Lt 50, 1891
Place, Dr.
Greenville, Michigan
April 27, 1891
Previously unpublished.
Dear Doctor Place,
I have before me the testimony for you, which will be sent to you. I have spoken plainly; I cannot do otherwise. And yet I feel the deepest concern for your soul, for I know you will not enter the kingdom of heaven as you are. There is no place there for such, but the Lord is reaching out to you the scepter of mercy. Will you accept it?7LtMs, Lt 50, 1891, par. 1
I have hope in your case because I know that the Lord is chastening you for your good. Selfishness, to whatever extent it mingles with your motives, may not be discovered by human eyes, but you know it and it produces a sense of self-degradation, but it does not end here. It mingles with all your works and becomes a part of your character, marring, and debasing your mind, soul and body. You have made some vain struggles against this current of evil and yield to its slavish power. The virtue which comes from Christ alone can purify, refine and ennoble your life and your character.7LtMs, Lt 50, 1891, par. 2
You and other of the medical faculty have been thinking how you could best take care of yourselves. You have left conscience and God out of the question. A sincere Christian you have not been. You have not put on the Lord Jesus Christ, making no “provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lust thereof.” [Romans 13:14.]7LtMs, Lt 50, 1891, par. 3
When you decide this kind of life and character building is not safe, but positively dangerous, and you fall on the Rock and are broken, then Jesus can make a new man of you. He can mold you into a vessel of honor. You will become a disciple of Christ. You will copy His works, possessing His love and a heart filled with gratitude. You will devote your entire life to Christ, who gave His life for you. You will work, you will suffer, you will deny self for His sake, even for Him who died and rose again and is making intercessions for you.7LtMs, Lt 50, 1891, par. 4
When you put on Christ, then is love made perfect. All this harassing, self-condemnation is at an end. You are a sinner saved by the blood of Christ. All low, selfish motives will be expelled from the soul, and you will be seeking how you can best glorify Christ Jesus. You will cease to do evil and learn to do well because you are a student in the school of Christ. You enter upon His life; you practice His virtues; the taint of worldly maxims is not corrupting your thoughts or woven into your character. Your model is Jesus Christ. Gratitude, love, loyalty are the motives which survey all heaven. These attributes must dwell richly in every soul that will be a final overcomer.7LtMs, Lt 50, 1891, par. 5
Christ has provided all sufficient divine assistance for all temptations that will assail the soul, and He gives the Holy Spirit to help your infirmities, to assure your hopes, purify your hearts. If you put on the Lord Jesus Christ, He must and will become unto you wisdom and sanctification and righteousness and your redemption. We must individually wear the heavenly livery, and He will be your strong helper. But you must make no reservations. While you are not called upon to make confessions to men, but to God, it is highly essential you confess your sins to those you have injured and to those who will not make a bad use of your confession.7LtMs, Lt 50, 1891, par. 6
Oh, how anxious I am that you shall seek the Lord with all your heart and consent to follow Christ fully. No longer follow Christ’s worst enemy. You cannot longer frame your own standard, make your own laws, retain as many indulgences as you deem possible, and make provision for pride, ambition, sensuality, and self-will. _____ is with you at this time. Do you wish to be made holy? Are you willing to cooperate with the Lord Jesus Christ that this work shall be done? Do you really care to know the only condition of salvation? Every selfish, worldly motive must be expelled and you repent and confess your sins and be converted.7LtMs, Lt 50, 1891, par. 7