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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 9 (1894)

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    Lt 129, 1894

    White, J. E.; White, Emma

    Granville, Australia

    November 26, 1894

    Previously unpublished.

    Dear Son Edson and Daughter Emma White:

    I must write you a few lines upon my birthday. Yesterday by earnest request, Byron Belden and his wife Sarah Belden occupied seats in our phaeton and Jessie and Maggie took us to Pennant Hills. Another carriage, Brother Belden’s trap, and pony were used by May Lacey and Maude Camp, members of my family.9LtMs, Lt 129, 1894, par. 1

    We were invited to speak in a roomy chamber of Mr. Thomson’s store. There was a large, broad veranda running on two sides of his house. It was quite warm, and I found myself on the piazza alone, and a congregation waiting for me. I think one hundred could be accommodated on the balcony. We had not a large congregation, but I had perfect freedom in speaking from John 14:1-3. This meeting is to be the beginning of a series of meetings. We hope and pray that the Lord will work in this region. It is a most beautiful location amid orange and lemon groves, preach orchards, apricot and apple orchards.9LtMs, Lt 129, 1894, par. 2

    We then dined in the commodious house of Brother Schowe, the school teacher, living close by. Himself and family have embraced the truth and have been baptized. Here I met one who has a position in the bank. Himself and wife are excellent people. Both are deeply convicted. I had quite a long talk with the banker. He has been reading Brother Smith’s book, Daniel and Revelation and Spirit of Prophecy, Vol. 4, and he is deeply convicted. He says he never read such elevating, ennobling subjects. After the meeting we all rode to Brother Bradley’s, three miles, and purchased three large boxes of oranges. We did not reach home until it was dark. I am glad I went to Pennant Hills and did not disappoint them.9LtMs, Lt 129, 1894, par. 3

    Brethren Corliss and McCullagh have been holding tent meetings one mile from the camp meeting. Last Sabbath nine joined the covenant, and there are several now under conviction. We think there is a good work being done. When that vicinity is sufficiently worked, he moves the tent two miles nearer Sydney and commences work again. I am not so well as usual, but I shall keep writing and talking the truth.9LtMs, Lt 129, 1894, par. 4


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