had you gained their confidence by tact and wisdom, you could have done a good work for them. They needed an experienced, motherly Christian to guide them over the rough places, to direct their steps, to counsel them, to defend them from surrounding dangers, and lead them kindly, firmly, and disinterestedly to higher attainments in righteousness and true holiness.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 19

    Your work should have been of a character to lead their inexperienced feet into paths of safety. You might have helped them to give themselves fully to the cause of God, and to identify themselves with His people. Where they were crude and unformed, they could have been helped, for they possessed excellent traits of character.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 20

    The Lord cannot retain the names of anyone in the Lamb’s book of life unless he is an overcomer, a doer of His words. We are saved, not in our sins, but from our sins.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 21

    The Lord of heaven is looking upon the sheep and especially upon the lambs of His flock with tender solicitude. He said to Peter, “Feed my lambs” [John 21:15], because this was a work that he must do, and that he had failed to do patiently. The Lord would have the youth receive no education from their teachers save that which would develop the good qualities and repress the evil. And when the teacher, the missionary, loses sight of Christ, the Pattern, when selfishness finds a place in the heart so that words are spoken, and actions performed, that are unbecoming to a child of God, there is need of a genuine conversion of heart, a transformation of character. All prejudice, and selfishness must die. All vain thoughts and jealousies must become extinct because we have an indwelling Saviour. The Lord must not be made to serve with our sins.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 22

    You have committed sin, and my purpose in writing to you is to open your eyes, that you may see these things as they are, that you may not be deceived. The example you have given to the youth is not what it should be, and I beg of you, my sister, not to leave these dropped stitches, but take them up and repair the difficulty as far as you can, humbling your soul before God, and confessing to Jesus. Your influence as a missionary is not what God would have it to be. You confuse minds in regard to what is the real nature of transgression.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 23

    Sin has many disguises. It is deceptive in its character. It darkens the understanding, obscures the spiritual vision, blunts and stupefies every perceptive faculty of the soul. You need not be deceived in yourself. The dishonor you have brought upon the truth in having your own will and way has cast reproach upon the cause of God and upon the God of truth. The relation of cause to effect has been presented before me in clear lines. Your course of action hurts yourself and hurts your husband.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 24

    My sister, never, never exalt your spiritual perception as above that of your husband’s. Never for a moment think you are in advance of him. This is a mistake. You need to see things in a different light. You have marred the image of God in yourself, you have cheapened and corrupted your religious experience. How can God work for you as you desire, unless you repent and believe in Him? I must tell you that He is displeased with your course of action. You need so much to be perfected by the grace of Christ that your imaginings may ever be unselfish and sanctified.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 25

    God has given you ability to do a much better work than you have done. You must be sanctified, purified. It is at the peril of your soul, and at the peril of other souls, that you give place to selfish indulgence because you feel like it. You have bruised and wounded your own soul and the youth who have been connected with you, by giving your imagination at times full sway. Every missionary must have the Spirit of Christ, not once, not now and then, but at all times and under all circumstances. You should be ready to sacrifice anything and everything rather than give occasion for one soul to feel that you are not what you profess to be.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 26

    Dress, as far as it relates to the mere beautifying of the exterior, is of little account with any of us; but the inward adorning, “The ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.” [1 Peter 3:4.] Oh, it is the privilege of every one of us to live and act as in the presence of God, realizing that His eye is ever upon us, and our most secret thoughts are known to Him. The character of every motive, desire and purpose is clearly seen in heaven’s light, and is estimated as God weighs actions.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 27

    (From Diary.) While I was at Adelaide, my son wrote me that it was decided that Brother Daniells should accompany us to New Zealand. The night after receiving this letter, things which had before been opened to me were repeated and more deeply impressed upon my mind. Some things were those which I had presented when a select company were gathered together at the Echo Office.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 28

