Lt 127, 1893
White, W. C.
Parramatta, New South Wales, Australia
January 29, 1893
Portions of this letter are published in 4Bio 70.
Dear Son Willie:
Sabbath is now past. Today is Sunday. After I had been seated a short time in the cars, I became so weary I felt that it was impossible for me to sit up. I was in great pain and much exhausted. The mattress was taken out of the bundle and a bed arranged for me on the seat. I lay down and felt easier in a reclining position. We made the change of cars at half past ten or eleven o’clock. We did not get settled in our berth until about twelve o’clock. I rested well until five o’clock. The porter seemed so anxious to do everything to accommodate us. I think he was very kind. I still felt exhausted the next day. I tried to walk a little but was so glad to get in the bed in my berth, and I did not sit up until we were about to enter Sydney. I felt utterly strengthless.8LtMs, Lt 127, 1893, par. 1
We found Brother Reekie waiting for us and he helped us to change our baggage. When we arrived at Parramatta, Brethren Hare and Steed were waiting for us. Emily and I were put in a hack for Brother Hare’s, where we were welcomed and had a good dinner. Fruit is plentiful and I enjoyed eating, for I was hungry. All our party came to Brother Hughes’ where we are made welcome.8LtMs, Lt 127, 1893, par. 2
Oh, what should I have done without my bed convenience? There is not a spring mattress among our people. Everything was done for me that could be done, but my flesh was so sore I could not rest. Mosquitoes and fleas were plentiful. But Brother Steed had a single wire-woven spring. This he lent to me, and my bed was made up on it. My bed was good, but I slept only about one hour, for I was very nervous. Elder Steed seemed anxious. He thought I might be unable to speak Sunday night if I spoke Sabbath. But I determined, in the strength of God, to go forward. The church was well filled. I spoke from (John 14) with great freedom, and I know the Lord did send His angels to strengthen me. The people were much pleased with the words spoken. They said they had feasted. Brother Starr spoke at Sydney. He was with me in the afternoon. Social meeting was good and quite a number of testimonies were borne.8LtMs, Lt 127, 1893, par. 3
Monday morning
Last night I spoke to a full hall, the Town Hall. I did my best on that occasion, considering the difficulties under which I was laboring. It was quite warm, and although we had plenty of ventilation, my clothing was wet through. The people listened with great attention, and the people here, believing the truth, are much pleased. But I do not feel satisfied. I needed physical strength that I could do justice to the great and important themes that we are dealing with. What a work is before us! I scarcely know where we need to work most.8LtMs, Lt 127, 1893, par. 4
I am much pleased with Parramatta climate. I think it will be my duty to spend the winter here, or near here. Come to this place, if possible, that you may have part of Thursday and all of Friday to look about before leaving for New Zealand. It may not be unwise to commence the next term of school in New South Wales. At any rate, come as soon as ever you can, and a full day here may make a great difference in deciding several things.8LtMs, Lt 127, 1893, par. 5
Tell Byron to send me scratch books.8LtMs, Lt 127, 1893, par. 6