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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 11 (1896)

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    Lt 25, 1896

    Daniells, A. G.; Colcord, W. A.

    Cooranbong, Australia

    June 1, 1896

    Portions of this letter are published in 2SM 207; 1MR 264-265.

    Dear Brethren Daniells and Colcord:

    The letter sent to W. C. White was read to me in regard to matters at the Echo Office. Concerning the matter of Brethren Miller and Woods separating from the office, I would say that this is not good policy. Hold on to your educated workers. In Brother Miller’s case, I feel that I have a right to say something. I appropriated about £50, I think, to pay Sister Miller’s fare to America, that he might receive a better training for work. Is this to go for nothing? Were our plans all wrong in sending them to America? By no means let them go. You will find they are the very help you need. If, when cramped for means, you let your competent workers go, to set up business for themselves, you will in a short time wish you had them back.11LtMs, Lt 25, 1896, par. 1

    The question of finance can be managed nicely if all the workers will be willing, when there is a pressure for means, to accept less wages. This was the principle the Lord revealed to me to be brought into our publishing institutions. There will be plenty to do, and your work will need these very men. Should we not all be willing to restrict our wants at a time when money is so scarce? My husband and I worked on this principle. We said, The publishing house is the Lord’s institution, and we will economize, reducing our expenses as far as possible. The Lord requires self-sacrifice of all His servants to advance His work and make it a success. Let every worker now do his best to sustain and guard our publishing institution in Melbourne. Do not think that the Lord will be pleased to see this spirit control in all our institutions? We are to bring principle into the work. Jesus said, “He that will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.” [Luke 9:23.] Are we ready to follow Christ?11LtMs, Lt 25, 1896, par. 2

    Let each one who is receiving good wages for this trying time, when means are so scarce, be willing to make some sacrifice on his part <for Christ’s sake.> The Lord will respect the motive and the action, and will reward those who deny self in this line. Let us all act like those who serve the Lord Christ, and do their duty heartily as unto the Lord.11LtMs, Lt 25, 1896, par. 3

    The plan which you propose, we have seen tried in our work. We have let men go and set up business for themselves, and the result has been that their talent was lost to the work. When needed, they had an independent business of their own, and the work that should have flowed into the office was turned aside to the establishment that should never have become a rival institution.11LtMs, Lt 25, 1896, par. 4

    When my husband and I were both engaged in work in the office we received for years only $4 and afterwards $6 a week. Our work was needed, and we decided that until times should change, we would be content with a limited sum. The Lord blessed us in this. I repeat, Brethren Miller and Woods should not go. Hold on to them, and let each worker take as little wages as possible. I suppose the workers have not had an experience in this line of management under difficult circumstances, but they will need to gain it. Let us walk in the way of the Lord.11LtMs, Lt 25, 1896, par. 5

    Let the love of Christ reign in our hearts, and as laborers together with Him, we shall be willing to sacrifice something for the truth’s sake. The truth must be advanced. If we would be happy, we must join in the Saviour’s work of beneficence, and show that we appreciate what He has done for us. We need the love of Christ constantly abiding in the soul. This will make the work you are handling sacred. Selfishness will wither the soul and dry up the streams of love that should flow from it.11LtMs, Lt 25, 1896, par. 6

    Let us always bear in mind that he who is wedded to the cause of God will have deed interest that other souls may be saved, and with this end, he will be willing to practice self-denial, to endure self-sacrifice. Let us all consider what the Lord has done for us, and then let us show that we appreciate His self-sacrifice by following His example. We should have an interest in the work of God as our individual work, and we shall feel thus if we are ourselves rooted and grounded in the truth. The Lord Jesus Christ must be in our hearts as the blood is in the body, circulating through us as a vitalizing power.11LtMs, Lt 25, 1896, par. 7

    Let us make no mistake. The cause of God must be established in this country, and every one who has ability should use it to establish the work, putting his whole heart into the work. It is essential that work should be done, and we must understand that work does not degrade any man. We are all required to be diligent in business, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord. The only dishonor we know is rebellion against God. If we would resist temptations which assail us from without and within, we must make sure that we are on the Lord’s side, that the Lord of the truth is in our hearts, that He is as a faithful sentinel over our souls.11LtMs, Lt 25, 1896, par. 8

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