Lt 72, 1892
White, W. C.
Adelaide, South Australia
October 5, 1892
Previously unpublished.
Dear Son Willie:
I was for several days much better healthwise. I have great reason for gratitude to God that I have been sleeping well nights. Last night not quite as well. I wrote a few pages for you to communicate to the school faculty, and Brother Daniells has urged [that] it be copied and he have a copy. I feel something of a burden for the Echo office and for the church, as well as for the school.7LtMs, Lt 72, 1892, par. 1
Sabbath and Sunday I spoke to good congregations. They listened, seemingly with much interest, and I felt more natural than I have done since my sickness. This has been very encouraging to me. I thought at first I must disappoint them on Sabbath. It rained straight down, but I told May to get me ready, and if it cleared at the last moment I would step into the phaeton; and sure enough, it did stop raining just as we must step on board. It rained a trifle on the way but we did not get wet. You know there is no cover to the phaeton.7LtMs, Lt 72, 1892, par. 2
I expected to hear from you ere this, but aside from the telegram, no word has come. Elder Daniells is faithful to have me ride out every day. We are all doing nicely. I hope you will be very careful not to expose yourself to take cold. My joints of knees and my hips pained me so last night I did not sleep as well as usual.7LtMs, Lt 72, 1892, par. 3
Elder Daniells has just come from getting the horse shod. He says the stove has come. I am glad of this, for it is a great inconvenience to cook over this colonial oven. Brother Higgins is making me a single spring seat that will be easy to transport. He took the measure last night. I would be pleased to have a copy of all that is struck off on the calligraph for this last mail. I am anxious to know what I have sent to America. I only have Prescott’s letter.7LtMs, Lt 72, 1892, par. 4
I hope to hear from Marian and Fannie that they are well and doing well. This is a very quiet place here, no tramways and no carriages passing, with the exception of bakers’ wagons, vegetable carts, and fish carts. I am trying to copy off that which I wrote in my diary during the conference in Melbourne. I cannot see, myself, very much change between the climate here and in Preston. I think we had better remain here the full two months, as long as our ticket lasts, and not go to Sydney until after the conference, and then take in Sydney if I am able to go to New Zealand. Elder Daniells will, I think, leave us the first of November. Then it would be highly satisfactory to have you here.7LtMs, Lt 72, 1892, par. 5
In much love.7LtMs, Lt 72, 1892, par. 6
P.S. Elder Daniells is going down to the wharf to see about the stove. There may be a letter from you to state in regard to the stove. He does not understand whether you sent it in my name or his, or in the name of the man who brought up your goods.7LtMs, Lt 72, 1892, par. 7
Please read this enclosure to the faculty, to whomsoever you see fit.7LtMs, Lt 72, 1892, par. 8