Lt 117, 1894
Norfolk Villa, Prospect St., Granville, New South Wales, Australia
October 1894
Previously unpublished.
[Dear Brother:]
Last evening our American mail reached us. We received a portion of our mail in the forenoon and some in the evening. A part of our family is at Ashfield, preparing our tents to receive us this day. The weather has been showering for several days. There was no rain yesterday, and our load of goods was taken to camp. Today opens clear and beautiful.9LtMs, Lt 117, 1894, par. 1
We read your letter to our family last evening, also a letter from Elder Joshua V. Himes—a favor I did not at all expect to receive. Enclosed was five dollars from himself and a short letter from Sister Austin containing five dollars from her. These tokens of sympathy and confidence made these gifts indeed of much more value than the mere sum of money; and the value of the gift itself just now—when we are appropriating as far as we dare to go, means that shall provide poor families with tent and carfare and food—makes every dollar of double value, to open the way that all possible shall receive the bread and water of life, eternal life.9LtMs, Lt 117, 1894, par. 2
We are not situated as you are in America, that we can call believers together and say, Here are cases that we wish to be benefitted with the camp meeting. How much will you give? We know to a certainty just the bank to draw from, and we know it is no use to aggravate the feelings of those who would do something but who cannot provide suitable food and necessities for their own families, for they can obtain only a little job of work now and then. We have the opportunity to draw from our own bank in case of necessity, and that is quite often, but I am only too thankful to be able to use in this line some monies sent for my own benefit, and to draw and draw again from my own deposits—entrusted talents—and to divide my living supplies to feed families who are in suffering need.9LtMs, Lt 117, 1894, par. 3
Those who take their position upon the Sabbath in this country are made to feel the cross much heavier than in America. There are several today who are in the valley of decision, thoroughly convinced of the truth, longing to obey; but they will lose their position at once if they do obey and they have families—children whom they think they will see begging for bread—and the history of several families who have taken their position and risked the consequences has revealed to them that want, positive want of bread, is the sure result.9LtMs, Lt 117, 1894, par. 4
Several have had high hopes of something to do upon the school ground at Dora Creek, for they were encouraged that they could take their families and that parents and children could work in clearing land. But after the land was bought the minds of a few decided that it was not the most favorable location, and everything came to a standstill. This has hindered souls from daring to venture. Brother McCann has a family numbering ten. The eldest boy has work on a farm, working from morning until night for one dollar and a half per week. This will not much more than supply him in shoes. Many others in these colonies have been unfortunate. They have built in prosperous times and mortgaged their house and land. Then came hard, trying times, failure of banks, and the poor are the ones who have to suffer most keenly. [Remainder missing.]9LtMs, Lt 117, 1894, par. 5