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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 9 (1894)

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    Lt 146, 1894

    White, W. C.

    Granville, New South Wales, Australia

    March 29, 1894

    Portions of this letter are published in FBS 36.

    Dear Son Willie:

    This morning, Thursday, all our goods that were sent are in the house. But the things not sent—table and safe—would be the most needful things for our present use. We put everything we can into shape, with boards to help, and can get along; but I thought I would today go to the secondhand shops, and if I can get a table that will do for our use, we will not buy the one we used in Melbourne, for it will be some time before we can get it here to use.9LtMs, Lt 146, 1894, par. 1

    Yesterday we looked at a cow, sound, healthy, and fat on feeding on grass only. She gives eight quarts of milk a day. Brother James offers her for twenty-two dollars, for he is about to move eighty miles from Kellyville. Brother McCullagh put his little horse into our phaeton and Brother Belden and I accompanied him to Kellyville to see the cow Brother James wished to sell. We did not just like the nervous appearance of the cow and decided to think of the matter before we should invest even that much money.9LtMs, Lt 146, 1894, par. 2

    I am satisfied of one thing, that if the school buildings go up, much of it will have to be done by money coming from America. Several of our farmers who are keeping the Sabbath are not able to keep their farms. They are mortgaged and are being sold away from them. Several are likely to lose their farms. Brother James has already been sold out, and he goes forth to make a new home in another place. We see poverty and necessities on every hand, and our study must be economy and wise calculation, if the work progresses in this country.9LtMs, Lt 146, 1894, par. 3

    I think I should be very careful in regard to defraying expenses of persons going to America or in regard to taking on individual cases for school education. And more, I should encourage both men and women to put into active exercise the powers God has given them to earn means themselves and learn the value of money. Then they will value the advantages of an education which costs them something to obtain. I do not think we are, in this respect, doing the very best thing to carry so many persons through the school. But let me tell you that economy must be not only taught but practiced in every line. Educate, educate, educate, in an independence that is praiseworthy, for those who desire an education to plan, to devise some way by which they can earn means and economize, that they shall sustain themselves in gaining an education. We shall see ways for means to be used which will exhaust the royalty on all foreign books published in America. It is much easier to take on the loads which require means then to find the means to settle the bills when demanded. I think it will be necessary to curtail expenses in every line. May the Lord guide us in judgment is my prayer.9LtMs, Lt 146, 1894, par. 4

    Brother McCullagh is no worse healthwise. He has purchased a fine, young, healthy little horse for five pounds, and a trap for about the same, and means to use the same out of doors as much as possible. He thinks Parramatta church is in a bad state. Everybody wants to preach, and there is very much strife in the church for the supremacy. We feel so glad we are here. We will do what we can to help matters.9LtMs, Lt 146, 1894, par. 5

    We are just ready now to arrange for the settlement of rooms, but could do nothing of any particular advancement until now, because we could not possibly get the goods until now. I have a wire mattress I purchased while at Preston, with legs on it. Brother Belden had it in his house, then brought it to the school. Please see that it is brought, for we shall need it. When Brother Lawrence comes, all these things can be sent. We have a part of a bookcase here, but the glass part of it is in the school building, not very wise calculation. But we will not worry about little matters. My room is passable, not all fixed by any means.9LtMs, Lt 146, 1894, par. 6

    I am so glad that the goods are here, for it is raining today and therefore I am glad I rode twenty miles or more yesterday. Shall ride and be out of doors a good share of my time for the present, hoping to be improving in health. All are of good courage and there seems to be no friction.9LtMs, Lt 146, 1894, par. 7

    In regard to fruit, it is just as I thought, none to be had in line of grapes or peaches except the tasteless clingstones. Blackberries yet to come, apples are to be had reasonably. Everything in line of fruit and produce is higher than in Melbourne. Flour higher, milk fourpence. Well, I think the atmosphere better, more equable. I am sorry that I cannot do all I want to do, but I am just not going to worry about matters of minor importance. This must go now to the post office.9LtMs, Lt 146, 1894, par. 8

    But a word: you need not part with dried fruit, for I have nothing here to can of any value unless it be quinces and apples. Tomatoes are gone; peaches gone, all except clingstones. Plums all gone and there is simply nothing to can. I found them canning clingstones, which I stopped at once for they are simply tasteless and not of value to pay for cans to put them in. I think I will make sure of the fruit I have, and not run any risk of getting from America or any other place. All that fruit is choice and I do not feel generous enough to give it away. Had I sent over to Sydney someone to can fruit, it would have been wisdom, but no use to harbor vain regrets. The dried fruit will last us some time. The last batch which came to us from America to New Zealand cost me fourteen dollars, and I think it best for us to make as few of these extra bills as possible. When you come over, you can pack some dried fruit, like raisins, in dinner basket, some can be sent in little parcels, some can be stored away for future transportation, when we really need them. You will be coming and going and can bring a few packages for immediate use.9LtMs, Lt 146, 1894, par. 9

    I enjoyed the ride yesterday, slept nicely until half past four o’clock. My ride did me good. I am going to ride whenever I can, for I must get rested in this way. Twenty miles is a good big journey for me in one afternoon.9LtMs, Lt 146, 1894, par. 10

    We shall be glad to see you whenever you feel free to come. We are pleased with our household. Fannie has a room, the best in Brother McCullagh’s hired house. It is on a hillside and surroundings healthful. I must stop now.9LtMs, Lt 146, 1894, par. 11

    In much love.9LtMs, Lt 146, 1894, par. 12


    Twelve o’clock. Maude and May have been trying the stove and say it does not cook well, takes a long time to cook on it; May thinks our own stove had better come when the goods come. So I have opened this letter after it was sealed to tell you that the stove had better be crated ready to come, and if on further trial this stove will prove to do, I will write you the facts in the case.9LtMs, Lt 146, 1894, par. 13


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