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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 11 (1896)

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    Lt 169, 1896

    Corliss, Brother and Sister


    April 1896

    Previously unpublished.

    Dear Brother and Sister Corliss:

    I entreat of you not to move hastily. No good will come of it if you do. Satan will put his powers to work wherever you are, and it is your privilege to cling to God with heart and soul and mind. Jesus is your Friend, your Elder Brother, and do not, I beg of you, become discouraged. Lift up your head and rejoice, for your redemption draweth nigh. We have all the trials we can bear everywhere. We can go to no place, we cannot make our home anywhere, but the representative of Christ is there to strengthen, to bless, to sustain, and to uphold. Jesus lives. He loves you and will work in your behalf, but do not one thread of planning for yourself. Your impetuous spirit must not drive you into difficulties. We will pray for you. We have had sore trials, in different cases, that would make us almost wild if it were not that we look to One who knows it all and who will not leave nor forsake us.11LtMs, Lt 169, 1896, par. 1

    If I had time I would write more. The power of Satan is broken over Sister Israel. Do not consider that what your children need is school, education. They need to learn, both of them, in the school of Christ. Mail must go.11LtMs, Lt 169, 1896, par. 2

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