Lt 96, 1894
Jones, C. H.
Norfolk Villa, Prospect Street, Granville, New South Wales, Australia
September 30, 1894
Previously unpublished.
Dear Brother Jones:
I send you a copy of a letter that mentions Brother Buster’s case. I wish this to come to Brother Bond at Healdsburg. I have been troubled in a dream concerning Brother Bond and Brother Fred Harmon who is in Nevada. Brother Bond seemed to be threatening Brother Harmon. Now light has been given me that Brother Bond has not done the right thing in regard to the transfer of property in the sight of God. The law of the land will in a business line call the matter all right, but the Lord will pass a different verdict in the judgment. I do not want that Brother Bond shall imperil his own soul; I want him to deal justly, to love mercy and walk humbly with God. Many things pass as current with the world that is condemned of God. If Brother Bond is not careful, he will oppress a brother because he can do this, and the Lord will not justify him in such a course of action. If he should follow his own spirit, he will not keep the way of the Lord.9LtMs, Lt 96, 1894, par. 1
The Lord reads the heart and He will not pass over a wrong done to His brethren. I have not received a letter from Brother Fred Harmon or his wife since I have been in this country, but I have received communications from God which I dare not lightly regard. I entreat of Brother Bond to pursue such a course that the Lord will not register in the books of heaven, “He is a hard man, oppressive to his brethren.” From the light given me of the Lord, all above that which he paid Brother Fred Harmon for his place should have been placed to the account of Fred Harmon. Of course, he will not see it in this light, but this is Christian. It is according to the light given us in the Word of God.9LtMs, Lt 96, 1894, par. 2
Will you please place this before Brother Bond, and if you cannot do it, place it in the hands of a judicious person who will show aptitude in dealing with Brother Bond. I have hoped that Brother Bond would be converted and that he would awaken to his God-given responsibilities and keep the way of the Lord. The testimony for Brother Bond I think is in his hands; if not, I will have the one I have copied and [will] send a copy to him.9LtMs, Lt 96, 1894, par. 3
The Lord is at the door, and we have none too much time to prepare for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. But if we lived in this world a thousand years, we should be happy if we were doers of the words of Christ, pure, loyal, and true to our highest interests. But how little we know how soon our accounts will be settled and our life work ended. Are we prepared? O, if we do not follow on to know the Lord we shall then never see His goings forth prepared as the morning. There are many who claim to be Christians who are not Christians in character. They are not molded after the divine similitude. “Let this mind be in you which was also in Jesus Christ.” [Philippians 2:5.] When this is so, there will be a love and tenderness in the soul that is after the divine similitude.9LtMs, Lt 96, 1894, par. 4
After dinner. I have come across the testimony for Brother Bond, Healdsburg, California (no date). “Brother Bond, when you told me you sold the place you bought or traded for with Brother Fred Harmon for four thousand dollars more than you gave him for the place, I said, ‘O, here is a severe test and proving for Brother Bond. I will look with interest to see if he bears the pruning of God. If he is sanctified to God, this test will develop the character of the Christian. He could not receive that money, four thousand dollars, as his own, for he did nothing to increase the value of the place, and that extra belonged to Brother Harmon, which he would certainly have done if he was keeping the commandments of God which govern character. You should deal justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.”9LtMs, Lt 96, 1894, par. 5
I have ten pages of letter written to Brother Bond, but cannot copy it now. Will send that which I have.9LtMs, Lt 96, 1894, par. 6