    The feeling of the people in New Zealand was presented more clearly before me, and that night I was conversing with them. I wrote to W. C. White that the feeling against Sister Daniells was of such a character that, while I had respect for and confidence in Elder Daniells, from the light given me of God, I could not for a moment consent to go to New Zealand with him, because the people were so prejudiced against him on his wife’s account that it was essential to labor in their behalf to cure the estrangement. But I knew that it would be hard to reach them. If we made an effort to correct the wrongs among them, they would refer to Brother and Sister Daniells.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 29

    We labored earnestly, the Lord helping us by His Holy Spirit, then we ventured to touch the plague spot. We found to our sorrow that their feelings only needed to be touched upon this point, and they would become so excited that I could only stop and pity them. I tried to set things before them as discreetly as possible, and at times they would see their true condition.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 30

    I was weighted down with the burden of these things, knowing that God’s people must be a unit. In the night season I was meeting with the Hare family, and standing up and talking most earnestly with them, trying to show them that they must be in harmony with those whom the Lord had sent to help them. I told them that the prejudices they were cultivating and strengthening against Brother and Sister Daniells were wrong. Whatever cause they might think they had to justify such feelings, they had made much of little things.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 31

    The reports that came to them from the daughters of Father Hare were overdrawn. Those girls had very much to learn if ever they were to be connected with the work of God. Their complaints in regard to Sister Daniells’ treatment of them had gone a long way in creating the feeling of alienation that existed. The brethren and sisters did not receive my words. They considered that they had reasons for feeling as they did. They cherished a bitterness that was un-Christlike and sinful.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 32

    Well, I did have just such an opportunity with the Hare family, in Father Hare’s home, as the Lord had revealed to me; and things transpired as they had been presented to me. I had no liberty to tell them all that the Lord had revealed to me: that Brother and Sister Daniells had made mistakes and had manifested a wrong spirit and had spoken and written words which were not prompted by the Spirit of God, and that Satan had magnified them to their minds and had influenced them against Brother Daniells.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 33

    Efforts had been made in the past to heal the difficulty, but the enemy would open it afresh before their minds, and as there was not forgiveness, unity and love, the roots of bitterness sprang up afresh and a deadly influence was exerted upon their minds. I dared not tell them that it would have been better if the young people had not been brought in contact with the training and education they had received in Brother Daniells’ home. Sister Daniells was suffering at times from physical infirmities, and this was against her. It disqualified her to deal with the minds of these girls. In quite a number of things she had not managed with wisdom and was not under divine guidance in speech and methods of action. There was a lack of tenderness, love and sympathy, which she would have felt sorely had she been in their place.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 34

    But the family of Brother Hare were not prepared to hear all the truth and make a correct use of it; and to tell all would have had a deleterious effect upon them. The right course had not been pursued toward the girls. It is true that reports brought by the girls had given wrong impressions. Yet Sister Daniells had not manifested the sympathy, forbearance and love that should have been manifested. Everyone who deals with human minds should have tender sympathy and interest.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 35

    But I dared not at that time admit to them that Sister Daniells had been tempted to jealousy in regard to the girls or others, because she thought they manifested too much regard for Brother Daniells and that he gave too much attention to them (which was entirely wrong in her). Had I told all this, I might perhaps have appeared consistent in their eyes. But I dared not tell them any of these things. I dared not say anything that they might construe into evil against either of you.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 36

    But I was shown that the girls had not been at all times treated with discernment and kindly consideration that such cases require, and it would be better if Sister Daniells, with her temperament, were entirely excused from such responsibilities, for she has not always the oil of the grace of God that would lead her to speak and act in such a Christlike manner as to cause the wheels of the human machinery to move without friction.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 37

    It is wise generalship to keep the besetting enemy in check by lifting up a standard against him in the name of the Lord. There were many things that were very discouraging and disheartening in the experiences of both Sister Daniells and the girls, but Sister Daniells does not consider the situation of others and how she would feel were she in their place. Roots of bitterness were often springing up in the minds of the girls. And Sister Daniells had many plans and methods which concerned her own special work, that might better have been left out of the question.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 38

    There was evil thinking by the girls, and the matter grew into large proportions. Things were strangely exaggerated, and every time they were repeated, increased in proportions. But I need not go into particulars.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 39

