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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 16 (1901)

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    Lt 149, 1901

    Jayne, J. E.

    St. Helena, California

    October 25, 1901

    Portions of this letter are published in Ev 89; 4MR 312-313.

    Dear brother,—

    Your telegram was received this morning. As it is Friday I cannot answer as fully as I would. I have already written eighteen pages of letter paper today, and should have rest, but I must write you a few words.16LtMs, Lt 149, 1901, par. 1

    I am much surprised at the way in which the work in New York is being managed. While we were at the General Conference, the Lord presented the city of New York to me as a field that has never been worked. One little corner has received some labor, but the work done was of such a character that it must never be repeated. Testimonies were sent to Elder Franke, reproving the spirit which he manifested toward those who came out from the world under his labors.16LtMs, Lt 149, 1901, par. 2

    God’s Word declares, “Ye have one Master, even Christ.” [Matthew 23:8.] The Bible and the Bible alone is to be our guide. Evangelistic work is not to be carried on in the selfish, self-exalted manner in which Elder Franke has carried it on. The means that come into the hands of the workers in the Lord’s cause belong to God and are to be used in an economical manner. When large sums of money are given to the work, let a portion of the means be laid by; for there will be emergencies to meet in the Lord’s great vineyard.16LtMs, Lt 149, 1901, par. 3

    The Lord presented before me the way in which the work should be carried on in our large cities. I was instructed by the Lord that Elder Haskell, who has a wide experience, should open up work in New York upon correct plans, commencing missionary work after the Lord’s order. Let no man interpose himself to block Elder Haskell’s way. His work can be hindered, but God forbid that it should be. Clear the way for the aged servant of the Lord. Help him all you can. Do not allow meetings to be held where they will draw people away from the very interest which the Lord desires to see advanced, that souls may be won to Christ.16LtMs, Lt 149, 1901, par. 4

    The plan to bring Elder Franke into New York now, when there are plenty of other places in which he can labor, is a mistake. God desires the work to be established in New York after His order. There are some who are deeply convicted, and nothing should be allowed to break up the interest.16LtMs, Lt 149, 1901, par. 5

    I must stop now in order to get this letter in the mail. As soon as possible I shall write more fully.16LtMs, Lt 149, 1901, par. 6

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