Lt 174, 1896
Farnsworth, Brother and Sister
Sunnyside, Cooranbong, New South Wales
December 20, 1896
Previously unpublished.
Dear Brother and Sister Farnsworth:
I have had the enclosed [Ms 33, 1896] written and ready to go last mail, but was very sick. November 27 I was aroused in the night and the matter written was urged upon my mind. I am sorry it did not go in the last boat, but until yesterday I thought it had gone. Well, I have had a very severe sickness and have taken but two meals at the table since I returned to this place November 25. My birthday was passed in complete exhaustion. Oh, the tired head, the pain in stomach and bowels, commenced from twelve to one o’clock and lasted until four o’clock. Bloody flux set in and I suffered excruciating agony. I was relieved by using pulverized charcoal. The inflammation soon left me after taking this quite freely. Charcoal, sometimes a large spoonful dry and then moistening it with water—my experience is, it kills inflammation quickly.11LtMs, Lt 174, 1896, par. 1
The peaches, the few left on the tree, were delicious; the nectarines, the best I have ever eaten. The peaches left on the tree were saved for me. They were fresh and would just melt in my mouth. The branches of the apricots are growing still, fast. The spring corn from that one kernel reaches nearly eleven feet and still it [is] climbing, I think. This ground will bear anything. I shall try to get from some quarter [the] best of currant bushes, the best quality of strawberries and gooseberries. Those I think can be obtained in Tasmania.11LtMs, Lt 174, 1896, par. 2
Please remember, we are very pleased to hear from you any time you can write. I have not slept since two o’clock. I must lay down my pen.11LtMs, Lt 174, 1896, par. 3
11 o’clock a.m. Brother Connell has brought in a gathering of sweet corn for the noon meal, cucumbers, nearly a foot long, and a few small tomatoes.11LtMs, Lt 174, 1896, par. 4
I wish you could both spend some time in my home. I am glad you are pleased with my home. I cannot build a home for Brother James to occupy with his family. I cannot possibly do this. To build a home for Willie is the best I can do. I must do this when [I can] hire the money to do it. He will sell his home in America if he can. We must fix a place for his family. He may be absent one year.11LtMs, Lt 174, 1896, par. 5
I think of you all. I would be so pleased to visit in the family of Dr. Caro, who has ever treated me with respect. Sister Caro is my best and dearest sister. We are united in heart, and there has not, to my knowledge, been even one thing that has been unpleasant in our relationship. I want to thank Dr. Caro that, while he was not one with us in the faith, he was always kind and made my visits agreeable. If I could be with them all once more and visit with them, I should feel something like an eager friend to tell of the mercy and love and tenderness of my heavenly Father. All physical suffering draws me closer to my Saviour, and He is very precious to me.11LtMs, Lt 174, 1896, par. 6
Dear Brother and Sister Farnsworth, be sure you receive the golden oil emptied from the heavenly messengers into the golden bowl, to flow forth in golden rays of light to communicate to all you shall visit. Oh, [I] must have Jesus, precious Jesus. “Without Me ye can do nothing.” [John 15:5.] With Christ we can do all things. Praise His holy name. Let us praise Him and make melody to God in our hearts. Be cheerful, of good courage, hopeful, joyous, and yet go weighted with the Word, which is the Bread of life to bear to hungry, thirsting souls. We all need much more faith, much firmer trust, dependence upon Him who is back of the promise. Carry sunlight with you wherever you go. Lift Him up, the Man of Calvary, higher and still higher, and let your message be, Behold the Lamb of God, who taketh away the sin of the world.11LtMs, Lt 174, 1896, par. 7
In love.11LtMs, Lt 174, 1896, par. 8