Lt 169, 1901
Those Heading the Medical Missionary Work
July 24, 1901 [Typed September 3, 1901]
Portions of this letter are published in WM 181; SpTB #18 4. +
To Those who stand at the head of the medical missionary work,—
Why do you not make more decided efforts for the people of the Southern States? There are New Orleans, Memphis, St. Louis, and many other large cities in the South. Are there not souls to save in these places? Should not plants be made in them? I answer, Yes. There is a work to be done in this neglected field.16LtMs, Lt 169, 1901, par. 1
If the Lord calls upon any of His people to take up work in these places, let them not delay. Let them take up the work at once, giving the call to those in the highways and the byways.16LtMs, Lt 169, 1901, par. 2
Are there not some nurses and doctors who will go to the Southern states and devote their energies to helping those who are so greatly in need of help?16LtMs, Lt 169, 1901, par. 3
Health reformers are needed—men and women who are as true as steel to principle. Nurses are needed for the Sanitarium in Nashville. In this Sanitarium there are to be no meat, tea, or coffee. Plain, wholesome food is to be served in a way that will recommend health reform.16LtMs, Lt 169, 1901, par. 4
We praise the Lord that there is an awakening on the subject of health reform. There is much more yet to be done in this line. A mere assent to the truth will never save one soul.16LtMs, Lt 169, 1901, par. 5
Last night September 3, I was in <the vision of the night in> a meeting where a decided reformation was proposed in regard to missionary work. Medical missionary work should enter into the church. It is the duty of each church to make careful, judicious arrangements for the care of its poor and sick.16LtMs, Lt 169, 1901, par. 6
The work of health reform is years behind. Let all now lift with Dr. Kellogg, instead of hindering him. Let the ministers of the gospel seek to keep soul and body in purity and holiness. Our people should have stood staunchly by the Battle Creek Sanitarium. They should have shown themselves grateful for an institution where the principles of health reform are practiced. But some of our ministers have been far behind in this matter. Ministers and lay members have erred. From the experience of the past, with its mistakes and failures, we are to learn the need of greater dependence on God.16LtMs, Lt 169, 1901, par. 7
Every move made should receive careful consideration lest crooked paths be made and the lame be turned out of the way. New fields are opening, and the work is calling for laborers. Every church member should make efforts to circulate our literature.16LtMs, Lt 169, 1901, par. 8
Christ says, “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.” [Matthew 5:48.] Every true Christian will seek for perfection. This is our work. When men and women walk where Christ leads the way, they walk in safe paths.16LtMs, Lt 169, 1901, par. 9