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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 17 (1902)

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    Lt 269, 1902

    Kellogg, J. H.

    St. Helena, California

    February [25?], 1902

    Not sent. Previously unpublished.

    Doctor Kellogg

    Dear Brother,—

    I wish to express to you my great sorrow that the Sanitarium is burned. I wish to say we are all praying for you, and we believe the Lord will teach you what is best for you to do. We have the consolation in the fact that there was in the destruction of human life but one. We feel afflicted over the thought of that one. When I consider, I know that the angels of God were presiding and that the horror which might have been in such a calamity was prevented.17LtMs, Lt 269, 1902, par. 1

    We feel dazed and know not what to say. But to see the providence of God in the saving of the lives of the patients is the working of the Lord’s power, and we will praise Him.17LtMs, Lt 269, 1902, par. 2

    The Lord is pleased when we do not bemoan the calamities that look discouraging, but will recognize the good hand of the Lord in all that He has done. The question will now be to watch the indications of providence in the matter of rebuilding on the old site, buildings not enormous and costly, but better adapted to the work. This will be your snare.17LtMs, Lt 269, 1902, par. 3

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