Lt 52a, 1896
Israel, Sister
Cooranbong, New South Wales, Australia
April 21, 1896
Previously unpublished.
Dear Sister Israel:
I am writing to you, keeping my promise. And the Word of God is full of rich assurance and most precious promises. You ought to have more faith in God than in any human being. He loves you with a love greater than the love of a mother for her child. The Word of God declares a mother may forget her sucking child, yet I will not forget you. It is your privilege to rest in the love of Jesus for salvation, in the fullest, surest, noblest manner; and say, He receives me, He loves me; I will trust Him, for He gave His precious life to save me, and He does save every one who wants to be saved, and who believes in Him as their personal Saviour. And you can, in this growing and increasing, bear to the world the surest evidence of the truth of the Word of God, because you consent to be saved, you consent to let Jesus take away all your sins.11LtMs, Lt 52a, 1896, par. 1
There is nothing that can dispel doubt more than coming into contact with the character of Christ. He hath said it: “He that cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out” [John 6:37], that is, there is no possibility for Me to cast out, for I have given them My pledged word. I will receive them, I will manifest Myself to them. When you talk faith and practice faith, you are bearing a living testimony of the truthfulness of the Word of God.11LtMs, Lt 52a, 1896, par. 2
Is Jesus true? Does He mean what He says? Answer decidedly, Yes, every word. Then if you have settled that, you may by faith grasp every precious promise, and receive [it], and be blessed, for this acceptance by faith gives life to the soul today. Is Jesus true to His word? You can answer that question in your own individual case, believing He is true to you, even if you feel yourself to be the weakest and most unworthy. All your dark brooding doubts are scattered back upon the archdeceiver who originated them. In Satan is deception, is guile. Christ is truth, and in His mouth is found no guile.11LtMs, Lt 52a, 1896, par. 3
Christ came not to be ministered unto, but to minister and to give His life a ransom for many. His own divine power and Godhead given for Me? Yes. He declared, “He that hath seen Me hath seen the Father. I and my Father are one.” [John 14:9; John 10:30.] When challenged by the high priest, “I adjure thee by the living God that thou tell us whether thou be the Christ, the Son of God,” Jesus saith unto him, “Thou hast said.” The high priest knew just what that saying comprehended, and he turned and said, “He hath spoken blasphemy.” [Matthew 26:63-65.] Bear all this in your mind. The Saviour whom I know you love, is behind all His words, for His words are truth. Now look at His character, believe His words. Amid insult and scorn and mockery and rejection and shame is He not without guile? Then rest in His words of love, and honor Him by your faith.11LtMs, Lt 52a, 1896, par. 4