Lt 132, 1894
White, J. E.; White, Emma
June 1894
Previously unpublished.
Dear Children:
I feel drawn close to you by living faith and experience. I will not draw you away from your duty, but you could help me so much if this was the will of our Saviour; but let the will of the Lord be done.9LtMs, Lt 132, 1894, par. 1
I have had serious difficulty with my heart. Some matters are constantly arising that bring pain to my heart, and then I have days of difficulty in breathing. If anything troubles me sleep departs from my eyes.9LtMs, Lt 132, 1894, par. 2
We have been occupying a house which I do like very much; it stands somewhat low. We were afraid it was not the best location for me, but in the providence of God a house of two stories upon a hill was offered to us for two dollars per month lower than the rent we now pay. Willie looked at the house before engaging the house we have occupied for the last three months. The rent was eighty pounds per year. We said too much, too much. But we obtain it now for sixty pounds per year. Then they had no stable for horse. Now there is a new stable built, costing fifty pounds, and we have the house for less rent. Times are hard, money is scarce, and yet the rents of houses are generally high. This house sits on a hill, very sightly, and the house has chambers. The sleeping rooms are above, and a wide covered piazza runs around two sides of the house. We can sit on the veranda if we choose. I have flattered myself I could breathe better occupying a chamber than below on first floor. We move into the house next Monday. The key is given to us on evening after the Sabbath.9LtMs, Lt 132, 1894, par. 3
In front of the house is a bed laid out in the form of a star and flowers are cultivated in it; the rest is a lawn. There is quite a distance from the house to the front gate, and two paved walks circle around the front yard, and there are six feet of garden next the boundary line, which is planted to beautiful flowers, shrubs, and trees. The extensive paved walk to the front entrance keeps all mud and soil from the feet. The back yard opens with a gate adorned with colored glass in a framework, and walking a short distance we open a gate leading to the barn for horses and carriage house. There is the henhouse, and the back gate, where is the carriage way.9LtMs, Lt 132, 1894, par. 4
A side gate to the left opens into a fine spot for garden. There are a few peas and cabbages growing, a small bed of strawberries, and quite a number of fruit trees. We will have to hire paddock for our horses and cow. We hope to get settled at once and I shall be so glad to get anywhere that I can breathe more freely.9LtMs, Lt 132, 1894, par. 5
When I am out riding all day I feel better, but when writing on the life of Christ I become so intensely engrossed I forget to breathe down low and soon I am in trouble. I had feared a few days since that my heart would fail me. At these times I suffer much pain and a great depression is upon me. But the Lord is my helper; I will not yield my faith. The Lord will sustain me.9LtMs, Lt 132, 1894, par. 6
I feel bad to see Willie not in good health. Since his long pull at Melbourne he has had slow fever—not down but not well—and he has had congestion more or less, of the brain through constantly being overworked. I feel so sorry for him. I wish he could have less mental taxation and more physical exercise; but one thing after another comes upon him, pressing him into work late at night, and so it has been for a long time.9LtMs, Lt 132, 1894, par. 7
Sunday June 13
Children, it is a very beautiful day and the days and nights surpass anything I have yet experienced in any country. This day we have a large gathering from all our churches in Parramatta. They pitch my large family tent and use it as a dining tent.9LtMs, Lt 132, 1894, par. 8
[Later.] Meetings commenced at half past ten and lasted all day. In the forenoon all the ministers present took part and the meeting was interesting and profitable. I spoke in afternoon and the Lord gave me freedom. Then followed a social meeting. Many precious testimonies were borne.9LtMs, Lt 132, 1894, par. 9
This is the third union meeting we have had. On two occasions it was decided best for as many as could conveniently come from Sydney, Parramatta, Kellyville, and Castle Hill to unite in meeting on Sunday at Seven Hills under the tent, which could accommodate all. We had very interesting meetings both forenoon and afternoon and evening. We knew that the universe of heaven were looking down upon us with rejoicing that so many souls had turned from darkness to light, from error to truth, from transgression of the law of God unto obedience.9LtMs, Lt 132, 1894, par. 10
Precious was this occasion, for the Lord signally blessed His people. We then at the close of the meeting stepped into our carriage, and by the light of the stars and our carriage lamps rode home, eight miles.9LtMs, Lt 132, 1894, par. 11
[P.S.] I am sorry I cannot do better for you in this mail, but I am pressed beyond measure with many things. The Vancouver mail goes.9LtMs, Lt 132, 1894, par. 12