    Every missionary will have hard battles to fight with self, and these combats will not become fewer. But if we are constantly growing in Christian experience, if we continue to look to Jesus in faith, strength will be given us for every emergency. All the powers and faculties of a regenerated nature must be brought into constant, daily exercise. Every day we shall have occasion to crucify self, to war against inclination and a perverse temperament that would draw the will in a wrong direction. The repose and triumph of victory are not yet ours, except as we by faith enter into the victory that Christ has gained for us.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 40

    Now, my sister, there is a work to be done for you in perfecting a Christian character. I tell you this because I love your soul. You are to open the door of your heart and let the Saviour in. The human soul and spirit and body must be brought under the authority of the principles of heaven, for that is to be our home. Jesus came to our world and took upon Him our nature, and He was assailed with all the temptations wherewith man will be beset; but He yielded not, He maintained the full perfection of heaven’s character. It is such a character, builded after the Pattern, that constitutes our fitness to see God.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 41

    Without Christ we can do nothing. We must come into close relation to Jesus, our life must be hid with Christ in God. Like Moses, we must be hidden in the cleft of the Rock, and then we shall behold the glory of God. God designs that the divine shall be united with the human. Man, though fallen, need not ever remain enfeebled and degraded through sin. We are to become partakers of the pure and celestial element, beholding Jesus, and becoming changed into His likeness. Character must be formed in this life by looking daily at the manifestation of Him in whose life and character the grace of the heavenly attributes is revealed.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 42

    In Jesus is seen a representation of what the believer must be, full of grace and truth. How can the Lord bless the human agents who are cherishing the satanic attributes, bringing evil angels as companions to their side, exhibiting traits of character that are unlike Christ, so that He is ashamed to call them His brethren? The busy occupation you have had has not been the most favorable to the formation of a character such as God can approve. That which He requires of you, as the very first matter which demands your attention, is to be sanctified through the truth.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 43

    The great work of Christ’s disciples upon the earth is a daily assimilation to the character of our Saviour. As our Advocate He stands before the Father, expressly to impart grace for this very purpose. It is to accomplish this work that the Spirit is provided. By beholding, we become changed into the image of the Lord, even by the Spirit of the Lord. Imbued with His fullness, we grow in grace and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ. And heaven is brought into the homelife, for we are inspired with the spirit of heaven. Love in its purity and sacredness, is not tinged with selfishness. Jesus shows us in His life what human nature may become. We must have the character of Christ, and then we shall better understand what heaven is like.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 44

    “Thou lovest righteousness, and hatest wickedness; therefore God, thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.” [Psalm 45:7.] When Christ is all and in all to us, we shall not idolize any human being and permit him to intercept our view of God.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 45

    Let us love the righteousness which Christ loves and hate the iniquity which He hates, and the whole character will be transformed. Oh, the soul that is sincere in its love, whole-hearted in its surrender, Christ regards as more precious than the golden wedge of Ophir. Heaven-born love, Christlike principles, underlie the laws of eternal rectitude. In the sight of God, true beauty and attractiveness do not consist at all in the outward appearance, but in the loveliness of virtue, and are revealed by the human agent to those who are in their home and with whom they associate.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 46

    The light that shineth in the face of Christ is reflected by all His followers. Hence the family resemblance in all His children. The image of Christ appears in the character of His followers because they are partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. Even on earth we may have spiritual joy, as a well spring never-failing, because fed by the streams that flow from the throne of God. This is the source of all true excellence of character.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 47

    In heaven, service is not rendered in the spirit of legality. When Satan in heaven rebelled against the law of Jehovah, the thought that there was a law came to the angels almost as an awakening to something they had not thought of. Love for God and for the Commander in high heaven had been without one drawback. In their ministry the angels did not work as servants, they were not doing the will of God for wages, or to secure position, not to increase their importance or minister to their own pleasure; but their will was identical with the will of God; there was a perfect unity of taste and inclination between the angels and their Creator. Obedience was no drudgery to them, it was a delight.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 48

