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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 9 (1894)

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    Ms 77, 1894

    Diary, August 1894

    Granville, Norfolk Villa, Prospect Street, New South Wales, Australia

    August 30, 31, 1894

    Portions of this manuscript are published in 8MR 361-362; 4Bio 160-161.

    Thursday Eve, August 30, 1894

    Granville, Norfolk Villa, Prospect Street, New South Wales,

    Home again much improved in health. We are pleased to be in our own hired house. The family were rejoiced to have us back again. This day has been an eventful day to us. We left for the station in the morning about a quarter before nine o’clock. Arrived twelve minutes before the arrival of the train. There were only two gentlemen in the compartment, and Emily made a bed for me on the seat and I rested nicely.9LtMs, Ms 77, 1894, par. 1

    We arrived in Sydney about twelve o’clock. Found W. C. White and Brethren Daniells, Reekie, and Rousseau at the station ready to help us. We took a tram for Glebe Point where Brother Reekie is stationed at the mission.9LtMs, Ms 77, 1894, par. 2

    After partaking of refreshments we heard the reasons why we were called by telegram from ______. Brethren Rousseau and Daniells had propositions to lay before us that land selected for the locating of the school was not as good land as we should have on which to erect buildings; we should be disappointed in the cultivation of the land; it was not rich enough to produce good crops, etc., etc. This was surprising intelligence to us and we could not view the matter in the same light. We knew we had evidence that the Lord had directed in the purchase of the land. They proposed searching still for land.9LtMs, Ms 77, 1894, par. 3

    Already much money and much time and anxiety had been expended in searching for suitable land and there were objectionable features in all places they investigated. The land purchased was the best, as far as advantages were concerned. To go back on this and begin another search meant loss of time, expense in outlay of means, great anxiety and uneasiness, and delay in locating the school, putting us back one year. We could not see light in this. We thought of the children of Israel who inquired, Can God set a table in the wilderness? He did do this, and with God’s blessing resting upon the school the land will be blessed and will produce good crops.9LtMs, Ms 77, 1894, par. 4

    We talked the matter over some time, and we found these two brethren very firm and decided. I knew that anything I might say would make no change in their ideas. They left for Melbourne about five o’clock, and we left for Granville at the same time. But a weight was upon my soul. I felt dazed and too amazed to sleep. I knew from light given me we had made no mistake.9LtMs, Ms 77, 1894, par. 5

    Friday, August 31, 1894


    We were very much pressed with writing for the American mail. Matter must be prepared. All day we labored most earnestly, but a weight was upon me. I could not possibly explain matters. I was confused and thus thrown into uncertainty and could not see anything that had the appearance of the wisdom of God’s work in the ideas presented by our brethren. It looked to me very much like the work of the great adversary to block the way of advance, and to give to brethren easily tempted and critical the impression that God was not leading in the school enterprise. I believe this to be a hindrance that the Lord has nothing to do with.9LtMs, Ms 77, 1894, par. 6

    Oh, how my heart aches! I do not know what to do but to just rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him. He will bring matters to pass to His own name’s glory. But how careful should we individually be lest we shall hinder the precious work of God, that should advance. We have no time to lose. I am impressed by representations that we have made no mistake in the place we have selected. I see that place before me, and buildings and orchards and produce from the grounds and property. I see success and rejoicing. Then I awake with the impression our brethren Rousseau and Daniells are keeping in their minds the rich lands they have worked in Iowa, and that they will not trust the Lord to make a home for us in the wilderness. But I shall hold right on and believe and trust and wait.9LtMs, Ms 77, 1894, par. 7

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