    There is need that the spirit of heaven be brought into character and conduct in this life. Then we shall have the happiness of heaven upon earth, and we shall show forth the praises of Him who hath called us out of darkness into His marvelous light. We are to serve God because we love Him, doing His will because we delight to honor Him. Oh, we need the sanctification of the Spirit.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 49

    Dear Brother and Sister Daniells, after coming to New Zealand you both made mistakes. Through unconsecrated feelings, Sister Daniells has done injury to her husband’s influence. Now, my sister, you must clear the track behind you. In some respects your work does not bear the impress of God, but clearly gives evidence that you have been under the strong temptations of the enemy. You have not, as it was your privilege, walked in love to God and to all mankind. You have not walked in all the precepts and ordinances of the Lord blameless. Had you done less to gratify your ambition, had you limited your wants in some respects, and encouraged a spirit calm and restful in God, you would not have been overcome by the enemy in so marked a manner.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 50

    All the experience we gain must be through trial. With your length of experience, you should not be put to shame by the enemy of all righteousness, being conquered at the very time when above all others you should have been steadfast, when you were placed in a position where every act would be attended with such important consequences. I repeat, you have hurt your husband’s influence, you have detracted from his usefulness. You are the wife of the Lord’s delegated servant; give no cause for unwary souls to stumble. Your course should never close the door to openings of usefulness.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 51

    If you continue to allow your feelings to control you as you have done, you will be a burden to him rather than a blessing. How much better it would be to unite your interest with his, laboring together as consecrated human agents in saving the souls that are ready to perish.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 52

    The Lord God of Israel had the making of your husband, not you, my sister, not you. And the Lord is dishonored when you feel that so much credit belongs to you. Your husband has never wavered from his allegiance to you; but you have greatly dishonored him by your jealousies. How can you bind your husband to you? Not by putting him to shame. Not be repeating to a living soul that you have made him what he is.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 53

    Depression often comes upon him, and you exhort him and try to stir him up to action. Now, if you have less to do in this stirring-up process, and leave him in peace, leave him alone with his God, he will be guided by the Spirit of the Lord. You confuse his mind. You have so many suggestions to make, you hinder much more than you help; you oppress much more than you relieve.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 54

    Were you yourself living in the light, were you not impulsive, losing the balance of your mind as you give way to temptation, you would never entertain a thought of jealousy. It makes my heart ache every time I recall the scenes I have been made to witness between yourself and Carrie. You did not know how to deal with her. This has been opened before me clearly, and I know that in this matter you have done dishonor to yourself, to your husband, and to the precious cause of truth.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 55

    It is essential that missionaries should be all that this word signifies. The wife of the missionary may, through lack of wisdom, counteract the testimony which the Lord requires of her husband to bear to the people. The work in this country will not be accomplished without most determined perseverance. The believers need educating and training; personal effort must be put forth in their behalf. A decided example must be given them.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 56

    The wife of the minister must not at any time follow impulse or give occasion for those with whom she is connected to stumble over her manifest defects of character. If the Spirit of Christ is not manifest in her daily life, then it cannot be otherwise than that she will prove a stumbling stone to many; she will close up the way so that the message which the Lord has given her husband will not reach the hearts of the people. Warning and reproof will reflect back upon his own head, because of the course pursued by his wife.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 57

    Is the wife exacting? Does she keep her own spirit under control? Is selfishness at times apparent, even when she is in a position of responsibility, connected with those who are urged to give themselves to the work? While her husband is preaching the truth and laboring for individual cases, to prepare them for the canvassing field, will her influence and example give force to his teaching?7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 58

    Jealousy and evil-surmising are calculated to do much harm to the persons with whom she is brought in connection. Such exhibitions have been made even in the presence of young persons who needed to learn what it means to be a Christian. These things are grievous matters before the Lord. When the servant of the Lord, who is bearing the message of truth to the people, sees anything of this kind in his home, he has a work to do in his own family; while he should ever deal kindly, in the spirit of tenderness, he should deal decidedly, whatever the consequences may be.7LtMs, Lt 4, 1892, par. 59

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